Chapter 67

Chapter 67: A lore! The two hidden families are like toys!

Gu Yan passed through the secret tunnel and came to the bathroom.At first glance, he saw Yang Yuanhong squatting in the corner, shaking tremblingly!

“Ah! Don’t come over! Ye Tian, ​​don’t kill me, discuss something if you have something!

Yang Yuanhong screamed subconsciously.

Yang Shao “Why are you here, what’s wrong with you?”


Gu Yan said in a very surprised and strange tone, hurriedly stepped forward and helped Yang Yuanhong, “Young Master, what happened to this? Your face”

Yang Yuanhong opened his eyes when he heard this.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was not Ye Tian who was standing in front of him, but a gentle and handsome man.

“Gu Gongzi, it turned out to be you. I’m in trouble, please help me!”

“Afterwards, I announced that the Yang family and the Gu Group will make friends forever!

“There is a madman who is chasing me. He is outside now. Go help me stop him!”

We “The Yang family’s reinforcement staff will be here soon, you only need to top it for a while!”

Yang Yuanhong grabbed Gu Yan’s sleeves tightly and refused to release anything, his tone was very impatient.

“Oh? Is that so, okay, Young Master, don’t worry, I’ll ask someone to help you.”

Gu Yan promised vowedly, and at the same time took out his mobile phone and operated it.

But he was not crying for help.

Instead, he sent a text message to his staff, “The surveillance video of the bathroom can be blocked.”

“Gu Gongzi? Gu Gongzi? Are you okay?”

Yang Yuanhong urged.

“Okay, by the way, Shao Yang, can you turn around for a while?” Gu Yan’s smile was gentle, handsome and elegant, which was like a spring breeze.

Turn around?

Yang Yuanhong didn’t figure out what Gu Yan made him turn around for a while.

But now he just wants to make Gu Yan fight for himself for a while, and fight for reinforcements from the Yang family!

As for the safety of Gu Yan…

That must be less important than your own safety!

Although I didn’t figure it out, but in this situation, Gu Yan is the only person he can trust. For this noble son, Yang Yuanhong still believes very much.

So he turned around.

“Gu Gongzi, what are you asking me to do?”

Yang Yuanhong asked very puzzled.

But what he can’t see is.

The moment he turned around.

All the emotions in Gu Yan’s expression faded in an instant, and then became indifferent, calm and outrageous!!

“It’s okay, Young Master.”

“I just want to say that you won’t be in pain for too long, at most one day, you can meet your lover again.”

“Also, thank you..

Gu Yan pulled out a swing stick from his waist, and then slammed it at the back of Yang Yuanhong’s head!


Yang Yuanhong was hit hard and fainted without even screaming.

Gu Yan didn’t stop either, but with a calm face, he beat Yang Yuanhong very regularly.

Long before coming.

He has already inquired with his medical team about how to turn a person into a vegetative.

And when he put away the swing stick.

There was a voice familiar to Gu Yan at the door.

“Yang Yuanhong, haha! Where does Laozi see you going?!”

Then, a young man with a distorted expression and bare hands came to the door of the bathroom. It was Ye Tian.

next moment.

Ye Tian saw what happened before him!

A tall, handsome and handsome man with a stick in his hand, he looked at himself indifferently.

At his feet, Yang Yuanhong had already lost consciousness and died there!

This face!

This profile!

Ye Tian is so familiar!

This is the man who kissed Ye Liuli in front of him at the door of the ward that day!

All the anger and hatred in my heart surged up at this moment!


When Ye Tian was about to take a step forward, he shuddered, and the broken lines in his mind seemed to be all connected at this moment!

There is a sense of crisis and fear in my heart that I have never had before!

He looked at Gu Yan in horror, his lips trembled, and he turned and ran away without saying a word!

Gu Yan smiled interestingly when he saw this.

He didn’t do anything.

He just picked up Yang Yuanhong’s cell phone, called the Yang family, and said in a very nervous tone, “Patriarch Yang?”

“I’m Gu Yan, and your son was scrapped in the Golden Pavilion.””Fortunately, I came a step earlier, otherwise Yang Yuanhong’s life will be unsafe.”

“Your manpower will be there soon? Well, I’ll be waiting for you here. The murderer has already run away. You can wait until you come to the Golden Pavilion. You can watch the surveillance video specifically.”

