Chapter 59

Chapter 59: The perfect car accident for Ye Tian!

Zhao Chuning had always thought that the earrings were given to Yang Yuanhong by Yang Chen, and Yang Yuanhong gave it to his lover!

This is also the reason why Zhao Chuning has not taken it!

It’s because she doesn’t want to startle the snake!

but now!

She knew that Yang Yuanhong was the real murderer who killed her father.



Gu Yan could imagine how uncomfortable Zhao Chuning would be just now.

But this woman will never sink into pain and restless.

Just because she is Zhao Chuning, she does not allow herself to do this!

Gu Yan put the folder away, put it in the drawer again, and remembered the appearance of the emerald earrings.

Then, he made two phone calls.

One called Yang Chen and told him that he could go to the Magic City Airport and wait for someone.

The other one was for Wang Zilong.

Gu Yan said that if you want Ye Tian to return to the country, he will be disabled, it is not a joke!

Although leaving Ye Tian disabled and painful, it did not help Gu Yan’s next plan.


Gu Yan thinks it’s cool to do this, that’s enough!

Since there are no restrictions, why should he suffocate himself again?

The conversation between Gu Yan and Wang Zilong was very long, fifteen minutes.

During this period, Gu Yan was always talking, while Wang Zilong listened carefully, keeping every detail in his heart.

When Wang Zilong listened to Gu Yan’s whole calculation, even he couldn’t help taking a breath.

Gu Yan’s trick is really amazing, too cruel!

He is very lucky now that he didn’t offend Gu Yan at the time, otherwise he wouldn’t know how he died!

Finish it all.

Gu Yan hung up the phone, poured himself a glass of red wine, and turned on the stereo in the room.

An elegant piano music played slowly from it, echoing throughout the room.

Gu Yan is tasting red wine.

Looking at the gorgeous night view outside the window.

The variegated colors of the magic capital reflected his deep pupils with a cold smile.

For his first meeting with Ye Tian…

Am looking forward to!

Gu Yan wants to personally give him all the gifts he has prepared for him during this period of time…

Send 27 pieces one by one!

Magic Capital Airport.

“Beauty, I said your crew captain Li Yurou, why isn’t it on the plane today?”

“I’m her boyfriend, yes, it’s the kind of underground love you imagine.”

c919 civil airliner, exported.

A young man with black hair and dark eyes, looks evil and handsome, has a well-balanced body, and a cynical temperament, is leaning against the exit of the plane with a smile on his face.

Opposite him stood a stewardess who was of average appearance and stature, blushing and bowing her head, not daring to look directly at the young man in front of him.

“Sister Li… She hasn’t come to work for three days, and I don’t know why.”

“But brother, you were really handsome just now on the plane, can you add me a WeChat? Please~

The flight attendant, Caka, was even spoiled.

“Hmph, forget it, beauty, we won’t change the green mountains, remember to contact Li Yurou for me!”

The young man blew a whistle, smiled evilly, and then walked directly off the plane step by step.

That’s right!He just returned to China at this time, and just saw righteousness on the plane, and rescued Ye Tian from a middle-aged stewardess!

Ye Tian’s mood now is average.

Before he returned to China, he asked his little brother to check the flight attendants on the returning flight to see if there were any signs of that kind.

I found one, named Li Yurou.

Ye Tian felt that his affair had come again, so he got on this plane.

In the past few years as the king of soldiers abroad, Yanmar has long been tired of playing, and due to special reasons, the quality is not too high, so Ye Tian wanted to taste the domestic one.

But what he didn’t expect was.

Li Yurou didn’t even show up, and according to her colleague, she didn’t show up for several days!

This is a bit disappointing.

But Ye Tian didn’t care much either.

He got off the plane, looked down at the bustling city made of strong cement, and took a deep breath!

In his eyes, long-lost anticipation and enthusiasm appeared!

A few years ago, he left here and entered Africa as a mercenary.

A few years later, he returned to the magic capital. Today is different. Now he is a peerless soldier. He believes that in this city, he can definitely call the wind and the rain!

“That fake Yang Chen, ah, don’t let Laozi find out who you are, otherwise I will definitely kill you!”

Ye Tian said viciously.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but think of what happened the day before yesterday.

That fake Yang Chen even dared to play with himself and killed two of his men. He must die!

Moreover, there are no copper pieces in the antiques that the Yang family gave to itself.All this must have something to do with this fake Yang Chen!

I also kidnapped my sister!

