Chapter 71

Chapter 71 Su Qingyue: Just open a room

Thousand Grass Club!

After hearing this name, even Chen Long felt tight.

Qiancaohui is a large consortium of Dongying. It came to Jiangcheng for development a few years ago for unknown reasons.

On the surface, Qiancaohui has always been very low-key, but secretly it has penetrated most of the entire Jiangcheng network of relationships, and the relationship is everywhere.

What they are doing has always been pumping, dividends, and investment.

Never participate in the project.

This also made every powerful person in Jiangcheng heard the name of Qiancaohui.

It can be said that Qiancaohui is the longest local snake in Jiangcheng.

And the medical book that I dream of is now being kept by the Qiancao Society!

Listen to Master Mu Xuehan’s words.

In the early years when she was studying in Dongying, she personally saved the life of the president of the Qiancao Society with her own medical skills, and this relationship continued.

Recently, Master was invited to do a very important thing.

As long as this is done, the medical book will naturally be in hand.

But even Chen Long thinks this matter is very important.

The casual smile in his expression still hasn’t disappeared.

In Chen Long’s view, he came from the game world.

No matter what happened, he wouldn’t lose his mind, and he didn’t believe that anything would make him lose his mind.


The Honda car drove over, and from the position of the co-pilot, walked down a small middle-aged man with a short stature, yellow skin, tunic suit and beard.

Since the death of the previous president, the Qiancao Hui has never concentrated, and the power is divided into two factions.

It is divided into “thousand” pavilion and “grass” pavilion.

The chiefs of the pavilion are the eldest son of the original president of the Chikusa Council, and the original vice president.

The two divisions have different divisions of labor and different interests, but they all work together to develop the Qiancaohui.

And the middle-aged man in front of him.

It is the eldest son of the former Chikusakai president, Ichiro Fujita, who serves as the head of the Chikaku Pavilion.

“Mr. Fujita Ichiro, hello.” Mu Xuehan smiled.

Chen Long also smiled and nodded, saying hello.

“Aah, Ms. Mu, and Mr. Chen, welcome you to Jiangcheng.” Fujita Ichiro smiled, his Mandarin is very bad, you can clearly hear the voice.


He stepped forward and opened the door of the back seat. “You two, please get in the car. I have arranged the reception ceremony for tomorrow night. In the words of you people in Kowloon, this is called having friends coming from afar. It’s a pleasure.”

“Tonight, I also arranged a sumptuous meal, all of your specialties in Kowloon, for you, I will help you!”

“983 specific things, we will wait until tomorrow night!”

“Hey, Mr. Fujita knows the rules of our Kowloon well.

Chen Long didn’t think much, walked over with a smile, and patted Fujita Ichiro on the shoulder.

But the smile on Mu Xue Hanqiao’s face was inadvertently paused.

I don’t know why.

She always felt a little uncomfortable listening to Ichiro Fujita.

But after all, she came to Jiangcheng this time to get Chen Long to get a medical certificate. Without much thought, she got in the car.

Fujita Ichiro entered the co-pilot.

The vehicle started and was hidden in the streets extending in all directions in Jiangcheng.

Magic capital.

After Gu Yan sat upstairs for a while, he also went downstairs.

He saw Zhao Chuning sitting in the living room at a glance.

“Why did Miss Zhao have Yaxing downstairs today?”

Gu Yan smiled faintly, and said hello to Zhao Chuning.

After that, he just sat on the sofa and read a book.

Zhao Chuning looked at Gu Yan, and a faint trance flashed in his clear beautiful eyes.

The man is tall and straight, with natural behavior, sitting on the sofa with his legs folded, reading the book quietly, his handsome profile calm and indifferent.

I don’t know why.The more he comes into contact with Gu Yan, the more Zhao Chuning can feel the unfathomable depth of this man.

Especially now!

Combined with what happened to Yang Chen today, it made her more and more unable to see through Gu Yan!

“Did Mr. Gu eat? If I guess right, sister Liuli is asleep now.”

Gu Yan heard Zhao Chuning say this, turned his head and glanced at her, and smiled: “Why do you know everything?

Zhao Chuning did not speak, but stood up and walked to the refrigerator, opened it, and motioned to Gu Yan to see it.

At this time, the refrigerator is full of fresh precious ingredients, including meat and vegetables.

“Sister Liuli can’t cook today, let’s eat together.

“Who does it?”

“Together we will.”

Gu Yan smiled, “Miss Zhao, I can understand that you are inviting me to dinner? What will happen if I disagree.”

