Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Can be perfect, but not necessary

Deep resentment appeared in the eyes of the middle-aged man.

Today, according to Ye Tian’s instructions, he arrived at the magic city on time.

Just about to find a person named Yang Chen, he saw Ye Tian’s younger sister, Ye Liuli, in a commercial street somewhere in the magic city by chance!

not only!

There was also a man next to Ye Liuli, and their behavior also made the middle-aged person feel that something was wrong.

He felt that this man was probably Yang Chen.

But when he was just about to continue tracking, or even directly…

A van stopped in front of him, and several people whose hands and feet were not weaker than him instantly shot, bringing him here in uniform.

First, after taking away everything from him, he just started the fight without saying anything!

Torture, broken finger…

There is no reason, it is pure torture.

The middle-aged man is also a tough one, and he froze it abruptly.

Now I see this man again, this man with Ye Tian’s sister!

He is 100% sure that he is Yang Chen!

Otherwise, why would you do it yourself? There is no reason!

“Looking at you like this, it’s also an upper-class style. Buying antiques is like your behavior.”

Seeing that Gu Yan was silent, the middle-aged man laughed and said, “Make a list of all the things you bought this morning. I want to take it away. If you listen to me, you still have to talk about it.”

“You are like an artist, not like a person who knows something, so you don’t understand some things, and you provoke some people…”

However, the next moment!


He hasn’t finished speaking yet.

Gu Yan stepped forward and directly pierced the dagger in his hand from the left cheek of the middle-aged man, and then pierced it from the right cheek, piercing his mouth directly!

The severe pain caused the middle-aged man’s eyeballs to bulge out instantly, subconsciously wanting to scream, but it affected the torn face, making it even more painful!

“It’s noisy…”

Gu Yan looked at the middle-aged man calmly.

In fact, if you don’t want to hear how he perceives his identity, whether he has gotten involved.

He had done this long ago.

Just about to turn around and leave.

Gu Yan suddenly remembered something, walked in front of the middle-aged man again, smiled gently, and at the same time stretched out his hand to insert the knife deeper.

“But… I really like what you call me.”

“Artist? You are right.”

The middle-aged man kept screaming. He looked at the gentle and gentle son standing in front of him, and looked at the smile on his handsome face.

While shocked in his heart, an inexplicable chill enveloped him!

He has an extremely bad premonition!

Gu Yan turned and walked out.

The middle-aged man suddenly hesitated and screamed, but he couldn’t say a word clearly.

“Find someone to check and see what clothes Yang Chen was wearing when he was on the news today. Buy a set.”

“One person dressed in clothes went in and stood in command, one person was in charge of making the video, and the other person was in charge of killing people.”

“Remember, the process slows down a bit, you know what I mean?”


Gu Yan wiped the blood on his hands with a white cloth, while gently instructing people around him.

It’s not that he dared to kill the middle-aged man himself.

But it is disdain to kill, for such a young person, he does not need to act personally.

“Yes, Master Gu!”

After a respectful response from the people around, they split up and hurriedly proceeded.

Gu Yan was sitting in the living room, opening a bottle of red wine and swaying the red wine glass.


Thinking of what the little boy called him just now, he shook his head, couldn’t help laughing, and drank the red wine in the goblet.

He picked up a world famous book from the table and looked at it leisurely.

On the bright side, he is an elegant, gentle, well-behaved, high-class artist!

Secretly, he is an artist who harvests all his benefits, covers the sky with only one hand, and concocts perfect scams again and again!

This title really matches me…

After half an hour.

A middle-aged man stained with blood came over and said to Gu Yan, “Gu Gongzi, everything is done.”

“He is dead, in any sense.”

“Where’s the screen?” Gu Yan raised his eyes and asked faintly.

“It’s already in his cell phone.” The middle-aged man handed over a cell phone.

Gu Yan took it, then waved his hand, and the middle-aged man left.

The length of the video is fifteen minutes.

