Chapter 182

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Two

This way of making chance encounters is also too clichéd.

But it’s interesting.

Gu Yan smiled slightly, and then leaned on the overpass.

Because of his appearance, everyone passing by the overpass must look at him.

Mainly no one can ignore the existence of Gu Yan.

Not only is there a strong sense of existence, but there is always a feeling that Gu Yan is the highly anticipated king and feels regretful without even looking at it.

Even Fang noticed.

Frowning slightly, the red rose in his hand dropped the outermost petal. He said to himself: “Mr. Yang never told me that there is such a person!”

Mr. Yang in Fang Xian’s mouth was the first big boss he rescued after he went down the mountain, and he was also the boss of the most powerful leading company in the entire cloud.

That’s why he was able to get people to check information for him.

This Gu Yan didn’t make any changes, first give him a bit of sweetness.

In the future, the cat will catch the mouse slowly.

It will definitely be more interesting, otherwise there will be no interest in playing.

After muttering a few words to himself, Fang Xian still shook his head, maybe he was just a passerby, why is there such a strong hostility?

Still waiting for Su Lixue well.

Gu Yan also noticed Fang Xian’s eyes, only smiled and turned around, put both hands on the railing of the overpass, and then looked down at the scene below.

Then a woman wearing a red dress and holding a small silver bag appeared.

It’s Ye Liuli.

Stepping on silver-white high heels and wearing sunglasses, she quickly walked onto the overpass, glanced at the overpass, and saw Gu Yan with her hands on the railing in the crowd.

This man cannot be ignored at any time.

Handsome and kingly temperament.

With a slight smile, Ye Liuli did not walk in the direction of Gu Yan, but walked across the rooftop step by step.

Fang Xian saw Ye Liuli among the crowd at a glance. It was very beautiful.

That must be his Su Lixue…

Quickly walked over, trying to pretend to bump into Ye Liuli, and then the two said hello, leaving the first impression.

Then she created some heroes to save the beauty and so on, which made her even more impressive.

At that time, the time had come to return to the Su family.

However, when Fang Xian walked over, Ye Liuli went to take out his mobile phone to make a call and slammed her body slightly. The two did not collide as expected.

Fang Xian was taken aback, how could this be?

Turning his head to watch Ye Liuli leave, Fang Xian quickly followed, and today he was looking for an opportunity anyway.

As soon as Fang left, the real Su Lixue appeared on the overpass.

Wearing a red short skirt, holding a silver small bag in his hand, he looked at the big wavy curly hair. He walked quickly from the overpass. He was going to the underground garage of the shopping mall opposite to drive.

Then go to the company.

“Benefactor, it’s you!” Su Lixue originally wanted to go directly to the opposite mall, but suddenly saw Gu Yan on the flyover.

The expression on his face was pleasantly surprised.

Yesterday the hero saved the United States, and today he appeared on the flyover again.

Could it be the destined fate of two people?

Gu Yan smiled slightly and looked at the woman in front of him. Faintly said: “The benefactor dare not be a benefactor. Yesterday was just a small effort. The girl doesn’t have to worry about it.

Upon hearing this, Su Lixue felt that her heart was about to melt.

It doesn’t matter if the person is handsome, I didn’t expect the voice to be so nice.

Absolutely 3.5

Benefactor, “Can I invite you to lunch together?” Su Lixue looked at Gu Yan obsessively, ignoring the ringing cell phone in her hand.

Gu Yan nodded slightly, and the two of them walked to the western restaurant across the bridge.

However, Fang Xian followed Ye Liuli out. After a while, when she found that she had gone to an antique shop, she always felt something was wrong.

When I was a child, Su Lixue liked painting the most. Why do I start to like antiques now?

It’s really wrong.

I made a phone call with my mobile phone and went out. The person on the other side found out about the situation before saying: “You have admitted the wrong person. That person is not the one behind Miss Su, but he has gone to a western restaurant with a man.”


Fang Xian came back this time because he wanted to do his career well, and then successfully stayed with Su Lixue.

Where did this man emerge from?

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