Chapter 292

Chapter 292 The scheming is very deep

Chapter 292: I’m sorry


Lin Bei yelled, “What would happen if the person inside tonight was you? Have you ever thought about it?”

Shiman Bai closed his eyes, “You don’t have to worry about these, Brother Lin Bei, you don’t have to worry about my affairs in the future, you just treat me as if I don’t know what is good or bad.

In order to draw a clear line, Charmaine Blanc still yelled.

After all, they grew up together, if they didn’t even yell their brother, then she didn’t know what was good or bad.

“Shiman, you…

“Ming,” Ji Yue’s sneer sounded again. “People don’t take you seriously at all. I didn’t expect you to stick to it. I think you are really cheap!”

Bai Sheng never said a word.

After hearing what Ji Yue said, she turned her head and gave him a fierce look.

“Mr. Lin “Two and Five Zero”, since Shiman has already said that he will not go with you, then please leave our Bai family.” Bai Sheng took a deep breath and looked at Bai Shiman’s appearance, he suddenly thought A lot of young women are up.

Fresh and refined, beautiful and pleasant.

She carries her own unique arrogance, and she never bullies her casually. Others are perfect to the utmost.

The former Charmaine Blanc was only stubborn and didn’t dare to lose his temper, and there was no gleam of confidence in his eyes, so the woman from many years ago was very different.

But it’s different now, it’s really alike.


The expression of a balloon was already on Lin Bei’s face, and Xiaoying felt sad for her boss.

Outside, Lin Bei’s identity is frightening. Few people dare to provoke him. Even the richest man has to give him some face. After all, he only needs to say a few words casually.

The richest man is likely to die.

If that’s the case, what’s the use of money? Anyway, it’s lifeless.

“You don’t need to say any more, I won’t go with you.”

After speaking, Charmaine Blanc slowly walked to the living room, looking at him like this, she couldn’t help but miss the old woman in her heart, and there was a touch of infatuation in her eyes.

Ji Yue stared at Lin Bei at first, but then turned around and saw the obsessive expression on Bai Sheng’s face.

Looking at Shiman Bai’s back, he actually showed a slight smile.

In this way, Jiyue started to get mad, he certainly knew why Bai Sheng showed such an expression, it was nothing more than because the woman Bai Shiman looked too much like his first love.

Charmaine Blanc is his first love daughter.

“Mr. Lin, you heard what Shiman said just now, you can go.” After Bai Sheng finished speaking, he made a please gesture.

Xiaoying and Huzi immediately stepped forward to two people, with a hint of killing intent in their eyes.

When did their boss suffer such a grievance?


Lin Bei stared at Shiman Bai’s back for a few times, and finally gritted his teeth, and only said this word. It seems that Shiman Bai has already misunderstood him, and he must find a way.

After Lin Bei left, the whole family sat in the living room.

Liu Feifei has been taken into the house, she passed out after crying in the corridor just now. It’s still unconscious.

“Bai Shiman, there were too many people just now, so I have never said about you. Now I want to ask carefully, is Feifei’s matter related to you?”

Originally, the plan tonight failed, and Jiyue didn’t want to be too aggressive.

But she just saw the obsessive look in Bai Sheng’s eyes, and he couldn’t calm himself down completely.

This account must be calculated.

“Auntie, you laughed, how could my cousin’s affairs have anything to do with me? My drinking volume has always been good, don’t Auntie know?” There is a decent smile on Charmaine Blanc’s face, the only thing she has to do now The thing is to find out the truth.

Even if she bears the burden of humiliation, she will stay at Bai’s house.

Uncover the mystery of the year by yourself, and then avenge your parents.

Just relying on the diaries written by Bai Sheng, although there are some shadows, after all, there is no real hammer. Even if the evidence is added, those people will definitely not believe it.

She wants to follow the vine.

Pretend to be obedient and find out the truth when they are defenseless.

The most important thing is to make Bai Sheng believe in himself and enter the company smoothly, because his parents were also the richest man in the famous party, and his family also had a big business.

Suddenly fell lonely later, and he must have no relationship with the Bai family.

Maybe someone in the company will know that after the two companies are merged, there will always be old people from the past.


What Bai Sheng recalled in his heart was the beautiful woman back then, that is, Charmaine Bai’s mother…

After hearing Bai Shiman yell, he raised his head suddenly, looked at her with a smile, and said, “Tell me what happened tonight. Although the protagonist is not me, I can’t stay in our company. Go down.”

“Bai Shiman!

When Ji Yue heard these words from Charmaine White, he knew what she wanted to do, and immediately yelled a few times.

Standing up and shouting, “You are really with you.

Before finishing the next words, Bai Sheng stood up all of a sudden, slapped her face with a slap, slapped her dizzy and buzzed in her ears.

When she raised her head, she felt that her face was hot and painful.

“If you dare to say one more thing, believe it or not, tomorrow you will pack up things for me and roll the stuff at home, you won’t get anything!” Bai Sheng seemed to be really angry and roared.

Looking at the expression on her face, Ji Yue just opened her mouth in the end without saying a word.

She knew that there was nothing good about mentioning that woman?

“Okay, don’t regret it!” After Ji Yue finished speaking, he turned and went upstairs. Bai Sheng seemed to feel a little embarrassed, and he didn’t know where to put his hands.

“Uncle, I think it’s financial management, can I go to the company to do things?” Bai Shiman asked softly again, this is her first step.


After Bai Sheng finished speaking, he briefly confessed a few more words before going upstairs to rest. Bai Shiman sat in the living room, and she looked at the scene where she had just been hot 3.5.

Can not help but gently clenched his fists.

“Parents, for so many years, I have been coming here in a daze, and now I will find out the truth about your deaths back then.”

After speaking these words to himself, Charmaine White returned to the room on the top floor, which was temporarily cleaned up, and he would not live in her room again.


Gu Yan here did not go back after leaving Bai’s house. Instead, he was sitting in the car smoking a cigarette on a road near his home.

Smoky, the windows of the car slowly fell down, listening to the people outside reporting everything.

A deep smile appeared on Gu Yan’s face.

[Ding, the child of luck, the degree of Blacken is 59%, the child of luck’s aura is weakened by 62%,

[Yes, I successfully changed my plot and rewarded the villain with 120,000 points].

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