Ye Tian was really anxious at the time, but when he contacted Ye Liuli afterwards, Ye Liuli only said three words to him.

“never mind.”

Knowing that this younger sister would never deceive herself, Ye Tian didn’t worry much.

Presumably, it must be that fake Yang Chen who inquired about his name, he was scared!

But Ye Tian has already decided on this matter, and he will investigate it carefully afterwards, and he will never let anyone who dared to offend him.

There is the Li family, the capital of magic, as a backer for itself.

Coupled with his own ability.

In the whole city, who else can stop yourself?!

As Ye Tian walked to the exit, he got through Ye Liuli’s phone.

He really misses his sister.

He didn’t want Ye Liuli to be his sister, but wanted to make the relationship even better!

Since childhood!

Ye Tian had this idea, but Ye Liuli had always been unwilling, so he couldn’t even touch the dress.

But now it’s different, he has returned to China.

“The phone you dialed is turned off, please try again later”


Ye Tian glanced at the phone screen, wondering.

Why did my sister shut down, it’s impossible!

She never fails to answer her phone!

He didn’t believe it in his heart, Ye Tian called several times, but he didn’t hear his dreaming voice on the other side of the phone, but a cold mechanical blind tone.

Ye Tian didn’t care much, he believed his sister.

After waiting out of the airport, he first looked for Ye Liuli, and then killed the fake Yang Chen. As long as he found the antique fragments again, there would be nothing.

Go to the exit.

Ye Tian couldn’t help but stretched his waist and took a breath of fresh air from the magic city.

“Scared! Tubao, haven’t you been to a big city? Does the air in the magic city smell better than your country?”


An extremely discordant voice sounded nearby, a middle-aged woman, looking at Ye Tian with extremely disgusting eyes.

Upon seeing this, Ye Tian smiled coldly.

When I was just about to start pretending to slap my face.


A figure hit him from behind, and at the same time a very low voice sounded.

“The Li family copper piece is in my hand, I am Yang Chen, come with me.”

The moment Ye Tian heard the Li’s copper sheet, his whole body trembled, and he looked along and saw a man in a white suit walking in the opposite direction of him.

Yang Chen?

“Go away, Laozi has no time to talk to you today.”

Ye Tian couldn’t be in the mood to fight with this middle-aged woman now. He glared at the latter and quickly followed the figure.

In the corner.

“So, you are asking me, so you give me this piece of copper?”

“But this is the first time I know that the Yang family and the Li family are actually family friends.”

Ye Tian wrapped his arms around his chest, looked at Yang Chen jokingly, and handed the phone back.

“I really have something to ask you to help, otherwise I won’t give you this copper piece.” Yang Chen also smiled faintly, “take it?”

“Kill my brother, Yang Yuanhong!”

“If you don’t do anything about the Yang Family, I’ll talk about it later. Give me the copper sheet first.” Ye Tian’s tone was casual, and he waved to Yang Chen.

He is not stupid.Now that he knows that the Yang family and the Li family are family friends, why does he continue to offend the Yang family?

There is only one reason why he doesn’t panic now!

It wasn’t that Yang Chen was killed by his own subordinates, and he had the copper pieces of the Li Family again, then this was not a big deal at all!

At that time, even if Yang Chen is not willing to show up, he will directly use Yang Chen to let himself kill his brother.

By the way, point the finger at that “fake Yang Chen”!

Moreover, he is not afraid of the Yang family at all!

He has the Li family’s token of copper!

Yang Chen didn’t hesitate, took out a copper piece from his pocket and threw it to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian took the copper piece in his hand and smiled evilly.

Now that the copper sheet is in his own hands again, it is simply saving him a great trouble!

“By the way, my brother, I want to ask you something.” Ye Tian raised his head and said calmly, “Do you know who the person posing as you is?”

“I’m looking for something to do with him, as long as you can provide me with information about this person, in the future, in the magic city, brother will cover you.”

I don’t know why.

Yang Chen laughed after hearing this sentence.

The interrogation and ridicule in his expression flashed by. He shook his head and said, “I don’t know, you can check this out for yourself later.”

“Then the buddy I sent to find you before, how did you die, do you know?” Ye Tian asked again.

“The Yang family sent someone to rescue me and killed me.” Yang Chen said lightly.

“Grass! This bullshit Yang family really doesn’t know who Laozi is! Laozi didn’t kill you Yang Chen, so he was so cruel?” Ye Tian’s eyes jumped in a dangerous arc, “Yang Chen, if it weren’t for your kid To behave, to be honest, I have already done it to you now.”

