Villain: There Are Too Many Protagonists, So I Gave Up

Chapter 15 Has Chunqiu's identity been investigated?

Bai Feng came out of the living room. After he finished speaking, Uncle Yun no longer wanted to talk about engagement. Now Uncle Yun and his father were preparing to go out for a drink.

"Brother, don't you want to get engaged to Yun Yueyao?"

Bai Yumo followed him. She had been standing quietly in the room before and didn't say anything until she left. She couldn't help asking Bai Feng.

"No." Bai Feng shook his head without hesitation. "After all, I have never met her. We are complete strangers. If I want to get married, I still want to find someone I know well and have been with for a few years. At least I have been friends for a few years. Of course, it is best to have an emotional foundation and a compatible personality."

To sum it up, he wants to know whether the other party is the son of luck and whether he has any relationship with the son of luck.

Otherwise, with the nature of the current system, he suspects that after getting married, he can trigger the system reward and give him a lot of luck points when he sleeps at night.

Bai Yumo stared at Bai Feng blankly for a few seconds, then she shook her head quickly, as if to cover up her embarrassment, and she continued to ask Bai Feng: "Brother, do you have someone you like?"

"Well, no." Bai Feng shook his head, "After all, I stay at home all the time and don't go out much, so I don't know many people."

"Is that so..."

Bai Yumo stretched out her hand to scratch her cheek, and her eyes subconsciously looked around.

"Okay, don't worry about your brother's life. I am the eldest son of the Bai family. It is still very easy to get married." Bai Feng waved his hand, "You are leaving today, remember to practice well in Tianjian Sect, and don't run home if you have nothing to do."


Bai Yumo was a little depressed, but then she thought of the information about Bai Feng that she asked her father for this morning, and she immediately cheered up again.

She was looking forward to the day when she met Bai Feng in Tianjian Sect. At that time, her brother would definitely be very happy, right?

At this moment, Bai Feng suddenly sneezed. He looked around with a little suspicion, and always felt that someone was going to harm him.

Bai Yumo left, and Bai Feng sat in the yard looking at the sky above his head, only feeling…


Finally, I don’t have to worry anymore!

Let’s start drawing dirty pictures!

Bai Feng took out a pen and paper, and then began to brew.

Ever since he saw Bai Yumo wearing the purple dress he drew, he realized that he seemed to have a group of special fans in Tianjian Sect.

It just so happened that he was tired of drawing dirty pictures recently, and he was almost out of work. His readers also felt a little aesthetic fatigue, and it was time to draw something different to change the taste.

He had to draw serious pictures and dirty pictures, so that he could be called healthy!

He could even draw the same character, one picture was serious clothes and serious postures, and the other picture was dirty clothes and not-so-serious postures. This contrast would definitely drive his fans crazy.

Well, good, I have inspiration, let’s start drawing!

During the days when Bai Feng was obsessed with drawing the dirty pictures, the elders of Tianjian Sect on the other side started a discussion.

The reason was that there were three more recommendation letters on the table of the sect master.

One was from Bai Yumo. The first thing she did after returning to the sect was to tell her master about Bai Feng's situation and write a recommendation letter to the sect master at the suggestion of her master.

One was from Lin Yan, who was even more enthusiastic about this matter than Bai Yumo. Not only did he find his master, but he also called on the alchemy elders who had a good relationship with him to help.

The last letter was from Senior Brother Chen, but he just wrote a letter, focusing on how extraordinary Bai Feng was, and mentioned a little bit of self-reflection, such as not being impulsive, etc.

The three were inner disciples of Tianjian Sect, and Bai Yumo was the direct disciple of the leader of Qingzhu Peak. In addition, under the strong push of Bai Yumo and Master Lin Yan, the elders of Tianjian Sect had to face up to this matter.

Even in the end, with the help of some people, even ordinary disciples knew about this matter, and for a time, the sect was divided into two factions.

One faction believed that since it was proposed by Senior Sister Bai and Senior Brother Lin, it meant that Bai Feng was not as bad as the rumors said. As long as it met the regulations, what's wrong with letting Bai Feng join the Tianjian Sect?

The other faction believed that Senior Sister Bai was obviously oppressed by the Bai family and recommended Bai Feng to join the Tianjian Sect. As for Senior Brother Lin, their Lin family and the Bai family are neighbors, and it is not surprising that there are some exchanges of interests. This kind of unhealthy trend must not be encouraged!

In the end, there was even a small faction between the two factions - they agreed to Bai Feng joining the Tianjian Sect, so that they could beat him up.

But Bai Feng was unaware of all this, and only felt that the weather was getting colder recently.

"Has Chunqiu's identity been investigated?"

In Qiufeng Tower, the girl Qiu'er, who was wearing a translucent veil on her face, was sitting on a chair with her legs crossed, and her white and smooth thighs were exposed at the high slit. She asked the housekeeper Wang Ma who was bending over in front of her.


Before Wang Ma could say anything, she was interrupted by Miss Qiu'er: "I've said it so many times, my identity is Qiu'er."

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm guilty..." Wang Ma seemed to have thought of something horrible, her body trembled, her legs softened and she knelt on the ground.

"Get up." Qiu'er still had no expression on her face, "If you don't report, you can stay in the Red Dust Wall."

"Yes, yes..." Wang Ma didn't bother to get up from the ground, she quickly told the intelligence she had collected during this period:

"Miss Qiu'er, it's like this. Chunqiu seems to be protected by some force. Our investigation into Chunqiu has been completely blocked, and no news has leaked out. The only family that can do this is probably the Bai family in Qinghong City."

"The Bai family again?"

Qiu'er frowned slightly. Last time, someone from the Bai family broke free from her influence. Although she did not use her skills to prevent her identity from being exposed, but only relied on the sound of the piano to influence him slightly, the fact that this person left so quickly still made her feel uncomfortable and dangerous.

She even guessed that the other party might have discovered something, so she even secretly influenced a disciple of the Tianjian Sect. It was a pity that he was a drunkard who couldn't even deal with a dandy boy who was only in the early stage of foundation building.

In recent days, she has been worried about being discovered by the administrators of Qinghong City. Although she is not afraid, her mission has not been completed yet, so she naturally does not want to leave so dejectedly.

"Okay, I got it. You don't need to continue investigating this matter." Qiu'er waved her hand, "Clean the floor before you leave."

"Yes, yes..."

After Wang Ma packed up and left, Qiu'er sat on the chair, leaning over, supporting her cheek with one hand. She was not surprised by the results of Chunqiu's investigation.

As early as when she first came to Qinghong City, she sent people to investigate, but apart from the two words Chunqiu, there was no other information, and it was not even clear whether it was a man or a woman.

The only people who could do this were probably the local snakes in Qinghong City, and Chunqiu's status in it was not low.

But she didn't plan to give up. As early as the first time she saw Chunqiu's painting, she made up her mind to get Chunqiu.

It's a waste of talent for such a talent to hide in Qinghong City as a painter of erotic paintings. Only by joining the Sacred Heart Sect can his value be brought into play.

"It seems that I have to go to the Bai family."

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