The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next few days.

Su Lanqian secretly glanced at Bai Feng who was modifying the formation, and she lowered her head and took a deep breath.

Then she walked quickly towards Bai Feng: "Well, take a break first, I made some desserts, do you want to eat?"

As she said that, she took out the pudding she had made early this morning from the storage bag. The pudding was placed intact in an empty box, and the surface of the pudding was covered with a thin layer of caramel, which looked very tempting.

She put the box on the stone table beside her, opened the lid and put the spoon aside, whispering: "This is the pudding you told me about before."

"Thank you, Senior Sister Su, I'll be there soon."

Bai Feng nodded, then put down his work and sat on the other side of the table.

He looked at the pudding on the table, picked up the spoon beside him and cut it gently.

"Not bad." Bai Feng smiled and nodded. The pudding tasted delicate and smooth, with a faint milky fragrance, and it looked very good. It can be seen that Su Lanqian had put a lot of effort in it.

He just talked about pudding, a dessert with very simple raw materials, during the chat, but he didn't expect Su Lanqian to remember and replicate it.

"By the way, Senior Sister Su, I want to make a new dessert recently. Can you help me? I have a lot of things to do recently, and I may not be able to handle it alone."

"Yeah, no problem!" Su Lanqian nodded quickly.

"Then let's do it today. I'll go to Lingshou Peak to buy some milk later." Bai Feng said as he ate the last bite of pudding. "Okay, thank you for your hospitality, Senior Sister Su. After I adjust the formation, we'll go study new desserts."


Su Lanqian looked at Bai Feng's back as he left, then she turned her head to look at the plate on the table - the pudding on it had been eaten, but there were still some residues left.

She stared at the spoon used by Bai Feng, her throat moving slightly.

Then she first secretly glanced at Bai Feng, and after making sure he wasn't looking over here, she reached out and picked up the spoon to scoop up the residue in the plate.

"So sweet..."

She slowly put the spoon down, with a blush on her face.


"So boring..."

Shui Miaomiao was lying on the bed, covered with a small quilt, and the bedside was filled with various books.

Because Bai Feng was going to modify the formation today, she didn't need to help test the simulated secret realm, but she had been used to exploring the secret realm every day and being taught swordsmanship by Bai Feng these days, so she was a little uncomfortable with the sudden break.

Especially when she was free, she couldn't help but think about it and wanted to read a book...

"No, I can't fall like this anymore!" Shui Miaomiao sat up from the bed suddenly, "Anyway, Senior Brother Bai didn't say that I can't go to him when I modify the formation..."

She can practice swordsmanship while Bai Feng is modifying the formation!

And she didn't have any strange ideas, she just wanted to find someone to keep an eye on her, otherwise she would definitely be lazy, well, that's it!

So, Shui Miaomiao reached out and picked up her clothes, changed her clothes and prepared to go out.

But just as she was about to push the door, she suddenly stopped: "Wait, should I bring some gifts?"

After all, Bai Feng taught her a lot of things, if she didn't give her something, it would seem that she, the Princess of Dongzhou, was too rude.

"But what should I give as a gift?"

Shui Miaomiao pondered. Should I start with hobbies? But what does Senior Brother Bai like?

She inexplicably thought of packing herself up, and then...

"No, don't think about it at this time!"

She reached out to hold her head and "knocked" on the door in front of her.

A few minutes later, Shui Miaomiao covered her red forehead and continued to think about what Bai Feng liked.

In her impression, Senior Brother Bai seemed to be a person who enjoyed life very much, and the grilled meat was also delicious...

"How about giving that?"

Shui Miaomiao thought of something she liked very much when she was a child. She still carries it with her. It happens that this item is a specialty of Dongzhou and is not available anywhere else. It is very suitable as a gift.


On the peak above the simulated secret realm.

Bai Feng specially built a small house on the mountain. He stood in front of a table with bottles of milk on it.

He glanced at Su Lanqian, who looked a little puzzled, and explained with a smile: "Because Senior Sister Yuyao's birthday is coming up in a few days, I plan to give her a surprise. If I make it at my house, she will easily see it."

"Oh..." Su Lanqian nodded, and seemed to be in a low mood


"By the way, Senior Sister Su, when is your birthday?"

Hearing Bai Feng's question, Su Lanqian's mood improved a little. She shook her head and said, "It's already passed."

"That's a pity. It seems that I can only celebrate your birthday next year." Bai Feng smiled, "Okay, let's start first. I remember that we need to separate the milk fat."

As he spoke, he used his spiritual energy to take the milk out of the bottle and prepared to separate the milk fat in the milk by high-speed rotation.

Su Lanqian watched his operation and followed him to make it.

The production of cream is much simpler than Bai Feng imagined. Soon he got a small bowl of cream with sugar and whipped.

"Senior Sister Su, come and taste it."

Bai Feng took out a spoon and scooped up a small piece of cream and tasted it carefully for a while. The taste and taste were very close to his impression. It seems that it should be successful.

However, it is not enough to just make cream. He plans to make a cream maker, which is why he invited Su Lanqian to help.

Su Lanqian also took out a spoon and scooped up a piece of cream to taste. The texture and taste were very novel, and she didn't hate it.

"I'm going to bake a cake. Senior Sister Su, you sit here first. If you have any ideas, you can tell me."

After that, Bai Feng went to prepare the materials.

Su Lanqian set her sights on the spoon used by Bai Feng, which still had some cream on it.

She looked around, then quietly took out a brand new spoon from the storage bag. She dipped the spoon in the cream, made a simple disguise, and then placed it where Bai Feng's spoon was. As for Bai Feng's spoon, she took it and put it in the box used for eating pudding.


"Where is Senior Brother Bai?"

At the same time, Shui Miaomiao scratched her head at the entrance of the simulated secret realm. She didn't see Bai Feng in the simulated secret realm. Did he modify the formation and go home?

Just as she was thinking about whether to go back, suddenly, her nose loosened slightly and she smelled a sweet and greasy milk fragrance.

"It smells so good, who is making dessert?"

She swallowed subconsciously, then walked towards the place where the fragrance came from, and then she found that the fragrance came from the mountain.

"Is it made by Senior Brother Bai?"

Shui Miaomiao walked quickly towards the mountain. Based on her understanding of Senior Brother Bai, Senior Brother Bai would indeed do such a thing.

Soon she saw Bai Feng roasting something with spiritual fire, and the fragrance was coming from here.

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