Zhao Chuning closed her ears and hair, and curled her lips charmingly, “Then Mr. Gu will probably miss a chance to enjoy a big meal.

“And I’m just inviting you to dinner. I think a gentleman like you would not refuse.

We “we pretended to be a couple together the night before, Mr. Gu.

Gu Yan did not refuse, stood up and Zhao Chuning took the ingredients and walked into the kitchen together. (chde)

he knows.

Zhao Chuning has never actively invited any man to have dinner with her.

She always cooks for herself.

And now that she invites herself, it means that she has something to say to herself, and at the same time she actively opens the window of dialogue!

This is an impeccable woman.

From the game in the Fortune Garden, to the “cohabitation” in the villa, to the couple’s action at the Magic City Wharf, to the loss of her earrings.

Coupled with daily conversations and Gu Yan’s own excellence, almost every time he overwhelmingly beat Zhao Chuning.

Put so many conditions at once.

Zhao Chuning just opened a window.

But this is enough.

Gu Yan never let Zhao Chuning, he would take the benefits he should take, he would ask for the things he wanted, and he didn’t try to get close to Zhao Chuning.

Zhao Chuning had the same idea before, and the two just stayed in the cooperative relationship.

But this time!

Zhao Chuning is willing to take the initiative to speak, trying to go further with Gu Yan in the cooperative relationship.

Because she now invites Gu Yan to dinner, she overturned what she had said before!

The same goes for this meal.

Zhao Chuning said that two people did it together.

In fact, Gu Yan just handed things, and didn’t do anything else.

Gu Yan just leaned on the wall so comfortably, looking at Zhao Chuning who was busy,

I couldn’t help but smile.

This Tsundere has a black belly again…

A meal is ready quickly.

Zhao Chuning’s craftsmanship is average, far inferior to the other three heroines, but it can be regarded as an upper-middle level.

After all, for so many years, she has made it for herself by herself, and has never paid attention to anything.

At this time.

Zhao Chuning also brought the last plate of meat dishes to the table. She sat across the table and gestured to Gu Yan, “Mr. Gu, this is something I specially prepared for you. Eat more.”

Gu Yan looked at the plate of meat dishes, suddenly a little helpless.

This dish is raw oysters.

The kind of big make up.

“Miss Zhao, you are so dark-bellied, no man would like you, you know?” Gu Yan glanced at Zhao Chuning.

“I need to be particular about others, should I still do this to Mr. Gu? Isn’t it too strange?

Zhao Chu didn’t care what Gu Yan said. She poured two glasses of red wine, and then she picked up a raw oyster and ate it.

She held a red wine glass and smiled at Gu Yan, “Thank you.


The next moment, the wine glasses collided.

After dinner, on the balcony of the villa.

Gu Yan and Zhao Chuning were sitting side by side, looking at the moonlight and starry night sky, looking at the dreamlike bustling city under the starry sky.

“I’m going to Jiangcheng tomorrow, and I’ll be back in three or four days.”

“Calculate the time, your conference will be held tomorrow. Don’t forget to transfer the benefits to me when that time comes.”

Gu Yan spoke first, breaking the calm.

“Do you and girls always talk like this? Or do you only talk to me?” Zhao Chuning said softly.

Gu Yan did not answer her question.

Afterwards, Zhao Chuning spoke again, “Mr. Gu, in fact, I know that you want to associate with me.”

“I admit that you are a very good man, so I like you too, I agree.

have to say.

These two sentences can be said from Zhao Chuning’s mouth, which is still very shocking.

But Gu Yan did not.

He smiled faintly, “Go on.”

“However, you have to sever contact with all women, including Ye Liuli. I, Zhao Chuning, don’t want to share a relationship with any woman. We know each other, so there is no need to warm up, just go directly to the topic.

After Zhao Chuning finished saying this sentence.

Turning his head, looked at Gu Yan’s expression.

But the latter’s expression was still plain, even as if he hadn’t heard her words.

Zhao Chuning smiled.

The smile is beautiful.

“Mr. Gu, you deserve it.

“Well, then I have a second method here.”

“If you show your strength and convince me from all aspects, it proves that you are a strong person.”

“In this world, the strong can have everything and will not be restricted by anything. Then the words I just said will naturally not take effect.”

“In other words…you conquer me.”

Since Gu Yan sent her earrings back last night, Zhao Chuning’s attitude towards Gu Yan has changed.

There is a set of criteria for judging things like love in her heart.

Your lover must meet this set of standards.

It is for her own good and for the good of others. Zhao Chuning has experienced the feeling of being hurt because of emotions. It is really uncomfortable. That is when she lost family affection.

