Chapter 25

Chapter 25 The Perfect Disguise

Gu Yan raised his left hand and glanced at his watch.

It’s half past two in the afternoon.

After calculating the time in his mind, he did not get out of the car the first time, but waited quietly.

Fifteen minutes later.

In some shabby corridor, a woman walked out.

The woman looks about thirty years old, good-looking, with a hot body. She is wearing a miniskirt and carrying a pair of high heels in her left hand. Her hair is a bit messy, and the smile on the corner of her mouth is full of charm and satisfaction.

She walked with a pair of long legs, still humming a little tune, and walked to the side of a Lamborghini.

Before getting in the car.

She also glanced at Gu Yan’s direction.

Throughout the dilapidated community, Gu Yan’s customized Rolls-Royce is so conspicuous that you can’t pay attention to it.

The woman winked in Gu Yan’s direction.

Then she started the Lamborghini, but did not sit in the main driver, but stretched out the lotus root arm and honked the horn.


Gu Yan’s face was calm, he didn’t even look at the woman, but at the watch.


Seeing that there was no movement, the woman rolled her eyes to Gu Yan in the air, then got in the car and drove away.

At the moment she left.

Gu Yan confirmed the current time.

A quarter past two.

The Tianding rally was held at nine o’clock in the evening, but Gu Yan knew the plot of the original book, knew everything, and knew that he had to go an hour in advance to meet someone.

It’s a good deal.

Gu Yan has to do what’s right now in five hours!

“System, see how many villains I have now?” Gu Yan said in his heart.

[Villain point balance: 2500. 】

“Upgrade intermediate fighting to master fighting!”

【update successed! 】

Residential building, five floors.

Gu Yan raised his hand and knocked on the iron door in front of him.

After a while, a gentle middle-aged man wearing glasses opened the door. He was shirtless and only wore a flowery pants.

He held the door with one hand, and his other hand was behind him.

“Who are you?”

The man looked at Gu Yan with alertness and a familiar feeling in his eyes.

He always feels like he has seen Gu Yan somewhere…

“Lin Bai, let me interview you. How does Wang Zilong’s woman feel when she sleeps?”

“Guess if he knew about it, would you be thrown into the Huangpu River to feed the fish?”

Gu Yan smiled gently and said softly.

“Grass!” Lin Bai’s expression suddenly changed, and he took a few steps back quickly, and at the same time pulled out the hand behind his back!

In his hand, he held a dark iron tool.


I want to aim the gun directly at Gu Yan.

However, he thought too much.

Gu Yan directly kicked Lin Bai’s face with a fierce whip.

Lin Bai fell to the ground fiercely, spit out a mouthful of blood, and the gun in his hand was also thrown away, smashing a mirror in the living room.

Instantly lose the ability to resist.

“This friend, we have no grudges and no grudges, what do you want, money? Or a woman?”

Lin Bai spit out another mouthful of blood and looked up at Gu Yan, calculating in his heart.

There is actually a gun hidden around his waist!

As long as he delays time and takes the initiative to let Gu Yan distract, then he can directly kill this person!

It doesn’t matter who Gu Yan is.

But if he knows his secret, he absolutely can’t live!

“In fact, Wang Zilong knew that you slept with Sasha, but he doesn’t lack this woman, and doesn’t want to be too stiff with you because of this.”

“Also, you used inferior materials to reduce the cost of the project and get the price difference. He can also ignore you.”

“But you have to do something for him.”

Gu Yan sat on the chair with his legs folded, looking condescendingly at Lin Bai, speaking without hurriedness.

This time.

Lin Bai was completely dumbfounded, fear appeared in his expression.

Who is this person anyway?

Why does he even know this? !

Is this the killer Wang Zilong sent to kill himself?

Do not!

Not like it!

Having been with Wang Zilong for more than ten years, Lin Bai knew his temperament.

This person is extremely insidious, he treats everyone with a clear price, and if he finds a betrayer, he will kill him personally without hesitation.

If Wang Zilong knew about these things he had done, he would die ten times less!

But he is not dead yet!

Explain what?

Or Wang Zilong doesn’t know these things at all, and the young man in front of him is making up his mind.

Either Wang Zilong wanted to give himself a chance and thought he was still useful, so he couldn’t just kill like that. He didn’t have time to participate in the Tianding rally today, so he sent such a person to negotiate terms with him.

Anything is possible.

But now Lin Bai can only choose to believe the second one!

Because whenever he chooses the first one, let alone whether Wang Zilong knows those things, he will definitely fall into a predicament immediately.

Pick the second one, there is still room for maneuver!

“What do you want me to do?”

As Lin Bai spoke, he put his hand on the right side of his neck.

It seems that he is covering the wound, but he is actually putting his hand in a comfortable place. If something happens suddenly, he can touch the last gun on his body in at least two seconds!

“Call and tell the people from Tenglong Real Estate to go to Li’s house and steal something out according to Wang Zilong’s instructions.”

“and also……”

Gu Yan said this, paused, and then shot.

He kicked Lin Bai’s waist, causing him to turn around on the spot, revealing his back.

Afterwards, he stretched out his hand and pulled out the pistol from his waist!

The other hand took the pillow on the next sofa and wrapped it around the muzzle!

Load up, fire!


Lin Bai was shot in the leg!

The sound of gunshots was dull and not low, but it was much lower than the decibels of normal gunshots. Some of them were like the sound of a cork popping out after shaking a wine bottle.

Even the neighbor next door would not hear this sound, and would not consider it to be a gunfire.


Lin Bai was hit in the leg, blood flowed out, his face was distorted, huge pain swept through his body, holding his thigh and screaming.

“Also, don’t think I dare not kill you.”

Gu Yan threw the pierced pillow aside at random, and said calmly: “You are alive or dead, now it’s my decision.”

“But the eight catties of gold bars you put in Wang Zilong’s place, you haven’t had time to get it back.”

“Listen to me, Wang Zilong might be able to let you go, this matter is very important to him, don’t listen to me…”

“You will die, and no one knows your death, understand?”

Everything went smoothly according to plan.

Gu Yan wanted Lin Bai to believe that he was sent by Wang Zilong to punish him and let him atone for his sins.

Only in this way, when Lin Bai is doing errands, he will not look left and right, and do some small actions.

It is difficult to make Lin Bai afraid of himself, after all, he doesn’t know who he is.

But wanting Lin Bai to be afraid of himself because he is afraid of Wang Zilong, it is very simple!

Gu Yan knows a lot of dirty things about Lin Bai.

But he specifically singled out three of them, divided them by severity, and said them at different time points, and then gave Lin Bai a feeling that he could kill him at will.

Let Lin Bai think that Wang Zilong already knows all his dirty things, but because he still has utility value, he sent himself over to let him choose.

Do things honestly, or just die like this!

There is no third way!

The perfect disguise!

ps: The second thing is to ask for some data, the author has all night codewords. *

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