Chapter 263

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Three: Receiving the Net

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Three: Receiving the Net

Hearing that the opposite party had hung up the phone, Liu Quan turned around and looked at Gu Yan and Shen Wanqi.

The two people were sitting on the chairs over there, chatting happily. They didn’t know what Gu Yan said. Shen Wanqi had a bright smile on her face, which Liu Quan had never seen before.

And the two people have a warm posture just now,

[Ding, Child of Fortune, Aura Weakness 68%, Blacken Degree 80%]

The voice of the system rang in Gu Yan’s mind again. He curled his lips and smiled, then stood up and said hello to Shen Wanqi and was about to leave. The goal has been achieved, so there is no need to stay.

Now it is time to see how the Zheng Group will withdraw shares of its own company in the midst of the swaying wind and rain.

Shen Wanqi chased her out, but because she kept her head down, she accidentally bumped into Gu Yan’s back.

When Gu Yan turned his head, the two were about to stick together.

Shen Wanqi smelled a faint scent of vegetation and felt particularly comfortable. He raised his head to look at Gu Yan, blushing and heartbeat.


“Miss Shen, don’t be so reckless in the future.” Gu Yan was not angry, and even carefully asked if he had turned to.

This really made Shen Wanqi completely fall into his tenderness.

Are there really handsome and gentle men in the world?

Before meeting Gu Yan, if someone asked Shen Wanqi this sentence, he would definitely say how could there be such a perfect person in the world.

But now it’s different, refreshing Shen Wanqi’s understanding of the world.

Gu Yan is an extremely perfect man.

Elegant, handsome and gentle together!

Two people are still standing here, Liu Quan over there is already so thin that blood and blood flowed up, so when I walked over, I suddenly saw a familiar person, Qin Long from the Panlong Club, and went straight to Gu. Yan.

Liu Quan didn’t know the rest, because the three of them entered the innermost private room, and he wanted to wait for them to come out.

But Zheng Mingyang’s phone call asked him to go to the company as soon as possible, so he could only leave first.

I blamed Gu Yan for everything.

People in Huadu can’t find them, so he can’t find people in other cities to come and help.

Those people should be happy to do this for him.

Because the Zheng Group is a large company, it needs tens of millions of funds for turnover this time. Those former friends did not have the money to borrow him, because the economic crisis that Huadu encountered was not only for one company, but for the entire city.

Everyone has to take care of their own company, how could they lend money out.

In the end, they sold shares of some companies and prepared to use the money from those company shares to save the company.

“Mr. Zheng, we have already thrown out 30%. If we go out a little bit, the company will most likely fall into the hands of others in the future.” Seeing Zheng Mingyang still want to buy the company’s shares, the company’s shareholders began to Up.

Because many people were advising, the sheep did not continue to sell the company’s shares in the end, but chose to find someone to borrow money.

When meeting Liu Quan, a good idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

“The company’s shares have been sold out by more than half, and now it takes 5 million to make the company survive this economic crisis, or you can sell your company first.”

When Zheng Mingyang said this, Liu Quan’s eyes widened at once.


“This is a company I founded with my own hands. I will never sell it. I have already given you two million million last time. This time the company still has an income, which should be around two hundred.”

Liu Quan can accept everything, except that he can’t accept selling this company because he has special feelings for this company.

Never allow others to do this.

When Zheng Mingyang heard this, there was a vicious look in the old spicy eyes, “As long as you are willing to sell the company and let the company overcome the difficulties, this time as long as the difficulties are overcome, I will immediately transfer all the legal persons of the company to you. From then on, the entire Zheng family belongs to you.”

Although this condition was really attractive, Liu Quan still did not agree.

He even shook his head, “I will never sell the company. As long as the two million are paid, I will transfer it to you immediately.”

After speaking, he just stood up and left, absolutely not allowing Zheng Mingyang to make his company’s ideas again.

This is his painstaking effort.

Two things he valued most in his life, one was the wedding with Shen Wanqi, and the other was his company.

He doesn’t care about the others.

Prove that you still remember kicking the table, and then you can only stand up and continue to think of ways, hoping that the economic crisis can pass quickly.

When Gu Yan returned to the villa, Su Lixue was sitting in front of the computer and slapped it. After a long time, she finally stopped, and then she held a bag of potato chips in her hand and watched the economic trends. .

At this time, Gu Yan received a call, and he received a message from someone else.

Zheng Mingyang asked Liu Quan to sell the company to help the entire Zheng Group tide over the difficulties.

After hearing these news, Gu Yan’s face showed an interesting smile, and it seemed that it was time to start working on another plan of his own.

“Lixue, give them another stern thing, we must force them to throw out 20% of the company’s shares to survive this time of difficulty, and it is best to swallow up Liu Quan’s company.”

Hearing Gu Yan’s words 233, Su Lixue immediately put down the potato chips in her hand, and then tapped on the keyboard again.

She is sure about this matter.

This actor had just left the coffee shop and returned to the company. When he was about to think of a solution, he suddenly received a message that the economic crisis has worsened once again, and now their company must inject more than tens of millions of funds.

Otherwise the company will face bankruptcy.

Looking at the numbers beating above, Zheng Mingyang’s head was dizzy.

When has he encountered such a thing since he ran the company, and why did it become like this this time?

Is there someone behind the scenes?

“Mr. Zheng, many companies have begun to inject capital, and those companies that have injected capital have stabilized. If we continue to do this, I am afraid that even the salary of the company’s employees will not be able to be paid!”

Zheng Mingyang, who rushed into the office to report by himself, almost turned his back when he heard these words. .

Why this time the economic crisis has come so aggressively, and there is no sign of it.

“How many shares do I have on hand?”

“Mr. Zheng, do you still have 20% of the shares you want to sell out?” The man looked up at Zheng Mingyang. The two looked at each other, and no one spoke for a while.

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