Chapter 96

Chapter 96 Red Wine, White Cat, Young Master Wushuang

Magic City Center Building.

It also has the reputation of “Top of the Magic City”, a super high-rise skyscraper, and one of the landmark buildings of the Magic City.

-A total of 119 floors, each of which integrates office and entertainment. The area of ​​each floor is added up to form a business district of tens of thousands of square meters, which demonstrates the real magicalism and the prosperous dream-like fantasy.

The daily passenger flow in the center building is extremely terrifying.

But today…

The huge central building seems to have been empty, and even the cleaning and staff have all left their posts!

Countless luxury cars came from all directions, avoiding the crowds and traffic, and drove into the underground garage of the central building in a low-key manner.

There are dozens of luxury cars, dozens of powerful and powerful!

These people are among the elites, leading companies in all walks of life, leaders, and ceilings.

The vocabulary of these days, when placed on them, does not appear abrupt.

They act low-key and don’t like to be public, and there is very little information about them on the Internet.

These people also never participate in meaningless social interactions, and almost reject all forms of parties and banquets.

They are arrogant.

They are the top group of people in the upper-class society of the magic city.

but now.….

They lined up in a queue, rushing to the Magic Center Building, and using the invitation letter on their mobile phone, through the security, they went to the top of the Magic City Building!

It can be said.

The energy of the dozens of people gathered in the Magic City Building today is enough to reshuffle the upper-class society of the Magic City!

But that is not a top-level society.

These elites understand that a mysterious figure standing at the top of the food chain may have appeared in the current magic capital.

He is enough to master everything with one hand, and even enough to affect their future and interests!

Earlier, the reason why the upper-class society of the magic city could live in peace and compete with each other.

Just because of one point, that is the existence of two big hidden families, the two big families apportion countless interest lines to the upper class, and the upper class chooses channels to operate by themselves and cooperate with the two big hidden families.

The two big families restricted each other and competed.

The powerful and powerful also restrict and compete with each other.

In a sense, competing with each other, on the contrary, is the best way to maintain the stability of the upper class.

At that time, Modu did not say that at the top of the food chain.

The two hidden families are more like a spectator, a hand-off shopkeeper who provides a platform. Because they restrict each other, no one can dominate the whole family, and even end up participating in the competition of the upper class!



A mysterious figure, with the momentum of thunder, quickly swept the two hidden families!

In his hands, he now holds the resources and channels of the two hidden families, and he has done what no one has ever done before, and he has become the person at the top of the food chain in a true sense!

He said that whoever has a good relationship with will fly into the sky!

He said 983 that he hates anyone, no matter how rich that person was before, he will lose his fortune overnight and be displaced!

His value can no longer be measured by money, but his lifeblood!

He holds the lifeblood of every powerful person!

Magic City Center Building, roof top.

This place is generally banned, and no one has come to be here.

But now, the forbidden area has become a man’s back garden.

A man leaning on the railing, calmly overlooking the entire magic city, overlooking the luxury cars one after another into the underground garage.

Gu Yan!

Behind Gu Yan, a middle-aged man stood there.

Holding a golden cane in his right hand, he stood honestly behind Gu Yan, his face was always full of iconic, even a humble smile.

It looks like a horse.

But if someone with a discerning eye is here, they will be shocked to the point that they can’t say a word!

This middle-aged man is the owner of the Magic Center Building, the chairman of the Center Building Construction Company, and a super real estate tycoon, Wang Heng!

“Master Gu, as you ordered, everything is ready.

“There are also people you asked me to find, and I have also found them.”

Wang Heng smiled, and then hurriedly operated the phone.

Soon, from the side door of the top roof, a few bodyguards in black walked out.The black-clothed bodyguards at the front firmly controlled a young man who was tied up with five flowers and had a blue nose and a swollen face.

The bodyguard who followed at the back held a mahogany box in his hand.

The box was half open, and there was a puppet cat with big blue eyes lying inside, looking at everything around him in panic and fear.

[Ding! Lin Qiu, the son of luck, is powerless to the status quo, and rewards 20000 villains!]

Gu Yan didn’t look back, his flat voice spread in the wind, “Lin Qiu, since you can tell

“Why don’t you give me a fortune-telling for you now?”

That’s right.

Gu Yan just instructed Wang Heng to directly arrest Lin Qiu, the son of luck who was waiting for the Dragon King’s envoy at the entrance of the underground garage and wanted to participate in this conference!

Again, he didn’t allow the son of luck to jump in front of him.

They are all money ants.

Lin Qiu was tied up and couldn’t say a word, his eyes widened and he stared at Gu Yan’s back.

He has forgotten it!

Forget it long ago!

But what frightened him was that not only could he not see Gu Yan’s fate, but his fate was not even clear now!

