Now Su Chen can be sure that because he took the other party's things, the other party immediately sent people to retaliate! This investigation ability is not ordinary. This is a collusion with some people in this city. Otherwise, is it so easy to get the surveillance? It seems that it is really necessary to give the other party a heavy blow. The next day, just after dawn, Su Chen took action. Half of the information was directly exposed. Once this half of the information was exposed, the international community was in turmoil. This immediately brought a lot of trouble to the organization. The Interpol also came to the door in an instant. Looking at this posture, it feels like they are going to catch them all in one fell swoop. Fortunately, they were always paying attention to the situation. Once they found something wrong, they ran away and evacuated in minutes.

But although people ran away, it was impossible to take away all the things, so the loss of personnel can be said to be negligible, and the economic loss is simply huge.

This huge economic loss was caused by Su Chen.

The organization was so angry that they immediately mobilized the top ten killers.

This posture directly wanted to assassinate Su Chen.

The top ten killers happened to be in Asia, so it was convenient to come. They bought a full-price first-class plane ticket, which was about a few thousand yuan. Look, they arrived in the city where Su Chen was in a few minutes.

This killer is called Lao Bai!

Lao Bai didn't expect that someone could provoke the organization so badly.

This time it was not a matter of who paid him to kill who and the organization took a commission. This time the organization directly paid him, a full million just to kill Su Chen.

Since he has received the money, Lao Bai must do a good job.

On the way, Lao Bai has studied Su Chen all the way.

Lao Bai came to a conclusion through the scattered intelligence that Su Chen is invulnerable and his close combat ability is quite amazing.

In such a situation, if you want to deal with the opponent, you can only take an unconventional approach.

A person is invulnerable, just like a human tank, how are you going to deal with it?

How did the soldiers of the Celestial Empire deal with tanks a hundred or eighty years ago? Smoke!

Directly use thick smoke to completely smother the opponent.

However, Lao Bai does not have the conditions for smoke now, but he has the conditions for poisoning.

As long as the poison is silent, there should be no problem in dealing with the opponent.

Lao Bai has already seen the target person.

Look, the target person just came out of the company.

Look at the time, half past five! It's time for dinner!

Then just poison the other party's food.

In this way, Lao Bai immediately drove to catch up, ready to follow the other party to eat dinner, and then attack when the waiter brought the plate.

Su Chen didn't eat dinner outside, he went home directly.

Look, the more he drove towards the villa group, the more Lao Bai realized that the other party was going home.

Since it is certain that the other party is going home, he must not let him succeed, right?

Immediately, Lao Bai accelerated without hesitation.

Su Chen was very cooperative and took the initiative to pull over and park.

Su Chen got out of the car.

Lao Bai stared at Su Chen, the dog, with gloomy eyes, and his mood was very bad.

"You followed me all the way, and finally you couldn't stand it anymore! Then, I have reason to suspect that you wanted to poison me while I was eating! When you saw me heading home, you knew that this opportunity was gone, so you just took action! Who sent you?"

"You thought I would tell you, right?"

Lao Bai looked at Su Chen and asked.

Su Chen shrugged. It didn't matter whether the other party told him or not. Since the other party was going further and further on this road of self-destruction, he would definitely not indulge the other party.


Su Chen moved!

The speed was very fast. In an instant, he approached Lao Bai. Do you think he was playing a joke with you? Once he got close, the dazzling attack would bring terrible damage to you.

Lao Bai waved his right hand, and the white powder in his palm instantly enveloped Su Chen.

Su Chen did several backflips and directly distanced himself from Lao Bai.

After the distance was pulled away, they successfully reached a safe place.

Lao Bai didn't expect this guy to be so alert. He could see that the powder was not simple and ordinary!

Not bad, great! This is a feeling of amazing insight. The other party is not an easy one to deal with.

"Why are you looking at me like this? No other means? These are the only tricks back and forth?"

Su Chen asked curiously.

"I have many means! If I use them, I will scare you to death, huh!"

"Then use them. I won't stop you. I'm always giving you opportunities! I'm afraid that once I take the initiative, you will have no chance. Then you will say that I am a sneak attack or something. That's so boring!"

"I will use it, of course I will use it. I will use it right away. Don't worry!"

"I'm not in a hurry. How long do you have to wait for this right away? Is it an hour or a lifetime? Don't keep beeping and then it will be endless. That's really inappropriate!"

Su Chen nodded.

Lao Bai clenched his hands, wanting to kill this damned guy. This damned guy really makes people angry.

"Come on, attack!"

Su Chen said.


Lao Bai attacked.

At this moment, Su Chen pulled out two bayonets from his waist.

Because he had offended the organization, Su Chen no longer kept weapons at home. He knew very well that there were many masters in the organization. No, he carried these weapons with him.

At this moment, he pulled out the weapons he carried with him and entered the combat state.

When Lao Bai approached, he waved his left hand again and dispersed the white mist directly towards Su Chen.

Su Chen saw that it was still the same move. In an instant, he backflipped backwards again and used the method of distance to completely stay in a safe place.

Lao Bai's attack failed. It seemed that he was going to attack, but in fact, he was just trying to close the distance and then directly poison him. What he didn't expect was that this damned guy could discover his intentions again and again, and thus disintegrate! This guy is much more difficult to deal with than he thought. Damn it.

Su Chen realized that it would not be a good thing if he continued like this, so he called the police.

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