Chapter 49

Chapter 49 Ye Tian is terrified! Why is Yang Chen’s voice wrong?

Ye Tian is angry!

For him, Ye Liuli is his reverse scale!

When he was a child in the orphanage, Ye Tian liked Ye Liuli, but at that time he was too young to pursue fruitless pursuits, so Ye Tian simply recognized Ye Liuli as his younger sister and cultivated relationships step by step.

So many years have passed.

Ye Tian had long regarded Ye Liuli as his own woman, not a simple sister!

He believed that as long as he returned to China with honor, Ye Liuli’s family affection would be transformed into love.

And now…

Ye Tian didn’t even touch his dress, the baby who was holding it in his hand for fear of being broken was actually persecuted by Yang Chen!

This python!

Ye Tian must make him pay the price!

“Liu Li, don’t worry, brother will solve this matter tomorrow. You just need to wait quietly, okay?”

Ye Tian let his tone be soft, “Are you safe now? Don’t be afraid, if you give the call to those who bully you, you don’t have to worry about anything.”

Ye Liuli smiled lonely.

She knew that her brother was kind.

But give it a call? How to give it?

Will those people listen?

“I’m fine, but brother, I beg you to remember what I just said.”

“Brother, goodbye, when you return home, I will pick you up at the airport.

After speaking, Ye Liuli hung up the phone.

The sound of smashing the window continued to sound like a downpour, and the girl shrank under the corner of the wall with fatigue, buried her head on her knees, covered her ears with her hands, and remained motionless.

At this time, outside her invisible.

Gu Yan walked to the door of the villa unhurriedly.

Those little gangsters wandering around, seeing Gu Yan coming, suddenly stopped all the movements in their hands and stood honestly in place.

Gu Yan looked at the bald-headed middle-aged man who was smashing the window frantically in the distance, and gestured to a little gangster casually.

The little bastard also understood the wink, ran up and stopped the bald middle-aged man.

The bald expression was fierce at the moment, but when he saw Gu Yan, a charming smile suddenly appeared, and he ran over.

“Gu Gongzi, we have done everything according to your instructions. You can ask the people you planted around here to see if I lied, brother.”

The bald head nodded and said with a bow.


Gu Yan glanced at him and waved, “Go away.”


With a bald smile, he waved to the gangsters, lowered his voice and said, “Brothers, withdraw!”

A group of people disperse as birds and beasts, blending into the night.

Gu Yan also walked into the villa.


He stretched out his hand, lit the headlight in the living room, and saw Ye Liuli who was shrinking weary under the window at a glance.

Ye Liuli’s delicate body trembled at this moment, and she moved her head slightly and slowly.

But when I saw Gu Yan.

All the panic and fear in the girl’s beautiful eyes disappeared.

“Gu Gongzi, you are back!”

She stood up, although her tone was humble, but she was no longer afraid.

As long as he is with Gu Yan, Ye Liuli has an inexplicable sense of security and is very practical.

“Who are those outside?”

Gu Yan closed the door of the villa tightly, and then jokingly said to Ye Liuli: “Is this the villa disinfection you and I said?”

“It’s quite lively.”

Listen to what Gu Yan said.

Ye Liuli’s first reaction was to use his eyes and scan Gu Yan from top to bottom. After confirming that the latter had no signs of injury or fighting, he was embarrassed by being exposed to lies.

After she thought for a moment,

I feel that I can no longer hide things about Gu Yan usury.

So she trot forward and took the initiative to pull Gu Yan to sit down on the sofa.

“Gu Gongzi, things are like this,

Ye Liuli’s language was brief, and he explained the cause and effect of the whole thing clearly.

She even told her all about Ye Tian asking her to find antiques.”Late, it turned out to be so.

After Gu Yan listened to it, he nodded “suddenly”, then looked at Ye Liuli directly and smiled: “I’ll be honest, your brother is quite incompetent. How can you let your sister suffer such grievances?

“It’s not like what a man should do.”

Ye Liuli lowered his head and said nothing.

“What? I said your brother you are upset? Okay, I won’t mention it any more.”

I just paid off the loan sharks for you. The money owed to them is not as good as the money owed to me.

Gu Yan drank water, his tone was flat.

Ye Liuli looked up at Gu Yan.

He didn’t say thank you again, but kept the matter firmly in his heart.

“Gu Gongzi, I didn’t say that my brother was unhappy because of you.”


Gu Yan lay lazily on the sofa and found a comfortable position, “Go and cook me some food.”

When I was at Tiandong’s house just now, I patronized and listened to the quarrel between two women.

