The more people there are, the more they will be.

"Is the Tianjian Sect targeted?"

Bai Feng frowned slightly. He had already rescued several waves of Tianjian Sect disciples, and the number of disciples gathered together gradually increased.

At first, he still needed to help secretly, but later he didn't even need to move. A group of disciples rushed up and beat the Fengling Sect's people away.

'It's better to sneak into Fengling Sect to see the situation.'

After seeing that the Tianjian Sect disciples didn't need his help, Bai Feng prepared to act alone.

And in this case, it was useless for him to continue to follow. As the number of people increased and the target became bigger, it would be easier to be exposed and restricted.


"Do you think Bai Feng will really come after we spread the news that the Tianjian Sect disciples were besieged by monsters? Isn't this a trap?"

A Fengling Sect disciple stretched his tired body and couldn't help complaining to his teammates beside him.

"Hey, that's wrong. This is a clear plan." Bai Feng waved his hand and explained to the Fengling Sect disciple, "We have trapped most of the Qingzhu Peak disciples. If he doesn't go, what will his brothers and sisters think of him? How can he gain a foothold in the Tianjian Sect in the future?"

"Brother, what you said makes sense!" The Fengling Sect disciple nodded, "And he must not have thought that we have set up layers of traps, and even Ye Tang from the Tianjian Sect is cooperating with us. If he dares to come, he will never come back!"

Bai Feng nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes! Even if he grows wings, he will never fly out of our palms!"

"Let's go, Junior Brother, let's go back and rest. When we have enough rest, we will continue to look for Bai Feng!"

"Okay! Senior Brother, let's go!"

So, Bai Feng successfully mixed into the Fengling Sect's team and walked towards the location of the 'trap'.

At the same time, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes. He really didn't expect that Ye Tang would be so unscrupulous and could attack his fellow disciples without any psychological burden. This also means that this son of luck probably has no morals at all. If he is not solved here, he may not have a peaceful life in the future.

Even if he is stuffed with a large amount of luck value by the system, he must get rid of Ye Tang.

After all, he doesn't want to be remembered by a son of luck without bottom line.

Along the way, Bai Feng met many disciples of Fengling Sect. It is estimated that all the disciples of Fengling Sect who entered the secret realm have gathered here.

It can be seen how much Fengling Sect values ​​him.

'This doesn't seem to be something that a genius disciple can do. '

Bai Feng smiled and responded to the Fengling Sect disciples who came over, but he was constantly thinking in his heart.

He didn't believe that a genius disciple could have such appeal that everyone could willingly and hard work together to find him. Even the son of luck would find it difficult to do so.

Unless... the top leaders of Fengling Sect also have ideas about him.

I just don’t know whether Fengling Sect intends to treat him to a meal, behead him, make his subordinates dogs, or just get rid of him directly.

Bai Feng opened the system and took a look, and immediately found the signs of two sons of luck not far away.

One might be Ye Tang, and the other... I’m afraid it’s the son of luck of Fengling Sect.

A bit tricky.

But Bai Feng was not surprised. If a sect as big as Fengling Sect didn’t have a son of luck, it would be really strange. I just don’t know if this son of luck is the one Su Lanqian knows.

‘The elite of Fengling Sect should be here. In addition, there are a lot of formations arranged around.’ Bai Feng observed the surroundings and gradually had an idea in his mind, ‘It can be used.’

As the yin and yang patterns of his eyes opened, the structure of the formation appeared clearly in front of him.


"Junior brother, let me tell you something. I just received a message from a friend. There is a building not far away that has never been explored. There is also a layer of array protection outside. There must be good things hidden inside. Let's go and take a look!"

"Thank you very much, senior brother."

Bai Feng smiled and nodded. He lowered his head slightly, and a talisman fell from his sleeve.

He had almost visited the camp of the disciples of Fengling Sect, leaving many traces. He even quietly embedded a simple illusion array in the array of Fengling Sect to increase the influence range of the illusion.

Otherwise, even if he exhausted his spiritual power, he would not be able to affect too many people.

"Hey, Junior Brother Chen, who is the person next to you?"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Bai Feng and others.

Bai Feng looked up and saw a young man with a cold face standing on the treetop.

Staring at him condescendingly.

The first time he saw this person, his radar of the son of luck sounded.

Obviously this person is another son of luck besides Ye Tang.

'Sure enough, he is from Fengling Sect, but I don't know if he is that genius disciple. '

Bai Feng thought in his heart, and he was not surprised that the other party could find him.

After all, illusion seems powerful, but the higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it is to exert influence. In addition, he is still exerting influence on the group, which is definitely not as fine as one-on-one. Moreover, the other party is also the son of luck, so it is not so easy to fool him.

But he didn't plan to fool him. He didn't have the delusion that he could avoid another son of luck while dealing with Ye Tang. His daring to come means that he has been prepared to fight with another son of luck.

So he used the God Forging Method again, and more of his spiritual tentacles extended towards the son of luck than others.

"Him? He is my junior brother!" The disciple called Junior Brother Chen was a little confused and answered blankly.

The son of luck on the tree frowned and asked in a tough tone: "I ask you, who is he?"

"Who else could he be? He is the junior brother of Fengling Sect! I have seen him in the sect!" Junior Brother Chen was still confused. He turned to look at Bai Feng, "Junior Brother, quickly explain to the senior brother!"

"No need." Bai Feng waved his hand. He looked up at the son of luck on the tree with a smile on his face, "Do you need me to introduce myself again?"

"Oh, no need. Even if you cover your face, I can recognize you, Bai Feng!" The son of luck on the tree narrowed his eyes, "I really didn't expect you to dare to break in alone. I began to admire your courage, but I don't know if your strength can support your courage."

"What, what! You are Bai Feng!"

Junior Brother Chen on the side suddenly widened his eyes and shouted in disbelief.

"...Why is it that when you yell, it's like an urban Dragon King drama?"

Bai Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and the expression on his face seemed a little bit stretched. He resisted the urge to complain and continued to look at the son of luck: "Are you so sure that you can take me down?"

"Heh, your little tricks are useless to me! Relying on such tricks so recklessly, you directly broke into the formation we set up. I even suspect that you are a formation genius who relies on deception and deceived Senior Sister Su."

When the son of luck said the three words "Senior Sister Su", his tone was obviously much heavier.

He raised his hand, and the formations around him began to operate: "You should regret what you did in the formation first!"

Facing the oppression of the formation, Bai Feng's face remained calm: "When did you have the illusion that you were not under my illusion?"


Under the incredulous expression of the son of luck on the opposite side, Bai Feng turned into a pile of bamboo leaves and disappeared in front of everyone.

He looked around quickly, but no matter how he observed or scanned with his spiritual sense, he could not find Bai Feng.

Then he quickly activated the formation, trying to cover the entire area, but at this time he found that he could no longer control the formation.

His face could no longer remain calm, and he couldn't help but clench his fist and hit the tree stump beside him: "How is it possible?!"

His face was gloomy: Was the formation secretly destroyed? Or am I still in the illusion?

At the same time, Bai Feng took over part of the control of the formation and easily shuttled through the Fengling Sect camp.

However, because the time was short, he did not use the entire formation, but only part of it, but it was enough.

"Oh? Ye Tang is here!"

Bai Feng stopped and frowned slightly. He felt that the breath of this person was a little wrong.

And Ye Tang was followed by a Yuanying period monster, no, it was an empty shell!

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