Chapter 276

Chapter 276 Hongmen Banquet

Chapter 276: I’m Sorry

Before Liu Feifei had finished speaking, Lin Bei looked up at her.

The eyes were extremely terrifying, like a devil coming from hell. With that bloodthirsty smile, Liu Feifei couldn’t help but was stunned, and both legs and hands began to tremble.

She had never seen such a person.

so horrible!

“Shut up.” Lin Bei said indifferently, and then looked at Bai Shiman on the opposite side: “I will help you solve this group of people from the Bai family. Then you can leave the life of the Bai family.”

When Bai Sheng heard these words, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Beilai.

How does he feel that this person is familiar.

I just can’t remember who this person is.

“Need not.”

Shiman Bai shook his head and refused, and then said softly: “You don’t have to worry about my affairs in the future. Since you are back, you can live a good life, and we will also reduce the chance of meeting.

After speaking, Charmaine Blanc was about to turn around and go back.

Tomorrow he will liquidate and see how much money he can get back after he has handed in all the design drafts.

Leave a part of life, and give the other part to everyone.

Negotiate an amount with them and never give more in the future.

As long as the money is paid off, she will be relieved.

“So this little white face still wants to pay back our Bai family money for you,” Ji Yue smiled mockingly on her face. !”

Hearing this number and the last sentence, Charmaine Blanc’s face suddenly changed.

“You can eat rice, but you can’t talk nonsense. If you say something that insults me, I don’t mind doing it to you first. Anyway, I decided to break away from your Bai family.”

Bai Shiman clenched his fists tightly, what did Ji Yue mean?

She has kept her duty in the Bai family for so many years, so why insult her so much!

She just said that. Ji Yue sneered. Just as he was about to speak, Lin Bei had already furiously stepped forward and kicked him in the stomach. He sat on the ground, clutching his stomach and yelling nonstop.

Immediately afterwards, drops of sweat fell on his head.

“With me, no one can hurt Shiman!”

Lin Bei’s eyes were like sharp eagle eyes, sweeping over everyone present, Liu Feifei couldn’t help but tremble, and then she sat limp on the ground.

too frightening.

Hearing this sentence, Yum suddenly remembered. When Bai Jian’an bullied Shiman Bai, a person once spoke for her and said this sentence.

“Are you Lin Bei?”

It seemed that he couldn’t believe it, so Bai Sheng asked gently, just to confirm.

Lin Bei nodded, then gently raised his lips.

“Unexpectedly, after so many years, Master Bai still remembers me as a character.” Lin Bei stood in front of Shiman Bai, seeming to want to block all the storms for her.

Shiman Bai did not speak.

Bai Sheng clenched his fist tightly, then yelled at the inside: “Everyone, come out for me!”

Just after yelling, all the bodyguards inside rushed out, about twenty or so, every one of them was wearing a black suit and sunglasses. All of these people were practicing families.

All the Bai family invited to escort the self-built security.

Seeing these people appearing, Shiman Bai was slightly anxious. In any case, the two of them grew up together.

It’s also a relative, it’s an elder brother.

Even if Lin Bei really disappointed her this time, she still took a step forward, “You go quickly.”

“I wounded my son at the beginning, and I was looking for him everywhere. I didn’t expect this kid to hide away as a tortoise. Now he has finally returned. I must seek revenge for Jian’an!”

Bai Sheng took a deep breath. The bodyguards gave him a glance, and then rushed in the direction of Lin Bei.


Bai Shiman didn’t know that when Lin Bei’s real strength was about to let him run, Lin Bei had already taken the lead, and the front one, then began to use his abilities.

Within a few minutes, all the security guards in front of him were leveled on the ground. Everyone was sorrowful, and no one dared to stand up again.

They are all scared.

“You guys stand up and give me a ride, what are you doing! Bai Sheng” shouted out these bodyguards, but he paid a lot of money to invite them.

Why did you just lie here after playing less than two rounds?

Has this Lin Bei become so powerful?

………… Flowers……

Two more people who wanted to seek performance in front of him rushed up, but before they rushed up, they were overturned by Lin Bei again, and they directly interrupted their hands and feet on the ground.

After that, no one dared to go up again.

They don’t want to die.

“Lin Bei, you, you. Bai Sheng” pointed to Lin Bei’s hand, trembling all the time, and couldn’t say a word of anger at the end.

Lin Bei wanted to pull Charmaine’s hand back, but she took a step back.

We separated from him again.

Feeling this, Lin Bei felt a bit lost, but he didn’t say much, after all, he had just returned, and he also missed a good opportunity for the hero to save the United States.

It is normal for Charmaine Blanc to be like this now, after all, the two have not seen each other in so many years.


“One hundred million, right, I will deliver it at noon tomorrow. Before that, if you dare to have any thoughts about Shiman, I must destroy the entire Bai family!”

After Lin Bei finished speaking these words, he turned and looked at Charmaine Bai.

“Good job, I will find money tonight, and I will deliver it to the Bai family tomorrow noon to help you break away from them.” After Lin Bei finished speaking, he got in the car and drove away.

He wanted to take Charmaine Beth, but she didn’t want to.

Then wait another night, as long as he asks the brothers to send the money tonight, he can come here tomorrow to take Charmaine away.

He performed countless mercenary missions, and the rewards for those missions were extremely high.

Don’t say one billion, he has one billion.

Seeing that the farce was over, Shiman Bai took a faint look at Jiyue, who was still lying on the ground, and Liu Feifei, who was lying on the ground, and then went straight into the villa.

“Charmaine Blanc, you must make this clear!”

Before Bai Shiman went upstairs, Ji Yue stumbled in with his stomach shaking.

“If you hadn’t framed Jian’an in the first place, how could he be labeled as what he is now? It’s all because of you, so you must be happy!”

Jiyue now seemed crazy, she didn’t expect it. Such excellent two people are actually willing to make their heads for Charmaine.


The woman’s jealousy surged to her head, and now Jiyue rushed up and wanted to beat Shiman White, but she went straight into the room.

“Crazy woman!” and

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