Chapter 269

Chapter 269 is a bit exciting

Chapter 269: An Exciting Start

Two days after solving Liu Quan, Gu Yan didn’t get any new tasks.

After three days, Shen Wanqi invited Gu Yan again.

Invite him to meet at Longteng Hotel in the afternoon. In fact, Shen Wanqi has made enough preparations to dedicate herself to Gu Yan, because she decided to be brave for herself.

Get something for yourself, not forever.

Not always be a coward.

Gu Yan agreed. On the afternoon of the appointment, he cleaned up and headed to the Longteng Hotel. Just when he got there, he saw Shen Wanqi standing at the door.

Calm and relaxed, completely different from the first time I saw her.

There is no such embarrassment and anxiety, and there is no such embarrassment.

With the confidence that exudes from the inside out.

“Mr. Gu,” Shen Wanqi yelled cordially, and took the initiative to hug Gu Yan’s hand, “I want to thank you for asking you this time.”

Gu Yan felt the weak boneless hand for a moment, and gently put it on his arm, and the two walked in quickly.

He is an elegant villain, even if he kills those lucky children time and time again, his layout has always been rigorous and cautious, and there will be no meaningless mistakes.

He is an artist with perfect behavior.

He is the most elegant, gentle and perfect man in the world.

Late at night, Shen Wanqi finally got him.

Lying next to Gu Yan, Shen Wanqi hugged him gently. She had never dedicated herself to someone so proactively. This was the only time, and there will only be a man like him in the future.

“Go to sleep.

Gu Yan gently patted Shen Wanqi’s face. After she was asleep, Gu Yan slowly got up from the bed and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window.

It’s almost a week, but the system hasn’t triggered any new tasks yet on the birthday.

What’s happening here?

Gu Yan, who has been thinking about it for a long time, is a bit unable to sleep. He is used to drinking a glass of red wine late at night, with Ye Liuli by his side on weekdays.

Will be ready for him in the middle of the night.

Now, Gu Yan can only call the front desk to deliver it. After the delivery, he stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, gently shaking the red wine in the glass, and jumping his eyes to look at everything outside.

I am looking forward to the new son of luck.

The next day.

Gu Yan and Shen Wanqi had just gotten up, and when they were going to have a meal, a voice came out of his mind.

[Ding, the new son of luck has appeared, the protagonist of the son of luck, Lin Bei”

(Ding, congratulations to the host for unlocking the new son of luck, rewarding villains with 1 million points)

(Ding, there is a new plot on the third floor of Longteng Hotel, please go to the host)

The three messages in a row made Gu Yan stunned. He raised his watch and glanced at it lightly. It was 12 noon.

What plot will there be?

“Wanqi, I won’t accompany you for dinner, I have something to deal with temporarily.” Gu Yan gently patted the back of Shen Wanqi’s hand, she was taken aback and soon a bright smile appeared on her face.


Although there was a little loss in her heart, Shen Wanqi did not show it, because she had already figured out that there must be countless women around someone as good as Gu Yan.

It is extremely lucky that he can become his woman.

Others are no longer extravagant, so you should not stop him from doing what he wants to do, otherwise it will be a bit unreasonable.

Seeing Shen Wanqi leaving obediently, Gu Yan nodded.

It’s pretty well-behaved.

He went all the way up to the third floor, and just as soon as he went up, he heard the sound of crying. He has no habit of eavesdropping, but after all, this was released by the system, saying that there is a new plot here.

“Shiman, I already told you that he won’t come back, don’t continue to wait for him here!

It was a young woman who was talking, and a young woman in a white wedding dress sat across from her. She couldn’t see her face clearly. Gu Yan continued to listen to them communicating inside.

“I believe him.” The woman in the wedding dress showed a trace of expression on her face, like longing and sad. “I had already sent a message to him some time ago, and he said that he will definitely come back and won’t let me. Marry that guy Bai Jian’an.”

After hearing this sentence from him, the atmosphere in the air was slightly solemn.

After a long time, I heard the young woman’s voice again.

“Don’t be stupid anymore. If he comes back, he will come back long ago. Now there are only three or four hours before you get married in the afternoon. Are you sure you want to continue waiting for him?”

After this sentence was asked, the woman in the wedding dress stopped talking.

There was also a systematic voice in Gu Yan’s mind, and he began to explain the character Lin Bei.

[Lin Bei: I joined the army many years ago, and later he became a mercenary because of a difference in thought. Later, he formed a mercenary team. It is a big force and he is cautious.][The heroine Bai Shiman; grew up with Lin Bei’s childhood sweetheart, and the relationship between the two is very good. Since childhood, they promised to marry her.”

Afterwards, through some bits and pieces provided by the system, Gu Yan has already understood the general plot of the book.

Bai Shiman and Lin Bei grew up together, and they had a very good relationship. After Lin Bei’s parents died, he and the orphan Bai Shiman depended on each other for fate. Later, Bai Shiman was adopted by the Bai family.

Because of the Bai family, Lin Bei left Huadu and went to join the army.

There has been no news for many years, and it was not until some time ago that Lin Bei made contact with Charmaine Bai.

When Bai Shiman was full of hope, he was told by the Bai family that the seriously ill Bai Jianan who was going to marry their Bai family wanted to give him joy and hope that he could wake up.

Therefore, this marriage is nothing but entertainment.

No one took her seriously.

She is just a tool for joy.

(Good) Gu Yan finished understanding the situation and left the third floor gently. The so-called new plot should be to hear the two of them talk, and then he can plan the next thing.

The beginning of the story is that Charmaine Bai is going to be married to someone else to cheer.

After Lin Beihui rushed back to clean up the Bai family’s meal at the last minute, he confessed to Bai Shiman in front of everyone, and the plot went smoothly afterwards.

Just pretending to slap her face all the way, Charmaine Blanc accepted him smoothly, and the two began a happy life together.

The routine is the same.

Gu Yan also intends to use the old method to let his own people stop Lin, who came back, to become the heroine who is the hero to save the United States. This time, the heroine is deeply attracted by the heroine Bai Shiman.

It also planted a fuse in the relationship between the two of them.

As long as the fuse reaches this fuse at a certain time, it will spontaneously ignite, explode with a bang, and blow Lin Bei’s body with cuts and bruises.

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