Yang Chen smiled, noncommittal.


When Ye Tian saw this, after thinking for a while, he stretched out his right hand, “Brother, I just returned to the magic capital, I am not familiar with the place of life, and I don’t have a driving tool in my hand, do you…

Speaking of which.

Ye Tian looked at the Porsche behind Yang Chen, “Brother you, drive this car?”

“Take it.”

Yang Chen is very outspoken.

“I have to laugh at it, if I have something to call my old brother in the future, what about Yang Yuanhong, I must do it for you!”

Ye Tian was very helpful, sitting directly in the driving seat with a smile on his face.

“Ye Tian, ​​let me remind you something, be careful.

However, just when Ye Tian was about to step on the accelerator, Yang Chen spoke lightly.

“What’s the matter?” Ye Tian stuck his head out.

“Be careful along the way, the Yang family may have to do it to you, because you kidnapped me, let the Yang family know.” Yang Chen said lightly.

“Fear of a fart! The Yang family dare to try Laozi again! Laozi has a life-saving talisman!”

Ye Tian laughed.After speaking, he started the car directly and drove away.

Yang Chen looked at Ye Tian’s disappearing figure and smiled sympathetically.

He probably didn’t know that he was already “dead”!

In addition, the news of the death was circulated on the Internet yesterday and was suppressed by the Yang family in less than ten minutes.The only people who knew about this were the upper-class people who participated in the funeral!

Poor Ye Tian, ​​unconsciously…

It became a toy for Gu Gongzi!

Magic City, Prosperity East Road.

The road here is very new and very spacious, as if it had only recently been repaired.

Ye Tian was sitting in the Porsche, listening to the best dj dance music, controlling the speed of the car.

Thinking of the Yang family’s affairs, there was a fire in his heart.

This is all caused by that fake Yang Chen!

There was a big misunderstanding!

Ye Tianhen’s tooth roots itchy 970. Now that the copper piece is in his hand, he is not going to look for Ye Liuli first, but is going to find the Li family with the copper piece now, and first question the Yang family why he wants to kill his brother!

Yang Chen is not dead again!

What does the Yang family do with such a great resentment?

Really don’t put yourself in the eye?

But at this moment.

A black off-road vehicle changed lanes in an instant, suddenly and quickly cut to the lane where Ye Tian was now, and drove in front of him!

Ye Tian hurriedly braked, and then he didn’t hit him.

“Will you drive something special?” Ye Tian yelled, if it wasn’t for his driving skills comparable to professional level, he quickly manipulated the body, and had just hit him.

at the same time.

Ye Tian saw through the rearview mirror again that from the left and right side lanes behind, two large black trucks drove up. They looked like cold-chain trucks, which were ten meters long and very huge.

Both vehicles drove up, side by side with the black off-road vehicle in front, and the rear half of the body directly sandwiched Ye Tian in the center.

So Ye Tian can’t go to the left or right, but can only go backwards!

When Ye Tian saw this scene, his face was condensed.

Fighting abroad these years, he has an extremely sensitive sense of danger.

Something is wrong!

The front, the left, and the right are all closed!

The three cars seemed to have negotiated and blocked their way. Is there such a coincidence in the world?!


Ye Tian didn’t plan to wait any longer, but just stepped on the brakes and prepared to reverse the car!

However, the next moment!

A scene that changed his expression drastically happened.


On the road behind, a very high-end pickup truck suddenly appeared, the engine roared frantically, almost at an out-of-control speed, it rammed Ye Tian’s butt straight!

With such fierce power and such a sturdy model, as long as he hits him, Ye Tian will have only one consequence!

Porsche rear-ends the off-road vehicle in front, and the front and rear forces are severely shattered, and he is the lightest and the most injured!

Even, it just died like that!

St. Paul’s Hotel.

Gu Yan sat in front of the window, drinking red wine, condescendingly, looking down at the scene of Ye Tian caught in the middle under the window, smiling inexplicably.

If you follow the setting in Xiao Bai’s article, in the face of this situation, most people can’t resist at all.

But if Ye Tian would definitely make a lot of exaggerated moves, even if he jumped the car directly, and then flew over the truck like this, it would only drop the skin when he fell to a safe place. Gu Yan would not be surprised.


He has the halo of the villain, immune to the halo of Ye Tian’s protagonist.

His luck is in front of him…

It’s useless!

This is the meeting gift Gu Yan gave to Ye Tian!

A perfect “accident”!.

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