After Su Chen took the paper, he looked down, and then his eyes widened, his face full of shock.

"Damn! There are actually people selling lottery tickets in this world?!" Su Chen exclaimed.

"Hahahaha, you silly son, do you believe Uncle Chen now?" Uncle Chen patted his shoulder and said.

Su Chen looked at his parents excitedly: "That's great, Dad, I finally don't have to go on blind dates anymore!"

"Haha, do you think your dad is a god and can predict the future?" Uncle Chen said.

"However, this Chen Linna is really good, beautiful, talented, and most importantly, patriotic!"

Uncle Chen continued.

"But she is a university professor, and our family conditions are not good." Uncle Chen sighed.

Su Chen heard this and shook his head: "Mom and Dad, don't worry. Although you don't have much money, you are sincere. I believe Sister Chen will not despise you."

"Besides, we can work hard slowly!"

Su Chen patted his chest and said confidently.

Uncle Chen and his mother looked at each other and then laughed.


The next morning.

"Su Chen, good morning, I'm free today, how about I treat you to dinner?" As soon as Su Chen entered the class, Chen Linna took the initiative to come up.

"Okay." Su Chen smiled and agreed.

"Then see you at noon." Chen Linna smiled slightly.

"See you at noon." Su Chen smiled.

"By the way, I want to treat you to dinner, but I'm afraid you will find it inconvenient." Chen Linna hesitated for a moment and said with gritted teeth.

"It's okay. I'm fine anyway. I'll find a hotel after dinner. You can arrange it however you want." Su Chen shrugged indifferently.

"Really?" Chen Linna was surprised.


Su Chen nodded.

Chen Linna said happily: "Su Chen, I've decided. I'll go buy vegetables in the afternoon. Let's make a sumptuous lunch and celebrate!"

"You don't want to treat me to a drink?"

Su Chen looked at Chen Linna and said suspiciously.

"Yes, I want to treat you to a drink!" Chen Linna nodded seriously.

"I don't drink. If I get drunk, if you bully me, I'll lose a lot." Su Chen said with a pout.

Chen Linna rolled her eyes, thinking that Su Chen was quite vigilant!

However, she was not afraid.

She had secretly investigated last night. Su Chen's alcohol tolerance was not good.

"Okay, then I'll have another drink with you when you're drunk." Chen Linna said with a smile.


Chen Linna invited Su Chen to dinner, so she naturally had to go to a hotel, so she deliberately chose a more luxurious restaurant to eat, and did not take Su Chen to some small restaurants as usual.

"Boss, please serve some of your specialties, the best ones!"

She told the waiter.

"Okay, miss, please wait a moment, the dishes will be served soon."

Chen Linna nodded.

She looked around, and then her eyes fell on Su Chen who was playing games on the side.

"Huh? Su Chen, where did you get this game console? It looks familiar. Did someone lend it to you?"

Su Chen turned his head and glanced: "Sister Chen, how do you know that someone lent me this game console?"

"Is there any need to ask? You must have stolen it!" Chen Linna said with a smile: "I remember that someone saw your news on the forum some time ago. It is said that you seem to be a hacker."

"Hacker?" Su Chen scratched his head: "I only know how to play a game called "I am a Stone"."

After hearing this, Chen Linna couldn't help laughing: "Su Chen, that's an online game, you still play it? Are you kidding me?"

"Who said that? I'm serious!" Su Chen defended.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk to you about this. I'll order first. What do you want to eat?" Chen Linna looked at Su Chen and asked with a smile.

"Whatever, I'm not picky." Su Chen waved his hand casually.

Chen Linna nodded when she heard this.

"Okay, I'll order the food, you can take a look."

After that, Chen Linna threw the menu to Su Chen.

Su Chen took the menu and looked at it carefully.

"This chicken wing is so spicy!"

Su Chen frowned and said.

Chen Linna looked at him and said, "Didn't you just say that you

Whatever, then order this dish. "

Su Chen curled his lips: "I just said whatever, I didn't say I had to eat chicken wings!"

Hearing this, Chen Linna said with embarrassment: "Okay, then you order something else."

"Well, thank you for your trouble."

Su Chen smiled and pushed the menu back to Chen Linna.

Chen Linna was embarrassed when she saw him push the menu back.

She hasn't eaten anything that others have ordered yet!

Chen Linna took a deep breath and turned to another page.

"We have this, this... and this, order them all."

"Okay. "Su Chen nodded and returned the menu to Chen Linna.

Chen Linna was a little surprised when she saw his actions. Is this guy really casual? Or is he pretending?

After Chen Linna ordered the dishes, Su Chen looked out the window.

Chen Linna kept staring at Su Chen, trying to see what his expression was.

Su Chen found that two eyes were staring at him. He looked up and saw that Chen Linna's eyes were staring at him closely.

Su Chen was a little puzzled. He didn't make her angry.

"Sister Chen, why do you keep looking at me like this?" Su Chen couldn't help asking.

"No... nothing... I just suddenly wanted to look at you for a while..." Chen Linna blushed and stuttered for a long time before she could say this.

"Oh. "

Su Chen nodded, thinking to himself, this girl is really not shy!

Just at this moment, a waiter came over with a plate of fruit platter.

"Miss, this is the latest strawberry platter in our store. It is airlifted from France. It tastes very good. You can try it."

The waiter looked at Chen Linna and introduced with a smile.

Chen Linna looked at the strawberry platter on the table, swallowed her saliva, and said: "Is this strawberry airlifted from France? Is it delicious?"

"Of course it's delicious!"

The waiter nodded and said.

Chen Linna picked up a piece and tasted it.

"Wow, it's really delicious, so sweet!"

After Chen Linna finished speaking, she picked up another piece and started eating.

"Sister Chen, since you like it, then pack it all up!" Su Chen smiled and said.

"Are you serious?" Chen Linna looked at him in surprise.

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