He did not eat much, he was a little hungry.

Ye Liuli agreed, watching Gu Yan stretch out on the sofa, her beautiful eyes stunned, a little distressed.

Is Young Master Gu tired?

He must be tired. After all, he played with him all afternoon today, and he went out to do errands at night. He didn’t even eat dinner at this night.

Thought of this.

Ye Liuli threw away all the random thoughts in his mind and walked into the kitchen.

She wants to cook Gu Yan wholeheartedly!

Gu Yan is also a rare leisure.

First, I used the mobile phone to call up the call record between Ye Liuli and Ye Tian just now. When I saw everything was going according to my plan, I didn’t care much.

Lying on the sofa, reading a book leisurely.

According to Ye Tian’s tone, he will send someone to the magic city again tomorrow to do something to Yang Chen.

And he himself will return to China within three days.

It seems that Ye Tian is really anxious…

But this is also good.

Gu Yan can also squeeze the value of this tool man as soon as possible, and then pinch him to death.

For Ye Tian, ​​Gu Yan could kill if he could kill, and he didn’t want to delay at all.

He has the halo of the big villain, ignoring the halo of the protagonist of the son of luck, and the influence of backlash.

In this case, the current oneself already has a certain amount of power in the Demon Capital. If you want to kill Ye Tian, ​​it is like pinching an ant to death.

Of course, only yourself!

Therefore, Gu Yan thought directly, since Ye Tian’s protagonist’s aura can affect others, let him do something for himself.

After letting him show his last bit of warmth, he died tragically in pain and despair.


Gu Yan is now looking forward to tomorrow.

That will be when he closes the net!

Not only for profit.

There is also a hidden character after the net is closed!

The fourth heroine in the original book is also the most special heroine, there is no one!

Gu Yan actually implemented her plan very late.

Because this heroine is not something he can see if he wants to.

It takes a lead to hook her out.

Now Gu Yan has found this lead.

That is Yang Chen!

Gu Yan knows everyone’s secrets, so he will not kill Yang Chen, but will use another method to let others evaporate, which is also “feign death!”

Keeping this person will be of great use.

As long as Yang Chen is “dead”.

This special heroine will definitely appear!

“Master Gu, your face is ready.”

At this time.

Ye Liuli walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of hot noodle soup in her hand.

The noodles are combined with pen and vegetables, and eggs. Although simple, they are very nutritious.

Ye Liuli sat beside Gu Yan, watching him finish eating.

Afterwards, Qiao Che stood up with a blush, and walked behind Gu Yan.

“Master Gu, let me rub your shoulders for you, okay?”

Although Ye Liuli’s mouth was asking, her hands were already moving.

Rubbing Gu Yan’s shoulders does not belong to the scope of the work of a private nanny, it is completely voluntary by Ye Liuli.

Today, Young Master Gu was so tired, and spent an afternoon playing with him, rubbing his shoulders, what’s wrong?

Suppress myself in my heart.

But soon.

Ye Liuli felt Gu Yan hold her hand.

She took a breath, her heartbeat speeded up, panicked, and all thoughts popped out of her little head.

What does Young Master Gu want to do? He doesn’t want to..

What should I do? Run?

“A little bit in the middle.”

But Gu Yan just took her hand, put it on his neck, and let it go.


Ye Liuli couldn’t wait to find a seam to get in.

Why do I like to think so much now? ..

The next day.

Gu Yan received Tiandong’s text message bombing early in the morning.

“Gu Yan, what are you doing? I see a quick reply, in a hurry!”

“Gu Yan? Gu Yan?”

Gu Yan looked at these text messages and knew that Tiandong would not make jokes about this kind of thing, but he didn’t react very much either, just asked what happened to Tiandong.

The text message came quickly.

“Something has happened! Are you okay today? It’s better to come here if it’s okay!”

Gu Yan directly replied to the text message, “It should be there at night, I’ll talk about it then.”

“Okay, waiting for you.” Tiandong’s reply was still neat.

Gu Yan did not lock the phone screen, but retrieved Ye Tian’s personal information from Ye Liuli, and used hacker technology to track it.

In addition, he made a phone call and went straight out after the end!

In a remote alley in Modu.

In the Rolls-Royce car, Gu Yan sat in the lead driver, looking calmly out of the car window.

Sitting in the back of the car, there was a woman sitting.

The woman looks ordinary, even looks a little cold, the outline of her face is angular, and her eyes are always cold.

“Gu Gongzi, you can call me the third year of junior high school.”

“What’s the order?”

The woman spoke, and she still respected Gu Yan.

