Chapter 325

Chapter 325 Yes, it’s me

Chapter 325: That’s right, it’s me

“I said, two,” Bai Sheng looked at the two police officers in front of him, “you will take people away when you come up like this. It’s not good, at least you have to give me a reason.”

With so many people in the company still behind, Bai Sheng really feels that he can’t get off the stage.

They said they were about to break free of their own hands, but the two people took out something bright from their pockets and buckled them directly on his hands, making him unable to escape.

“Aren’t you catching the wrong person?” Bai Sheng still had the last glimmer of hope in his heart.

There are so many things that have happened recently, and he always feels that these two people are really the same for himself.

But what if you got it wrong?

Yes, just in case.

“The person we arrested is you. We have received the evidence of tax evasion and tax evasion by the Bai Group, and we have all the real evidence that you killed those people before. Come with us.”

After the two people finished talking, they took Yum to the car, and he didn’t even react.

After this wave of people has left, another wave of people will come.

All the people in the company stopped work, then expelled them all, and finally let the Bais Group close its doors and put labels on them.

The action was extremely fast. At 343 hours before the sun set in the afternoon, Bai Sheng had already been convicted.

death penalty.

Because he was punished for multiple crimes, many people were killed before the addition, and there were commercial crimes, etc., which was enough for him to die once.

When Bai Shiman received the news, there was no surprised expression on his face.

Everything in the Bai family will be taken back, and Ji Yue will also be taken away for investigation.

“I am not from the Bai family. I am the one who sent you information this time. They killed my parents back then. I hope you can re-examine the case that year.

Shiman Bai was wearing a blue cotton and linen dress, looking at the people who came to investigate, her expression was very calm.

She matched all the information she had collected during this period, and in the end she also followed, but it was not to catch her.

Just to ask.

As for Bai Jian’an’s death, few people took care of it, because he was a dying person, and he might die at any time, even if checked by the hospital.

Nothing was found.

Bai Sheng and Ji Yue had already recruited everything. When they heard the news of Bai Jian’an’s death, both of them opened their eyes wide.

Started to struggle frantically.


“Let go, I’m going to see my son.”

Even Jiyue next to him beat the office worker next to him like crazy, shouting loudly: “I’m going to see my son, I’m going to see my son!”

No one took care of them, and finally Bai Jian’an was sent to cremation according to normal procedures.

His urn was left alone in the cremation field.

No one cares.

Gu Yan was drinking coffee with Ye Liuli when he heard the news.

Ye Liuli recently bought a coffee machine and learned how to make those beautiful patterns by himself. Just making the first cup, he brought it to Yan as if offering a treasure.


With Gu Yan’s compliment, Ye Liuli seems to have got the sweetest candy in the world.

It’s beautiful and sweet.

When he got the news, Gu Yan’s hand paused slightly and took a sip of delicious coffee.

This female protagonist really made him admire, it’s so interesting.

Gu Yan suddenly recalled that the first time she saw Charmaine Bai, the girl could not choose her own destiny, she could only let them slaughter her, and she almost married Zijian An Chongxi.

Until later, she slowly led her to discover the truth about her parents.

She actually avenged herself.

It’s really strong to say, it hasn’t even been a month since the discovery of the truth about the death of his own parents.

It’s actually done.

Although Gu Yan is behind the scenes, most of them still rely on the strong perseverance of Bai Shiman.

“Miss Bai is really good.” After Ye Liuli finished speaking, she took out the photos she (chd) had taken, and by the way told Ping what she had heard.

After speaking, he and she held the cup of coffee in his hand.

The coffee is still hot and warm.


Knowing the cause and effect of the incident, Gu Yan was not too surprised, because he had learned the plot of the latter book from the system.

Not only Charmaine Blanc, but even the male lead is also very interesting.

It also has a relationship with Xiuxian, which makes Gu Yan even more eager to conquer.

If this dumpling is taken, he should be able to make him kneel and beg for mercy.


Just think about it, Gu Yan thinks that the ending is pretty beautiful, anyway, he plans to play slowly, he must play the guy Lin Bei.

“Find out why those people continue to listen to Lin Bei’s?”

These small details cannot be known from the system, but Gu Yan has personal connections.

The heroines in the previous books are willing to go through fire and water for him.

Ye Liuli nodded, “This matter has been found out. It seems that Lin Bei threatened them with some means, but the specific threat means is not yet known.”

“Continue to investigate.


Because the Bai family was in complete decline and the company declared bankruptcy, Charmaine White moved out of the Bai family and found a good house nearby.

When the house was cleaned up, she took a deep breath.

Finally, everything is settled, it is time to meet an old person, and then she will return the things to Gu Yan.

When they went to the police station, Bai Sheng and Ji Yue were already inside.

The two can’t go anywhere now, just waiting to go straight.

I don’t know if I don’t check it. I only found out that they had assassinated countless people and caused many car accidents. They were almost serial homicides, more terrifying than those murderous robbers.

It looks glamorous on the outside, but there are so many fishy things behind it.

People in the police station have been talking about it all the time.

Bai Sheng and Ji Yue saw that the door was opened, feeling a little dazzling, and then they saw Shiman White walking in.


Seeing Charmaine Bai’s first glance, Ji Yue rushed forward like a madman, and then shouted loudly, “You killed our family, and you killed my son, right?”

Bai Sheng was also a little uneasy now, and clenched his fist tightly. After he was sent in, he learned that all the evidence was provided by Shiman Bai.

“Don’t forget how you were when you killed my parents!”

Bai Shiman approached Ji Yue and Bai Sheng step by step, “I just found out the truth for my parents and avenged them. You are really shameless, even if I did it!”

“Are you doing things in the company?

“Yes, it’s me, it’s all caused by me.”

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