Ye Tian was running.


There is only one word in his mind right now, and that is to run!

He didn’t even know what he was running, but the fear in his heart was unprecedented!

Ran out of the golden pavilion.

Ye Tian froze again.

In the distance, on a cbd building, a picture is being displayed at this time.

It was an artistic photo of a handsome and extraordinary young man, with a line of text attached below.

“Madu’s most influential charity entrepreneur and leader of the younger generation – Gu Yan.

A gust of evening breeze passed.

Obviously summer night.

But Ye Tian still got goose bumps on his body.

This man is exactly the same as the man who was in the bathroom just now!

Ye Tian began to run wildly, and the fragmented clues in his mind were gradually pieced together at this moment!

He laughed, his laughter grew louder and louder, like a lunatic!

He figured it out!

All figured out!

All this was done by this guy named Gu Yan!

He is the fake Yang Chen!

First, he pretended to be Yang Chen, which triggered a conflict between himself and the Yang Family, and asked himself to send someone back to the Demon Capital to act on the real Yang Chen.

And after returning to the country, let Yang Chen hand over the copper piece of Li Family’s token to himself, so that he has a message gap, thinking that Yang Chen is not dead!

Arrange the accident again, frame yourself into the hospital, let yourself be dazzled by hatred, find Yang Yuanhong, use the information to get rid of Yang Yuanhong, get yourself to fight with Yang Yuanhong, take a real crime, and let the Li family alienate yourself!


This time it’s all through!

This is the person who owns Ye Liuli!

It was this person who took everything from him!

“Haha, it’s all made by Gu Yan, all made by Gu Yan!!”

“I want Gu Yan to die, I want Gu Yan to die!!”

“I want to tell the two hidden families all this, I want Gu Yan to have nothing, I want him to die!!”

Ye Tiancao clenched his fists.

The roar was almost squeezed out of his throat.

He ran wildly on the street, yelling Gu Yan’s name.

Many passing vehicles and pedestrians looked at Ye Tian with a foolish look.

“Is this person crazy? He dare to have ideas about Gu Gongzi?

“Oh… you have to know that there are too many lunatics and too many jealous dogs in this world. I hope Mr. Gu will protect himself.

“That’s right, I really don’t know how a good man like Gu Gongzi provokes such a mad dog, it really feels worthless for Gu Gongzi!

Golden Pavilion.

“Mr. Gu, thank you very much for saving my son. Yang Dingrui will remember this love in my heart.

Yang Dingrui held Gu Yan’s hand with both hands, his voice was low and heavy, and he couldn’t laugh at all.

When the Yang family arrived.

Yang Yuanhong has been taken to the best hospital in the magic city for treatment, but according to the doctor, there is little hope.

Yang Yuanhong’s injuries were too serious, even if he was rescued, he would definitely leave irreversible injuries.

Maybe he will become a vegetable!

He now hates Ye Tian and Yang Chen!

If Gu Yan hadn’t appeared and protected Yang Yuanhong, his son would have died like this!

“Patriarch Yang, don’t say that, I just happened to pass by today, and I just raised my hands.” Gu Yan smiled mildly, and then withdrew his hand.

“Gu Gongzi, so be it.”

After thinking for a while, Yang Dingrui said to Gu Yan: “Tomorrow at noon, I will host a banquet at the Magic City Hotel. The theme is about Yang Chen and the death of my son. There are some misunderstandings.”

“When the time comes, I will call the people from the Li family, Mr. Gu, and you will also come, just as I would like to thank you solemnly.

This meal tomorrow!

Yang Dingrui must do it!

One, he wants to force Yang Chen to show up, he wants to see if Yang Chen is dead!

The flesh and blood?


Helping Ye Tian to calculate his family together, can he be called his own flesh and blood?

If Yang Chen shows up, Yang Dingrui will follow the requirements of the agreement, give him a reputation, not give him real rights, and collect this debt bit by bit!

If Yang Chen didn’t show up, Yang Dingrui would take this meal as an opportunity to turn his face with the Li family!

Who is Ye Tian?

The benefactor of the Li family!

Saying that this matter has nothing to do with the Li family, Yang Dingrui didn’t believe it!

You know, it hasn’t been long since the gambling contract is now. The Li family is at a disadvantage now, and the beast Li De, what can’t he do?!