She is a subordinate of Wang Zilong and was transferred today to work for Gu Yan.

“Wait and tie this woman.

Gu Yan handed a picture to the back seat. The picture above was a beautiful girl.

Ye Liuli!

“Be careful not to hurt her, and don’t let her be too frightened. You just need to let her know that you are kidnapped now.”

“Just say you are Yang Chen’s person.

“Find a remote place and wait for my instructions, do you understand?”

In the third grade, he took the photo and nodded very seriously.

Gu Yan was the person Wang Zilong had ordered.

The original words of Wang Zilong are, if you don’t listen to yourself, you can, but you can’t if you don’t listen to Gu Yan!

Because if you don’t listen to Wang Zilong, you will die at best.

But if you don’t listen to Gu Yan, Wang Zilong can’t escape being affected!

“Get off.

Gu Yan said lightly.

Afterwards, he looked at the figure in the third grade, disappeared from sight quickly, and smiled inexplicably.

The big show…

The curtain is about to start!

Outskirts of the magic capital.

Inside an abandoned factory building.

The door was roughly opened at this moment, and the dust was flying.

Through the light shining diagonally from the door, one could vaguely see that a young man with a handsome face, a cold face, and a moderate build came in with a black box and a sack on his shoulders.The sacks seem to be heavy, and they are still moving!

Someone inside!!

“F*ck, it’s so heavy!

After the young man walked into the factory, he slammed the sacks to the ground.

Afterwards, he quickly repaired the lights in the factory area, closed the door tightly, opened the black box in his hand, and took out an extremely heavy laptop.

He manipulated it on the computer.

After a while, a person appeared on the screen.

It is also a young man.

He is handsome, with black hair and dark eyes, and there is an indescribable arrogance and evil charm in his temperament.

The man had cold eyes, glanced at the sack behind the young man, and sneered: “How about? Did you find it?”

“Brother Ye, people are here.”

The youth stepped aside so that the camera could completely cover the sack behind him.

“How to deal with it?

That’s right, Ye Ge in the mouth of the youth is Ye Tian who is abroad!

And his 830, he was ordered to do things in the magic city, kidnapping an enemy named Yang Chen for Ye Tian!

Yang Chen, it’s in the sack now!

“First make a video and send it to the people behind this mess to get what I want.” Ye Tianxie smiled.


The young man agreed.

His skills are quite agile, and his strength is also quite strong.After he roughly untied the sack, he directly put on the collar of the person inside and picked him up!

And what he carried in his hand was a handsome man with bangs wearing a white suit.

Yang Chen!

Yang Chen’s mouth was tied with a rope, and he couldn’t speak, and he didn’t make any sound.

When he saw everything around him that he was not familiar with, the first thing Yang Chen did was to look at the surrounding environment first, and to keep in mind the appearance of the young man in front of him and the person on the computer. Be silent.

His eyes kept shaking.

It’s like thinking about something.

“Go to f*ck!”

The youth turned on the camera and shot in this direction, and then directly punched and kicked Yang Chen, without leaving any hands!

Yang Chen was beaten with blood on his face, mud and embarrassment.

Because of the pain, he couldn’t help but growl, but his eyes were still fixed on the young man.

“Hehe, it’s still a bone.”

The young man smiled funny, but he didn’t continue to pay attention to Yang Chen.Instead, he turned off the camera and sent the video directly to his parents through Yang Chen’s phone address book!

After that, the youth also operated the computer, and after a series of anti-tracking methods, he typed out a line of characters.

“Give me what I want, or your son will die today!”

After doing all this.

The young man came to the computer screen again and asked respectfully: “Brother Ye, what should I do next?”


Ye Tian’s voice was as cold as icy ballast, “Let him scream for me, and then continue. I want him to live in bed for the rest of his life!”


Ye Tian almost hated Yang Chen!

He was furious, especially when Yang Chen killed him and shot his sister. This was a provocation to him!

Today’s matter must not be passed so easily!

The young man responded, walked to Yang Chen and untied the rope from his mouth.

Yang Chen suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, his face pale.


The young man slapped Yang Chen unceremoniously, causing him to tilt his head.

“Brother Ye asked you to talk, can’t you hear it?”

Yang Chen smiled and vomited blood again.

He raised his head, looked at the person on the computer screen, and said softly: “It doesn’t matter what you arrest me for.”

“But, I remember you…

After this sentence fell.

Ye Tian’s expression suddenly changed.

Not because of Yang Chen’s threat!

But at this moment, he discovered that the Yang Chen in front of him, and the “Yang Chen” who called himself that day…

The sound is completely different?!!

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