The more time passes, the more time passes.

"Another day's work is done. I'm so tired!"

Bai Feng raised his arms and stretched his body. As the completion of the formation continued to increase, the difficulty of construction not only did not decrease, but became higher and higher.

So much so that after he finished the part he was responsible for, he was mentally exhausted as if he had not slept for two or three days.

He originally thought that with his strength in formation, building a formation would not be easy, but at least not too difficult.

But now he found that he was wrong.

He could indeed understand the design of the formation. Even if many structures with Liu Meng's personal style were added to the formation, he could understand it after thinking about it.

But the problem is that his cultivation can't keep up. For example, his master Liu Meng has never rested since the construction began, and has been constantly building the formation. But he has already spent half his life working for a day.

'I still have to continue to improve my cultivation! '

Bai Feng sighed. He didn't stop practicing, and he also took the pills given to him by the sect every month, but his talent was ordinary, and the growth of his cultivation was really slow.

If he wants to quickly improve his cultivation, he can only rely on the system at present.

But the problem is that the purpose of his cultivation is to save his life, and the system will only give him a lot of luck to kill him.

In the end, even if his cultivation is improved, his hatred value will reach the top. At that time, the sons of luck in the world will come together to brush him, the big boss.

It's scary to think about it!

"Let's take it slowly."

It's just that his talent is ordinary, it's not that he can't practice, and he can always get up with time.

While thinking, Bai Feng has walked to the door of the house.

He just put his hand on the door, but before he exerted any force, the door opened by itself.

"Welcome home, Master... Ahem, Brother!"

Bai Yumo was wearing a black and white maid outfit, her red face was a little shy, her eyes were fixed on her skirt, and she didn't dare to look at Bai Feng.


Bai Feng blinked his eyes, he felt that it might be because he was too tired, so he had hallucinations.

So, he stretched out his hand and tried to close the door and then open it.

But the next second, Bai Yumo quickly stretched out her little feet to block the door that was about to close, and her hands also tightly grasped the door: "Brother, what's wrong? Don't you like it?"

"Wait a minute, why are you wearing a maid outfit?"

Bai Feng stopped closing the door, he stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead, it was impossible to say that he was not confused.

"Because I want you to relax more." Bai Yumo's eyes shifted slightly, and her fingers pinched the hem of her skirt subconsciously, "Then I thought of the maid you mentioned at the auction, and it felt quite appropriate..."


Sister, I'm very happy that you care about me so much, but I don't think this can make me relax.

Seeing that Bai Feng didn't answer for a long time, Bai Yumo quietly raised his head, with a somewhat uneasy expression on his face: "Brother, don't you like it?"

"No, I like it very much." Bai Feng immediately became alert and must not give the system a chance, so he hurriedly shook his head, "It's just that I'm not used to it. After all, it's quite different from your usual image."

Bai Yumo's face reappeared with a smile: "If you're not used to it, just look at it more."

Bai Feng saw that Bai Yumo's mood had recovered, and he was relieved immediately. Fortunately, he reacted quickly.

"Okay, brother, I've prepared dinner, let's go in and eat!" As she spoke, Bai Yumo reached out and grabbed Bai Feng's arm, dragging him into the house, looking very impatient.

Soon, Bai Feng sat at the table under Bai Yumo's arrangement, and the food was as good as ever.

I thought Bai Yumo just changed into a maid outfit on a whim, but after dinner, Bai Feng saw her coming over with a cake-like pastry.

"This is today's dessert."

After Bai Yumo put the dessert in front of Bai Feng, she took a deep breath and took out a bag filled with red jam with a cone-shaped bottom from the storage bag.

She pinched the top of the bag, gently squeezed the jam, and drew a heart shape on the pastry.

Then she put away the jam and stretched out her hands a few centimeters in front of her chest to make a heart shape.

But she seemed to have overestimated her face. She was so shy halfway through that her brain almost stopped working.

She opened her mouth, her words were barely clear: "Please

, please...please enjoy it slowly."

"If you are shy, don't force yourself." Bai Feng looked at Bai Yumo who was obviously very shy, but tried hard to complete a whole set of movements, and said with some amusement.

"First...try the snacks first."

Bai Yumo covered her face with both hands, feeling shy and a little tearful. Obviously, the first time was the best, but she messed it up because of her shyness, and she didn't achieve the effect she wanted at all!

Bai Feng smiled and picked up a spoon to scoop a spoonful of the pastry, put it in his mouth and tasted it carefully, and then he gave Bai Yumo a thumbs up: "Well, not bad, it tastes a lot better!"


After being praised, Bai Yumo was not happy, she didn't want to hear this!

She lowered her head, quickly put away the plates on the table, and ran into the kitchen like escaping: "You eat slowly, I'm going to wash the dishes!"

"I'm telling the truth! "

Bai Feng smiled and shook his head, then continued to dig up a piece of soft pastry and tasted it.


After the meal, Bai Feng stood by the window and sprinkled a handful of rice grains, and several birds quickly landed on the ground and pecked at them.

"Eat slowly, there are more, don't grab them. "

He scattered another handful of rice grains, and after the bird had eaten and drunk enough, it spread its wings and flew towards the west of the city.

Since he learned that Li Ming had been listening to music on the flower boat, he has been paying attention to the situation in the west of the city.

But after observing for so many days, he didn't find any problems.

To be honest, Li Ming was getting more and more crazy, and he sent fourth-grade and fifth-grade spiritual tools to the flower boat as if they were free.

'What was written in the letter? It was so fascinating that the son of luck was deeply involved in it.'

Bai Feng felt that this matter was a bit strange, so he strengthened the surveillance of the flower boat to prevent accidents.

If the bird hadn't been close to Li Ming, it would have been easy for him to notice it, otherwise he really wanted to take a peek at what was said in the letter.

Other than that, Xuanguang City was as calm as usual. Even the scattered cultivators who were ready to move a few days ago stopped their activities after being beaten and arrested by the master of the Divine Sword Peak.

"Forget it, let's practice for a while first. "

The most important thing now is to add new trump cards, such as learning a few new sword techniques from Bai Yumo.

But he needs to do one more thing before practicing.

He walked quickly to his bedroom and took out the fairy fire that had already given birth to intelligence.

The fairy fire floated on the palm of his hand motionless, and it didn't look like it had given birth to intelligence.

"Help me refine these materials. I taught you before. Have you forgotten it now?"

He took out a pile of materials and put them on the table. The fairy fire jumped a few times, then flew to the materials on the table and began to refine them slowly.

After Su Lanqian, he had a new Palu join.

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