Moreover, he has now sent a killer to chase and kill Ye Tian!

All those who dare to hurt Yang Yuanhong will not die well!

“Well, I will definitely go there.

Gu Yan sighed, then took out a gold card and handed it to Yang Dingrui. I am very sorry about Yang Shao. ”

“I am a step late, Patriarch Yang, there is some money in it, and it is also my meager power. You can accept it.”

“Gu Gongzi, you are a good person!”

Yang Dingrui shook his head and sighed, put away Gu Yan’s gold card, turned around and left.

Gu Yan looked at Yang Dingrui’s disappearing back.

Smiled faintly.

This banquet will be held at noon tomorrow.

At that time, it is not only Yang Chen, but also Ye Tian!

Ye Tian will definitely come!

When the banquet is over and Ye Tianzhong betrays his relatives and leaves, he can go on the road with pain…

And he doesn’t need to stay in the Golden Pavilion now.

Gu Yan has to go to the outer suburb villa now!

One is to see Yang Chen, tell him what to do next, and use his own lore!

The second is to meet the person who bids for Chen Longlai Demon City and ask about one thing.

This matter is very important.

It is even related to Gu Yan’s merger of two hidden families.

ten minutes later.

In Gu Yan’s car.

Su Qingyue has sobered up, she turned her head to look at the man sitting next to her, and the shock in her heart has not subsided until now.

She couldn’t even think about it, Gu Yan still has such a side!

She admitted.

When she saw Gu Yan calculating Yang Yuanhong step by step, and then attacking Yang Yuanhong, but finally allowing Yang Dingrui to show him well, Su Qingyue fell into a deep shock.

But she doesn’t hate it, on the contrary…

Gu Yan didn’t touch her just now. She felt that she had found a man who could be trusted for a lifetime.

She won’t go back anymore, never.

She must stand firmly with Gu Yan!

“In two days, I might go to other cities, will you follow me?”

Gu Yan’s voice was gentle, and she stroked Su Qingyue’s long hair.

“Yes, no matter where you go, I will follow you.” Su Qingyue smiled sweetly, took Gu Yan’s arm, and gently leaned her head against his shoulder.

My heart is full of love.

Outskirts of the magic capital.

Gu Yan parked the Rolls Royce at the door of the villa.

And he is not the only car parked here at this time.

There is another van.

A subordinate came down from above and said respectfully to Gu Yan: “Gu Gongzi, the man has been brought back from the Dragon and Phoenix box, and no one has found it.”

Gu Yan responded and said lightly, “Just wait and give me her eardrops. Clean them up.”

The subordinates responded respectfully, and then returned to the van.

That’s right.

Gu Yan did not forget Yang Yuanhong’s lover and the earring she was wearing.

Evil is rewarded, there is nothing to say, this is what she deserves.

Seeking flowers…

Finish saying this sentence.

Gu Yan walked directly into the villa.

Unsurprisingly, Yang Chen had been waiting in the villa early.

Seeing Gu Yan appearing, Yang Chen immediately greeted him.

Gu Yan randomly found a place to sit, and first broke the calm, “Your brother is already a vegetable now.”

“Tomorrow at noon, Yang Dingrui will hold a banquet in the Magic City Hotel. You will inherit the situation at that time. When tomorrow is over, Yang Yuanhong’s life or death is up to you.


After saying this sentence.

Yang Chen immediately knelt on the ground, bowing his head for a long time.

“After you are in charge, you will do one thing immediately.

Gu Yan has not forgotten the business.

It is not for the benefit of the Yang family to let Yang Chen be in power!

Yang Dingrui will not give Yang Chen rights, but will only give him fame!

In terms of it, it is necessary to use this reputation to make a beautiful lore, and to play the two hidden families in the palm of the hand!

“Tomorrow, in your personal name, Yang Chen, send an email to one-third of the elite capital of Demon Capital.

“The content of the email is transactions. You are willing to use the Yang family’s channels to help these capitalists provide convenience in all walks of life, and what they want to provide you is financing.

“A company with a virtual market value only needs to exist and go public for two months before it can be delisted.”

“Capitalists don’t have to take any risks, how much money they invest and how much money they return.

Yang Chen didn’t understand what Gu Yan wanted to do, but he nodded and accepted the matter.