This situation happened for the first time in history!

His hands and feet are cold, and goose bumps are springing up like bamboo shoots after the rain!

He could feel that his keen sixth sense was shaking, fearing, and letting himself escape from this place!

Since Lin Qiu came to the magic city, he has been taken care of by unknown forces.

He was once in desperation and embarrassed.

But at this moment, the Emperor Dragon King’s Envoy appeared, not only delayed for him, protected him, but also allowed him to come to the Magic City Center Building tonight to see a big man!

Looking at the back of Gu Yan…

Now the wealthy owners are still in the underground garage, rushing to the top floor.

And only this person always stands at the top!

Wang Heng, the chairman of the Center Building Construction Company, bowed to his knees even more in front of him.

Could it be that he is the mysterious big man?! Even the big man who fears even the Dragon King?!

When did I offend him?!

who is he?!

“Take it with you.

Gu Yan spoke softly.

Upon hearing this, Wang Heng immediately waved, and the bodyguards left the rooftop with Lin Qiu who was struggling.

“By the way, Mr. Gu, we found this cat in the underground garage.”

Wang Heng changed his smile, personally took the mahogany box in the hands of the bodyguard, walked forward and offered it with both hands, “Its owner is Ye Liuli, who is on your list.”

“We wanted to return the cat to her at the time, but Miss Ye Liuli went too fast and quickly left the underground garage.”

“It’s not easy for me to catch up. In that case, I will be seen by others. If those guys know that I will get on board first, I will be targeted.”

“So I’ll bring the cat Gu Gongzi to you.”

Gu Yan looked back at the puppet cat in the box and smiled in his heart.

Ye Liuli, when did she raise a cat?

Pick it up gently.

The puppet cat was in Gu Yan’s arms. I didn’t know why, and didn’t struggle anymore. It became quite docile, looking at Gu Yan with big sapphire eyes.

Then, Gu Yan left the roof of the central building under the escort of Wang Heng.

On the top floor of the center building, the rest area is on-site.

The dignitaries arrived here ten minutes early and waited quietly as agreed.

Ye Liuli and Su Qingyue also attended this meeting on behalf of the Gu Group.

They were sitting side by side on the sofa, whispering.

After getting along for a period of time, the relationship between the two women is getting better and better, although they will still compete with each other when facing Gu Yan’s enemies.

But in private, they have become good friends who talk about everything.

“Sister Qingyue, do you think Master Gu will come today?” Ye Liuli whispered to Su Qingyue.

Su Qingyue had her beautiful eyes, and then she smiled, “I don’t know, I shouldn’t come, otherwise, what does he let us come here for?”

“By the way, sister Liuli, have anyone on your side found Lin Qiu’s trace? Why… there is nothing on my side.

I heard Lin Qiu’s name.

Ye Liuli’s expression suddenly flashed with coldness, she checked it, and then shook her head, “No, I don’t know where this guy is.”

“It doesn’t matter, we can’t move him tonight, I don’t believe that he can escape tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!”

After a while, Ye Liuli spoke again.

“By the way, Sister Qingyue, I will look for Jiuyue. It is the puppet cat I raised. It doesn’t know where it went.”

“September is gone?”

Su Qingyue was also worried in her tone. She looked at her watch, then stood up, “I will go with you.”

However, at the next moment.

A very discordant voice sounded.

“Hehe, two ladies, since you are here on behalf of the Gu Group, you must abide by the rules here.”

“Don’t forget, even if Gu Yan is here in person today, they are also guests, not hosts, let alone you.”

“Animals are not allowed in the venue, don’t you know?”

In the corner, a middle-aged man in black clothes and a tough face walked out of it.

Dragon King!

He sneered at Su Qingyue and Ye Liuli, these two women who were targeting Lin Qiu!

But what made the Dragon King puzzled was that.

He just waited in the underground garage for a long time, but he didn’t see Lin Qiu!

But when the Dragon King spoke this way, other powerful and powerful glances at him suddenly looked at him with incomprehension and doubt, and there was even a hint of hostility.

This guy, dare to go against Gu Yan?

Even at this meeting place today, Gu Yan is here as a guest.

Then Gu Yan is also a guest!

The current power of the Gu family is not weaker than the hidden family at its peak!

Even if it is not as powerful as this mysterious person, in the upper-class society, it is under one person and above tens of thousands.

Is this person’s brain flooded?

Offend Gu Yan?

“What kind of Dragon King are you?

Su Qingyue’s tone was cold and she guarded Ye Liuli behind her, “Tell Lin Qiu, let’s wait and see.”

“Ahhh, there are people outside, there is sky outside, little girl.”

