The last part of the array pattern is the last part of the array pattern.

"This is the last part of the array pattern."

Bai Feng carved the last part of the fairy pattern on the 'stone slab', and placed several stone slabs on the table. Each stone slab was carved with a part of the fairy pattern. All the stone slabs were combined to form a complete fairy pattern.

Su Lanqian on the side was looking at the fairy pattern seriously. She had already realized that this array pattern was not ordinary when she was halfway through learning it. It was definitely not an additional supplement to the 'Thousand Arrays'. Now she was even more convinced of this after seeing the last part.

'Is it really okay to teach me such a precious array pattern? '

She couldn't help but doubt herself in her heart. The originally suppressed inner demon also took this opportunity to emerge and increase her doubtful emotions.

Suddenly, a wave of fluctuations came from her sea of ​​consciousness, and her chaotic brain became clear.

She subconsciously looked at Bai Feng, and her little hand couldn't help but grab the corner of his clothes, and her heart gradually calmed down.

Although she still had feelings of uneasiness and doubt in her heart, she chose to ignore these emotions, just like what Bai Feng said before-if I don't believe in myself, then I will choose to believe in Bai Feng.

Su Lanqian thought so in her heart.

"Bai Feng..."


Bai Feng turned his head to look at Su Lanqian who was sitting next to him. It seemed that in order to see the fairy pattern clearly, she almost leaned over.

"Thank you."

Su Lanqian stared at the fairy pattern and said in a low voice.

"No need to thank me, I'm not teaching you for free." Bai Feng said jokingly with a smile, "I really need Senior Sister Su to continue to be my assistant and help me make the formation."

Su Lanqian nodded gently: "Well... I will try my best to follow you closely in the future and always be your assistant."

"... It's not necessary to be like this, it's a bit too heavy." Bai Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but complain.

Su Lanqian didn't reply, she lowered her head and continued to look at the fairy pattern on the stone slab.

After studying for a while, she raised her head slightly and looked at Bai Feng, and asked nervously: "Um, can I ask you for a favor?"

"Sister Su, please tell me. As long as I can do it, I will try my best to help."

She slightly turned her eyes away and whispered: "I want to break through to the Nascent Soul. Can you help me suppress my inner demons these days?"

"That's no problem." Bai Feng nodded, but at the same time he was a little confused, "But I have helped you suppress your inner demons before, right? Is the effect worse recently?"

"No!" Su Lanqian shook her head quickly, and then she lowered her head and said as if she was a little embarrassed, "It may be the influence of the inner demon before. If I am by your side, my heart will be calmer, so... I want to invite you to my house as a guest. It doesn't take long, just stay for a while every day."

"Such a small matter is naturally no problem. Sister Su, when do you plan to start preparing for the breakthrough to the Nascent Soul?" Bai Feng nodded.

Judging from the fact that they had been building the formation together these days, Su Lanqian was indeed not lying. When she was by his side, her efficiency was indeed higher.

Su Lanqian seemed to be happier, and she quickly replied: "Let's start from tomorrow. Thank you for your help."

'Hey, did Senior Sister Su encounter something happy? '

Shui Miaomiao saw Su Lanqian push open the door and leave from a distance. Compared with her usual expressionless look with her head down, Su Lanqian's face was obviously more smiling at this time.

She reached out and scratched her head, probably because of something related to the formation.

She didn't take it too seriously, and walked quickly to Bai Feng's door, stretched out her hand and knocked on the door:

"Brother Bai, I'm here to train with you."

"Junior Sister Shui, you came at the right time!" Bai Feng had just sent Su Lanqian away, and Shui Miaomiao came again, "By the way, didn't I say that we would train in the evening? Why did you come so early?"

"Ahahaha... I don't have anything to do at home, so I thought I might as well come here early."

Shui Miaomiao slightly turned her eyes away - she couldn't say that she couldn't help wanting to read when she was alone at home!

In order to overcome her desire, she came to Bai Feng early. As long as there were other people around, she wouldn't want to read!

"Indeed, sometimes it's boring to be alone at home."

Bai Feng nodded in agreement.

At this time, he suddenly had an idea in his mind: "By the way, since

In that case, I'll make you something fun."

"What's the fun thing?" Shui Miaomiao was suddenly curious.

"You'll know in a while." Bai Feng kept it a secret for a while, "Okay, Junior Sister Shui, come in first."

Entering the house, Shui Miaomiao looked around curiously. Although she had come in when Bai Feng invited her to a barbecue before, she was still quite restrained at the time, and she was not familiar with Bai Feng, so she didn't observe carefully.

Bai Feng put fruits and snacks on the table and poured Shui Miaomiao a cup of tea.

Shui Miaomiao looked at Bai Feng who poured water for her personally, and she subconsciously hugged her arms and shrank her body: "Senior Brother Bai, tell me what you want me to do quickly, otherwise I'm a little scared."

"Just let you play a game." Bai Feng said, while taking out a video recorder from his pocket, "I plan to make an additional plug-in for the video recorder, which is about entertainment."

"Entertainment? "

Shui Miaomiao was a little curious, how can the camera be used for entertainment?

Is it for taking pictures of the scenery or selfies? But this has nothing to do with games!

Wait, is it for taking pictures of that kind of...

"Wait for me for a while, I'll go and make a cassette by hand."

Bai Feng did not explain directly, but took the camera into the room where he usually made formations.

Shui Miaomiao watched Bai Feng enter the room, and then she stopped thinking about it and looked around with a guilty conscience.

'Well, I didn't feel anything when Senior Brother Bai was here, but why did I start to get a little nervous when I was alone?'

She secretly looked at the items in the living room. Because it was her first time to visit Bai Feng's house, she did not 'act rashly', but just observed from a distance.

'Bai Senior Brother's home is really simple, it seems that there are only some daily necessities, but Senior Brother Bai doesn't look like the kind of ascetic character! ' She observed the living room and whispered in her heart, 'Are all the interesting things hidden in the bedroom? '

She has read in books that many boys hide some books or toys in their bedrooms. Will Senior Brother Bai do the same?

I really want to go to Senior Brother Bai's bedroom to find out.

"Junior Sister Shui..."

Shui Miaomiao was startled:

"Woo ah ah! I didn't want to go to Senior Brother Bai's bedroom..."

She suddenly reacted, quickly covered her mouth with her hand, and turned her body stiffly to look at Bai Feng, who looked like he was smiling.

"Junior Sister Shui, what do you want to do in my bedroom?"

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