Gu Yan helped him!Then he will help Gu Yan for free!

Yang Chen left.

But Gu Yan did not move, nor did he go to the person sent by Chen Long. Instead, he sat on the sofa, blowing tea with his eyes low.

This is his plan!

On the surface, the plan seems to be a pure loss. Let alone how valuable the Yang family’s channels are, the handling fees and other costs incurred after the virtual market value is delisted are an astronomical figure!

Enough to make the hidden family hurt their muscles and bones!

But because this is a pure loss for the Yang family, the elite capital of the magic capital cannot refuse!

But what if it is separated from the perspective of the capitalist and from the perspective of the hermit family?

The gambling treaty between the Li family and the Yang family is about to expire. Whoever has more assets and more power will win the gambling and control all cultural relics.

The Yang family was originally an advantage!

And once this virtual listed company successfully raises funds, this is also counted under the name of the Yang family!

The Li family will lose, and they will lose miserably!

At that time, the Yang family has annexed the Li family, and the benefits brought by it can completely make up for the loss!

The Li family sits idly by and will lose.

If the Li family competes with the Yang family, it is bound to pay more benefits.

Then why would the Yang family compete with the Li family?

Directly raise the bargaining chips infinitely and make the Li family pay more. The Yang family can directly avoid these twists and turns, hit the Li family commercially, make the Li family shrink, and win the gambling victory!

the reason is simple!

The Yang family is now the advantage, the Li family is the disadvantage, and the Li family is not as good as the Yang family!

This is a dead move!

No matter how the Li family plays, they will die!


What if you look at it from Gu Yan’s point of view?

Yang Chen is in charge and has no real power.

But in the eyes of outsiders, Yang Chen can!

The elite capitalists will believe him, and the Li family will believe that this is a dead move!

The reason is simple, because the transfer agreement was signed by Yang Dingrui and Yang Yuanhong in person, and Yang Chen has already taken the position!

Even if the Yang family would not give Yang Chen real power.

But will others believe it?

will not!

They will even believe that the Yang family said that Yang Chen has no real power, is it lying to them, they!

In other words,

Yang Chen can make the Li family panic just by relying on a reputation!

The Li family will not really be killed by the Yang family, because this matter is advocated by Yang Chen, and countless elite capitals are staring at the cake in Yang Chen’s hands, staring at Yang Chen.

Even Yang Dingrui can’t terminate the plan, because if he offends too many people, the Li family is bound to profit from it!

At that time, even if the Yang family really wanted to hand over the channel to Yang Chen for management, let him implement the plan and kill the Li family.

Yang Chen can also choose to refuse!

Yang Dingrui is in a dilemma, he can only watch!

For Gu Yan.

He could make Yang Chen give up this plan at any time.

What does this mean?

In the eyes of the Li family, Gu Yan can save their lives!

One more thing!

It’s about the Li Family Patriarch, Li De’s wife, who is currently suffering from a serious illness, and according to the information given by the system, Chen Long, the son of the genius doctor Liuqi Luck, has a medical book that can cure his wife’s illness!

This medical book is still in Jiangcheng next to the demon capital, and even Chen Long hasn’t obtained it!

If Gu Yan gets the medical book first.

He has two chips in his hand!

He can save Li De’s wife!

Can save the Li family again!

Gu Yan can talk to Li De for whatever he wants!

Coupled with Zhao Chuning’s penetration of the Li family, he can completely pass this matter and control at least half of the resources and channels of the Li family!

By the time.

Gu Yan asked Yang Chen to come forward, saying that the plan was temporarily cancelled due to family pressure.

What would the elite capitalists think?

Own cake was taken away by Yang Dingrui!

At this time, Gu Yan has the Li family’s channels, and can do the opposite, and it is justifiable to attract these capitals to his own hands, and quickly grow!

At that time, annex the Yang family in one fell swoop and integrate the two hidden families!

From beginning to end!

Gu Yan paid nothing!

On the contrary, the identity of the paper tiger after Yang Chen’s ascendance provided him with convenience and contributed to all this!

Empty glove white wolf!

A net of heaven and earth covering nearly half of the capital of the Demon Capital, and two hidden families, a conspiracy, a plan that can be called a perfect scam of art!

The final winner…

Only Gu Yan!

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