The more you think about it, the more you will be able to understand.

Bai Feng looked at Yu Yao, who looked quite proud, and couldn't help saying, "Let's not talk about whether your method is good or bad. You can only hide it for a while, right?"

"It's enough to hide it for a while!" The more Yu Yao thought about it, the more she felt that this method was feasible. "As long as I get through these few days, I won't be afraid of my mother and others urging me every day when I return to Tianjian Sect!"

"I still think it's unreliable."

Bai Feng shook his head, and who would bring a photo as a gift to someone's birthday?

"It's better than you accompanying me to celebrate the old man's birthday!" Yu Yao took out a camera, "and we just took a few close-up photos, it's up to us to decide how to interpret it!"

Then she pleaded with Bai Feng: "Senior Sister, please, this is the only request I will make in my life!"

"Your request is a bit too much!" Bai Feng couldn't help but complain.

"How about this!" Yuyao seemed to have made up her mind, "I'll be your personal maid, and you can take a photo with me for one day, how about that?"

"How dare you say that!" Bai Feng saw that Yuyao was really going crazy because of her family, and he waved his hand quickly, "Forget about the personal maid, how do you want to take the photo, senior sister?"

"Junior brother, I knew you would agree to my request!"

Yuyao first wiped the non-existent tears from her eyes with emotion, and then a smile quickly appeared on her face. She moved the stone bench to Baifeng's side, sat down, looked up at Baifeng, and then silently moved the stone bench back.

"Do you need me to move a higher chair from the house?" Baifeng said with a smile.

"No, Senior Sister, I have a better way." Yu Yao walked in front of Bai Feng, with a serious face, "Junior Brother, I'm sorry!"

After that, she sat on his lap, and at the same time she continued to say to Bai Feng: "This is for taking pictures, don't think wrongly!"

Bai Feng nodded: "Indeed, if you didn't say it, I would have thought you changed your mind and wanted to be my daughter and act coquettishly to me!"

"Shut up!" Yu Yao raised her elbow and poked his stomach, then she took a deep breath, raised one arm and hugged his neck, "I want to take a picture."


Bai Feng looked down at Yu Yao sitting on his lap, and subconsciously reached out and touched her head.

"Don't touch my head!"

Yu Yao reached out and knocked his hand away. It was difficult for her to maintain her expression without breaking, okay? What if she couldn't hold back her expression if she continued to touch?

"Don't be in a daze, I really want to take a picture."

After that, she picked up the camera, her head almost leaned on Bai Feng's body, and then pressed the camera button.

After the photo was taken, she quickly got up from Bai Feng's lap and looked at the photo she had just taken.

"How was the photo?"

Bai Feng stretched his head to look over, and saw that he had no expression in the photo, and Yu Yao also had a tense face, her eyes were fixed on the front, and her eyes were serious as if she was fighting. If it weren't for the movements, no one would have been able to tell that they had a good relationship.

"No, this will definitely be seen through at a glance."

Yu Yao was naturally dissatisfied. She stretched out her hand and rubbed her tense little face. Was her expression too tense just now?

"Let's change the method."

"No, let's do it again!" Yu Yao shook her head, she took a deep breath again, sat on Bai Feng's lap, and tried to relax her expression a little, "Well, I'm going to start."


Bai Feng nodded, he leaned slightly towards Yu Yao, and stretched out his hand to hug her body.


When he put his hand on it, Yu Yao suddenly screamed and almost couldn't hold the camera tightly.

"Why did you suddenly put your hand over here?"

She put her hand over her rapidly beating heart. She had just been trying to maintain her expression, and Bai Feng's sudden hand over scared her.

"Sorry!" Bai Feng raised his hands, "I thought it would be better this way."

"No, you are right, little junior brother." Yu Yao shook her head quickly, then she stretched out her fingers and gently scratched her red cheeks and whispered, "What I want to say is, please tell me before you do this kind of thing, so that I can be mentally prepared."

"Then... do it again?"

"Yes! Do it again! This time it will definitely work!"

Yu Yao picked up the camera. At this time, Bai Feng put one hand on her waist and hugged her, and she also leaned against Bai Feng. She didn't need to control

She smiled, but what she had to do was to control the extent of her smile.


Yu Yao took the camera back, and she looked at the photo on it, feeling a little relieved: "Junior brother, do you think this is okay?"

Bai Feng took the camera and looked at it. Looking at the photo of Yu Yao leaning happily in his arms, he didn't think they were a couple, but rather a pair of siblings with a good relationship. As for why they were not father and daughter, it was because he was not that old.

Of course, he would not say that. He nodded in admiration: "Not bad, I didn't expect that you, Senior Sister, got the essence the second time."


Yu Yao laughed dryly a few times. How could she get the essence? She just restrained herself a little...

"That should be enough, right?" Bai Feng returned the camera to Yu Yao, "I feel that the effect will be similar if we do it a few more times."

"Well, that's it." Yu Yao got up from his legs, "Next, let's take a few more photos of our daily life."

"Ah? And?"

"Of course, how can one photo be enough!" Yu Yao put her hands on her hips and said in a matter-of-fact tone, "After all, my mother and the others are not fools. They can definitely think of the situation of fraud, so we must take more photos!"

"Then Senior Sister, tell me how to take photos." Bai Feng sighed. He had already taken one photo, so he could only continue taking photos. I hope this method can really help Yu Yao fool around.

"Hehe, it's very simple!" Yu Yao seemed to have an idea in mind. "We can't take photos too deliberately, so we can only focus on some small things in daily life, and we can't take photos like the first photo. It's best to hint through small details or small movements. For example, when I take photos of snacks, you show one of your hands, so that it will appear that I am sitting in your arms and eating snacks."

"Then shall we start now?"

"No hurry, the scenery of this courtyard has been used, let's change places!" Yu Yao dragged Bai Feng into the house, "By the way, where is Bai Yumo? Let's tell her first, otherwise it will be bad if there is a misunderstanding."

"She is still practicing, and she will probably come out at dinner time."

"Then don't call her, I'll think about how to take the next photo... Got it, little junior brother, borrow your clothes, I'm going to pretend to mend the clothes, and then you take off the robe and sit on the sofa in the clothes inside as the background."

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