The two of them were very close, but the two of them were still very close.

Bai Yumo looked curious. She had been secretly investigating for the past month, but she could only confirm that the two of them had traded in spirit stones. Occasionally, Bai Feng would bring some things to Yuyao, and the packaging seemed to be a few books.

Although it seemed that it was just Senior Sister Yuyao who asked Bai Feng to help buy some things, the clothes that Yuyao took out from time to time were too embarrassing...

"Oh, this!"

Bai Feng was a little surprised. He remembered that every time Yuyao came to him, she deliberately chose a corner with few people. After all, most of the clothes she took out were not suitable for open viewing. But he didn't expect that Bai Yumo would still find out.

Could it be that after seeing the clothes in Yuyao's hand, he misunderstood something?

After thinking for a few seconds, he explained simply: "Because I have some business dealings with Senior Sister Yuyao, in short, I invested in Senior Sister Yuyao's clothes. After Senior Sister Yuyao sells them, I can share some of the profits. After all, learning array formations is very expensive!"

Well, investing in seductive pictures is also an investment!


Bai Yumo nodded. This does make sense, but she is still a little confused in her heart-then why would Senior Sister Yuyao take out such clothes?

"Then can I take a look together next time?"

Faced with Bai Yumo's inquiry, Bai Feng suddenly got stuck-what are you going to see? Are you going to see Yuyao going crazy about the seductive pictures drawn by your brother?

After thinking for a few seconds, Bai Feng decided to kick the ball to Yuyao. Who told this guy not to make good clothes but to make seductive clothes? He didn't even dare to tell Bai Yumo about this.

"You can ask Senior Sister Yuyao. After all, she is in charge of this matter. I am only responsible for dividing the money. But I guess there should be no problem. She should be happy to let you see the new clothes she made."

Refers to the all-age version.

"Yes, I will."

Bai Yumo took in the changes in Bai Feng and nodded. Sure enough, the relationship between the two was not that simple.

Bai Feng did not want to continue chatting about this matter. He quickly took a few bites of rice and said, "Okay, it should be about time. Let's go and see what the sect master and the elders are going to announce!"


In a wide square...

"There are so many people."

Bai Feng glanced around. At this time, the square was full of people. Many disciples gathered in twos and threes, exchanging gossips that they didn't know where they heard from.

And as the public opinion turned around, he didn't see other disciples pointing fingers at him after he arrived. Instead, they smiled and greeted him.

To be honest, I'm not used to it.

"Junior brother, Junior sister Yumo, come here!"

On an empty seat not far away, Yuyao stood on tiptoe, waving her hands vigorously at Bai Feng and Bai Yumo, and even jumped a few times from time to time.

It was so noisy that it was hard for Bai Feng not to notice it.

Ignoring the gazes of the disciples around him, he took Bai Yumo to the area where the disciples of Qingzhu Peak were, and approached Yuyao and whispered: "Senior sister, do you know why the sect summoned all the disciples this time?"

"I don't know much about it." Yuyao shook her head, "I just heard that it seems to be related to the secret realm discovered some time ago. Oh, by the way, the sect master seems to want to change the eldest brother according to the ranking of the last sect competition. To be honest, I don't like that guy very much. Although he looks kind, his tone of voice always gives people a very arrogant feeling."


Bai Feng nodded. If it was true, it would be a good thing. Without the identity of the eldest brother, it would be difficult for this son of luck to target him again.

He was just worried that the system would take the opportunity to give him luck points.

"Brother..." At this time, Bai Yumo beside him suddenly reached out and pulled his sleeve, "Can I say a few words to Senior Sister Yuyao?"

"Ah?" Bai Feng's brain suddenly paused, and he looked at Bai Yumo in confusion, "You guys can just chat, why are you asking me?"

Do you still need to report such a small matter? A child?

"Thank you, brother."

Bai Yumo nodded quickly, and then grabbed Yuyao, who had a somewhat unnatural expression, and walked to the side.

At this time, Yuyao was a little panicked. Could it be that Junior Sister Yumo discovered that she and Bai Feng had traded pictures?

Don't do that! At least wait until thirty years after I die!

Bai Feng, save me!

Not long after Bai Yumo dragged Yuyao away, a figure came to his side on time.

Bai Feng turned his head and glanced at Su Lanqian standing beside him, only to see that she lowered her head and didn't speak, like a colorful sculpture.

So he

He took a step to the side, and then Su Lanqian also took a step, just like a little tail following behind him.

Except for the movement, it was the same as in class.

To be honest, it was very weird! He couldn't understand Su Lanqian's train of thought at all.

He even began to doubt that he didn't save Su Lanqian, but Su Lanqian turned into a ghost after her death and entangled him.


Bai Feng coughed lightly, and Su Lanqian raised his head slightly.

"Don't pay attention to me, just treat me as weeds or air."


How could I not care about such a big person standing next to me!

That means I have already reached the Golden Core stage, otherwise would you follow me to the toilet?

Bai Feng took a deep breath, he felt that he couldn't go on like this, he had to make some changes!

"I say, you are not a disciple of the Tianjian Sect, right? What are you doing here?"

"... I can only calm down when I am next to you." Su Lanqian slightly turned her eyes away and said in a low voice. Then, as if she was afraid that Bai Feng would misunderstand, she quickly added, "It's because of the inner demon. I don't know why, the inner demon won't appear next to you."

Bai Feng was a little surprised. He had never heard of such a thing. Could it be that he actually had a special physique that blocked the inner demon?

When he was thinking, he suddenly thought of the scene in the illusion where he kneaded the inner demon. Could it be that because of this inner demon, he didn't dare to appear near him?

Ha, it seems that Su Lanqian's inner demon is just as arrogant as her original body!

"But you can't always follow me, right?" Bai Feng looked at Su Lanqian and touched his chin, "We will separate sooner or later."

"Well...if there are personal belongings of yours." Su Lanqian buried her head even lower, and even a blush began to appear on her face, "I...I can buy it, no matter what personal belongings, clothes are fine!"

Bai Feng: "..."

You seem to be a bit of a nymphomaniac!

But although it sounds a bit perverted, he also knows that the other party is just trying to reduce the influence of the inner demon.

"Clothes are impossible." Bai Feng waved his hand, "But other things can be discussed, but compared to money, I want some weird array plates, the weirder the better!"

Recently, he has been dismantling arrays, and in the process he found that many useless or meaningless arrays can be dismantled to have more interesting functions.

These functions are almost useless in normal arrays, but if they are placed in a reduced array... they are still useless!

For example, Bai Feng dismantled an array function that can record the number of steps, and you can see how many steps you have taken every day.

But why do immortal cultivators look at this thing?

Apart from using it for nostalgia, Bai Feng couldn't think of any other use for it for the time being, but even so he still enjoyed it!

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