The Dragon King smiled, shook his head and sighed: “I said this to Gu Yan before. You don’t know the Dragon King because you are not strong enough!”

“But today, when the real strong appear, you can rest assured that you will have an extremely miserable ending.

“This is the end of offending the master!

Just then.

Before Su Qingyue could speak, a beautiful figure rushed out from the side door, flew to the front of the Dragon King, raised the number card in his hand, and slapped it against the face of the Dragon King!


The crisp sound made the audience fall into silence.

Tiandong sneered at the corner of his mouth, “Man with facial paralysis, who are you talking to, eh?”

“Gu Yan didn’t beat you enough that day?”

There was a strong murderous look in the Dragon King’s eyes, but he not only saw Tian Dong, but also a beautiful, quiet and quiet woman behind Tian Dong.

He endured the fiery pain and humiliation on his face, and said with a strange smile: “Wait, you and Gu Yan, both of you will pay the price for what you did today!

After speaking, the Dragon King quickly left the place and sat in the corner, looking at Tiandong with a gloomy expression.


Zhao Chuning and Tiandong, as well as Su Qingyue and Ye Liuli, who had just appeared, did not pay attention to the Dragon King.

On the contrary, they all set their sights on each other.

Su Qingyue has never seen Zhao Chuning.

Ye Liuli had never seen Tiandong.

Thus, these four women met by coincidence and introduced each other to get to know each other.

They still met each other through Gu Yan.

One is the woman whose relationship Gu Yan has established.

The other party is Gu Yan’s “partner”.

Women’s sixth sense is keen. They don’t listen to what the other person says, but understand it through dialogue.

For a time, these four people talked in full swing.

The topic always revolves around Gu Yan, and I don’t know how many people are envious of it.

Mr. Gu is really blessed…

ten minutes later.A middle-aged man with a golden walking stick, Wang Heng, chairman of the Center Building Construction Company, walked out.

Everyone”, the son has been waiting for you for a long time, please come with me.

Wang Heng raised his palm flat as a sign of respect and smiled.

After speaking, he walked ahead and led the way.


The Dragon King snorted and glanced at the four women gloomily again, especially after Tian Dong, the first one followed.

The dignitaries also got up one after another, their faces dignified and expectant, put aside all the affairs in their hands, and followed Wang Heng.

Even four women.

Now they all stopped the conversation, they did not separate, but walked up together.

They are not stupid!

At this time, he also put away his laughing expression.

If the Dragon King waits a moment to really get to know the host of today’s conference, then things will become more troublesome than ever.

So, they are ready to bear it together!


Wang Heng’s “Young Master” still touched everyone’s nerves.


Is this mysterious big man very young?

In the hearts of the four women, Gu Yan’s name appeared one after another, but they all rejected them.

Especially Tiandong and Zhao Chuning.

You know, when Gu Yan was at home, he told them that he would also come to the meeting.

But now I don’t see Gu Yan.

What does this show?

Gu Yan must have something else urgent, so Ye Liuli and Su Qingyue were allowed to replace him!

Under the leadership of Wang Heng.

Everyone came to a closed room.

The room is very wide and big, but the light is not very good and it is very dim.

The whole audience was silent, and even the sound of breathing was very faint.

Dozens of people stood together, without even a single sound.


Inexplicably suppressed!


At this moment, a white light illuminates the center of the room, illuminating a middle-aged man in a gray suit, standing on the side, slightly leaning in a certain direction.

Many people are familiar with this person!

Patriarch of the Li family, Li De!

But what made the scene completely silent, and the needle drop was audible, but Li De was facing the direction.

There is a single sofa with exquisite leather.

On the sofa, a tall man in a suit and leather shoes sat there with his legs crossed.

Through the faint incandescent light, only half of his body can be seen, and his face is hidden in the darkness.

Vaguely looking through the figure, we can see that this is indeed a young man.

The man was lazy, holding a red wine glass in his right hand, and stroking a white puppet cat jumping on his leg with his left hand.

He just sat there without even showing his face, an inexplicable, mysterious and powerful aura that caused countless business executives to stare and hold their breath!

“Qingyue, Liuli, what happened to the two of you?”

Tiandong glanced suspiciously at the man, and there was always an inexplicable familiar feeling in his heart.

Then, she looked at Su Qingyue and Ye Liuli with concern.

The two of them are in a bad state now, their pretty faces are dull, frowning, looking at the puppet cat in the man’s arms.

However, at the next moment.

What happened that made the four women sluggish and made countless people’s hearts stop beating!

The smile and joy on the dragon king’s face are even more one!

Sitting on the sofa, the man in the center of the audience slowly spoke.

The deep, magnetic, nice voice, soft and soft, echoing.

“Welcome to the top of the magic city, to

“new world!”

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