The monster was already covered with wounds under the siege of the Tianjian Sect disciples, and its movements were not as fast as at the beginning.

Bai Yumo easily dodged the monster's tail, raised her sword, and cut off the head of the Yuanying stage monster with one sword, and the monster's huge body collapsed.

After she sheathing the sword, she turned around and left without caring about the dead monster.

She ran to Bai Feng quickly, and was relieved when she saw that he was fine.

"Brother, it's solved."

"Well, I'm almost done."

Bai Feng nodded, and as he carved the last array pattern, a translucent film rose above the temporary camp.

Because the incident happened suddenly, he simplified many steps. Although this formation can barely reach the fifth grade, its function is much simpler.

He only retained the recognition function, and the rest were all added to the defense.

"Let's do this for now."

Bai Feng looked at the formation and nodded. In this way, if there is another invasion of monsters, it can withstand for a while.

He turned around and looked at Su Lanqian who had made great efforts in the formation: "Thank you, Senior Sister Su. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can ask me for help, provided that I can do it."

Su Lanqian nodded quickly.

In fact, she now has something she wants Bai Feng to help with, and Bai Feng is sure to be able to do it.


She is really embarrassed to speak.

"Brother, several disciples of the Tianjian Sect are trapped by a group of mysterious guys. As the senior sister of the Tianjian Sect, I need to help. You..."

Bai Yumo's tone was a little tangled. Now Bai Feng's injuries have not healed, and it is not suitable for him to follow her, but if she leaves Bai Feng in the camp, she is worried.

Suddenly, I felt that the position of the eldest sister was not that good. If she was not the eldest sister, she would not have to worry about this problem and could just choose to stay in the camp with Bai Feng.

"I'll go too."

Bai Feng did not plan to stay in the camp. Although the camp had the formation he arranged, it should be safer, but according to the law of the son of luck, it was generally safer to be with the son of luck.

If all three sons of luck were not there, he might get into trouble if he stayed in the camp.

And because this behavior was good for the son of luck, he did not have to worry about being stuffed with luck by the system. On the contrary, if he stayed in the camp without moving, he might be labeled as a person who did not help others in danger and stuffed with luck.

"Well, I will protect you."

Seeing this, Bai Yumo no longer hesitated. Since Bai Feng also wanted to go, all she had to do was to protect him!


After Bai Yumo announced that she was going to rescue Lin Yan, Luo Chen and others, the camp soon became busy, and Su Lanqian also hurried into her resting room to pack her luggage.

First, put away the bowl that Bai Feng used to eat porridge yesterday, and then the most important thing is the bedding!

She stared at the bedding on the bed and swallowed.

That night, she mustered up the courage to let Bai Yumo rest in her room. It was the right decision!

She slowly reached out and gently folded the bedding, lying on the bedding. She could even smell the scent left by Bai Feng when he was lying on it.

She didn't even dare to imagine what it would be like if this quilt covered her.

It should be like being hugged by Bai Feng...

'Well, what are you thinking about! '

Su Lanqian reached out and knocked on her head to stop herself from thinking about it.

"Hurry up!"

She tried to keep her brain empty, stuffed the bedding and sheets and other items into the storage bag, and then looked at the bare wooden bed reluctantly, and walked out of the room quickly.

A few minutes later, a disciple who stayed in the camp because of injury planned to find a place to rest for a while, and then saw a room with only a bare bed through the half-open door.

"Huh? Has no one lived here before?"


"The people of Tianjian Sect are almost here, are you still not ready?"

The black-robed man was already a little impatient. They were just a few Jindan disciples, why were they like cockroaches that could not be killed.

"It's very strange, the flames in the formation seem to be absorbed by something, and even the power has decreased a little."

One person answered, his face under the mask full of surprise.

At this time, there was a sudden noise in the formation, and the formation, which had been in disrepair for many years, was even more damaged.

"Haha, I did it!"

Inside the formation.

Lin Yan spit out a flame, and although he sat in the fire, the flames did not dare to get close to him.

He slowly raised his right hand, and a flame fell on his hand and danced gently, like a docile puppy.

"Brother Luo, you've worked hard, leave it to me next!"

Lin Yan turned around and said to Luo Chen with a smile, then he waved his hand, and the flames that Luo Chen and others could not do anything about instantly dissipated.

Seeing this, Luo Chen was also delighted: "Congratulations to Brother Lin for making another step forward in his cultivation."

"It's just that I just became a golden elixir, and I'm still far behind you."

Lin Yan touched his nose. Not to mention Luo Chen, the old golden elixir, even Bai Feng, who originally had a lower cultivation level than him, became a golden elixir one day earlier than him.

However, he was not discouraged. Others have their own opportunities, and he also has his own opportunities. He just needs to continue to advance steadily.

What's more, Bai Feng entered the golden elixir earlier than him, and he would only feel happy. After all, Bai Feng's talent is mediocre. Even if he has an opportunity, he still needs to work hard on weekdays. He sincerely admires this.

"You really surprised me a little."

At this time, a voice came from outside the formation. Lin Yan, Luo Chen and others immediately felt as if they were facing a great enemy, and they all tightened their weapons in their hands.

"I wanted to give Tianjian Sect a face and let you slowly spit out the inheritance of Qianzhen Sect, but now it seems that I have to be ruthless."

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding flames dissipated, and then countless swords appeared in the formation.

"Enjoy it, but if you can hand over the inheritance of Qianzhen Sect, I might spare your life."

"Bah! Don't think that a few broken swords can threaten me!" Lin Yan spit, "You still want inheritance, dream on!"

"Okay, okay, I hope you can be so hard next time!"

After that, the swords in the formation quickly rushed towards the disciples of Tianjian Sect.

"Come on!"

Lin Yan's body was ignited with flames, and he turned directly into a flaming hand, crushing the flying swords.

At the same time, Luo Chen also clenched his sword again, and the sharp sword energy fought with the swords in the formation.


"Be careful, there are people!"

Bai Yumo suddenly stopped and saw two men in black wearing black cloaks standing in front of them.

"How about we sit together and have a cup of tea?" A man in black sat on a tree stump with a pot of tea floating in front of him.

"Get out of the way."

Bai Yumo held the hilt of the sword, her eyes slightly solemn, she felt that the enemy in front of her was a little strange.

There seemed to be a strange power in them.

"That won't work." The man in black shook his head. "The front has been occupied by us. Wait until we get the treasures before you go over."

"Just the two of you?"

"Of course not. I don't have the guts to fight the senior sister of the Tianjian Sect!"

The man in black shrugged, then raised his hand and snapped his fingers. In an instant, a large group of monsters emerged from the forest behind him. Their cultivation levels were uneven. There were foundation building, golden elixir, and even a Yuanying. It was conservatively estimated that the total number was at least 300.

However, all these monsters had dull eyes, which was basically the same as the Yuanying monsters that had been eliminated before.

Bai Feng stared at the other man in black who didn't speak, and couldn't help muttering in his heart: 'How come I met another son of luck? '

Is this the son of luck of the villain style?

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