And Gu Yan just meets any of her standards, even far beyond.

It seemed to be mentioned suddenly.

Zhao Chuning has actually been thinking about it for a long time, which is equivalent to her taking the initiative to confess to Gu Yan!

Faced with things like feelings, with Zhao Chuning’s character, he will never be indecisive, whatever it is.

She admitted that she could never find a second man who met her own standards except Gu Yan.

That being the case, why not tell this story?

What she just told was the truth.

If Gu Yan is really strong enough to conquer her, then she accepts that Gu Yan has other women.

But if Gu Yan is not that strong, at least not yet.

Then Zhao Chuning, absolutely does not allow any woman to share a relationship with herself, it’s that simple.

“Go to bed early, Miss Zhao, we’ll see you in three days.”

Gu Yan heard Zhao Chuning say so.

Did not feel any surprise, did not continue to speak, but turned and left.

Conquer her?

Gu Yan smiled inexplicably.

If the plan goes well in a few days, he can even conquer the hidden family, let alone Zhao Chuning!

Zhao Chuning might not even think of everything at this time.

She left countless backs, but this time she didn’t have backs, so she told them all, because in her opinion, Gu Yan also has no backs in this matter!

But she was wrong again!

Lost again!

The next day, five o’clock in the afternoon.

At the exit of Jiangcheng Airport, a Rolls Royce boarded.Gu Yan and Su Qingyue sat in the back seat of the car.

Su Qingyue put on a touch of makeup today, and her dressing style is also conservative before the change, perhaps because of the relatively high temperature in Jiangcheng.

She wore a skirt that stretched to her knees, revealing a pair of mutton jade-like calves.

“Gu Gongzi, where are we going?”

The driver asked.

Gu Yan didn’t speak, but looked at Su Qingyue, “Where do you want to go?”

The time now is five o’clock in the afternoon.

Gu Yan, who has exchanged information about Chen Long from the system, is very clear.

Qian Ge’s welcome meeting for Chen Long and his master Mu Xuehan will be held at nine o’clock in the evening.

There is still a while.

Gu Yan will not attend the welcome party then.

Nothing will be calculated through this welcome meeting.

He said that the purpose of coming to Jiangcheng this time was to take a vacation, and to crush Chen Long in general!

There is even a Thousand Grass Club.

Gu Yan knows all the secrets. In his eyes, none of the two current pavilions of the Qiancaohui is a good thing, and they are not soft at all.

Not to mention that Gu Yan himself has no affection for Dongying people.

Take ten thousand steps back and say.

Even if the two pavilions of Qiancaohui are good people, they are not Dongying people.

What will Gu Yan do or what will happen.


Gu Yan wants to make this welcome party that originally welcomed Chen Long and Mu Xuehan into a welcome party for himself!

Then through a very special method, let Chen Long become an identity!

Treasure mouse!

That’s right, it’s the treasure hunter!

Regarding the medical book, Gu Yan can go to work hard to find it, but it is not necessary.

Just let Chen Long be your tool man, just find it for yourself!

Therefore, Gu Yan is not in a hurry at all.

Everything is under control.

Su Qingyue heard Gu Yan asking her opinion, she thought about it carefully, a trace of firmness flashed in her beautiful eyes.

She thought about it long before she came!

No matter who Gu Yan is and what his identity is, if you love this man, you should accept everything about him and help him share his worries!

“Gu Yan, I want to go to the West Lake for a walk.

Gu Yan nodded, “Go to West Lake.

In the next half an hour.

Gu Yan and Su Qingyue, holding hands, strolled around the West Lake.

This time, Gu Yan didn’t even let the bodyguards follow, just the two of them.

They took pictures, took a group photo, took a walk, and finally had a simple local dish in the small restaurant next to the West Lake.

Very ordinary and simple.

Gu Yan and Su Qingyue are like ordinary tourists, accompanied by each other, quietly watching the beautiful scenery along the way.


Gu Yan and Su Qingyue came to the front desk of a five-star hotel.

It’s almost time now.

It’s also time for Gu Yan to settle Su Qingyue down, and then go to see Chen Long!

“Hello, madam and sir, do you two have a room?”

Asked with a smile at the front desk of the hotel.

“Gu Yan, do you have to go out later?

Su Qingyue lowered her head, her pretty face was slightly red, her tone became low for no apparent reason.

“Yeah.” Gu Yan responded.

“Then you must remember to come back early.”

Su Qingyue bit her red lip, and then directly picked up Gu Yan’s ID card, put it together with her ID card, and handed it to the hotel front desk.

“Open a room for us!”

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