As the middle-aged man said, that little boy died, and within these fifteen minutes, he was treated as bad as death.

The two people in the video, a conductor and a hands-on person, did not show up, but were only back.

The figure of the person wearing Yang Chen’s clothes is also very similar to Yang Chen, even the hairstyle is the same, it is impossible to tell whether it is true or false.

Gu Yan directly operated the phone and sent the video to Ye Tian.

Subsequently, his finger moved to a software on the phone screen.

This is the voice changer that his subordinates have prepared long ago, which can make Gu Yan’s voice at least 90% similar to Yang Chen’s.


Gu Yan did not click, but directly dialed Ye Tian’s number!

“Yang Chen, you killed my man.”

Ye Tian’s voice sounded quickly, his tone as cold as ice ball.


Gu Yan laughed, and said softly: “You let people come to get my things. I won’t give them. If he insists, I have to kill him.”

“I don’t know who you are, but if you mess with me again, I will kill you together.”

“In addition, I also found out that you still have a younger sister in the magic city?”

After this sentence fell, there was a brief silence on the phone, and then Ye Tian’s words rang out, almost roaring.

“Can you say that again!”

“I am not interested in playing these childish games with you.”

Gu Yan went on to say: “You just need to remember that I am the one you can’t afford to offend in your entire life.”

“that’s all.”

After speaking, Gu Yan directly hung up the phone.

Looking at the dimming mobile phone screen.

Gu Yan is very satisfied with Ye Tian’s performance.

Ye Tian was angry, really angry.

Gu Yan put on the coat of “Yang Chen”, not only tortured and killed his brother, but also threatened him with Ye Liuli.

This has completely touched Ye Tian’s reverse scale.


Ye Tian estimated that he was already summoning more powerful people to come to the magic city again.

The purpose of this time is probably more than just getting back the antiques.

Gu Yan sipped the red wine and chuckled softly.

Young Master…

I just hope you can last longer when the time comes.

This move is over.

Gu Yan just needs to wait quietly now, Ye Tian’s manpower once again come to the magic city to persecute Yang Chen.

At that time, it was time for him to close the net!

Gu Yan will not use low-level methods like saving Yang Chen, but will use a particularly interesting method.

Reap the Yang family, let Ye Liuli hate Ye Tian, ​​and destroy Ye Tian and Li family’s hole cards!

On the other hand, Gu Yan sits on all interests, wealth and power, holding everything in his hands!

No one will discover all of this, because no matter whose motives are, Gu Yan’s arrangements are reasonable and there are no loopholes.

There is only one flaw.

That is, Gu Yan just talked to Ye Tian and didn’t change his voice, but used his own voice.

This was left on purpose by him.

In Gu Yan’s view.

It was too boring to kill Ye Tian completely hidden behind the scenes without showing the mountains and leaking water.

It was too cheap for Ye Tian to die happily.

on the contrary.

If Gu Yan left Ye Tian with a small button and let him discover something was wrong, thinking that he had seen through Gu Yan’s calculations, only to find that he had already been cast aside by thousands of people and fell into the abyss…

Isn’t it more fun?

By then, Ye Tian had completely offended the Yang family and lost Ye Liuli’s trust. Who would believe what he said?

The darkness after hope makes people even more desperate.

Gu Yan wants him to look at himself, the biggest behind-the-scenes man, with a magnificent scenery, and let him watch his own wealth and power!

Finally, when he was about to collapse, gently crush him to death.

Gu Yan can calculate everything to perfection.

But it is not necessary.

He will not be backlashed by Ye Tian’s luck, will not be affected by the protagonist’s halo, and there will be no restrictions!

As long as you have the strength…

Play as you like! !

ps: Sorry everyone, the forty chapter has been sealed, but it will definitely come out today.

Author Gou is deeply sorry for affecting everyone’s reading fluency.

Chapter Forty is still very important. There are some important interactions with Ye Liuli. You can pay attention to it. If you unblock it, you can go back and take a look.

Bow again, sorry. *

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