The young man with red hair looked at Chen Linhao with envy and said.

"Haha, thank you."

Chen Linhao nodded and did not refuse.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet!"

At this time, Chen Linna suddenly spoke.

Hearing Chen Linna's words, everyone stopped making noise and all their eyes were focused on Chen Linna.

"Brother Chen, I met a very good friend today, so I want to invite you to go with me. Are you willing to go with me?"

Chen Linna said with a smile, her eyes full of expectation.

"Of course, no problem."

Chen Linhao nodded.

He originally just wanted to go shopping with Su Xue, but he didn't expect to encounter this incident. In this case, he agreed.

"Okay, Brother Chen, let's go."

Chen Linna stood up with a smile, took Chen Linhao's arm, and walked outside.

Seeing this, the boy with dyed golden hair looked at Chen Linhao with envy.

"Brother Chen, I really envy you. You have such a beautiful sister to accompany you. We single dogs can only stare blankly."

"You are all still young, it's too early!"

Chen Linhao said with a smile.

"I'm only 19 years old this year." The boy with dyed green hair said.

"I'm only 17 this year, but I'm already in a relationship!"

Chen Linna said proudly. She is very good. Otherwise, how could those college students be so devoted to her? She is a celebrity on campus. Many boys like her, but she just doesn't like them. This makes those suitors very worried.

"Haha, Linna is not bad!"

Chen Linhao laughed.

"I'm much worse than him. I don't even have half his charm!"

Chen Linna retorted somewhat indignantly.

"Haha." Chen Linhao shook his head helplessly.

He knew that the boy Chen Linna was talking about was the boy with green hair.

At this time, the boy with long curly blond hair smiled and said, "Brother Chen, Sister Chen, you must have had a hard time along the way!"

Hearing this, Chen Linhao and Chen Linna smiled at each other.

"That's fine. As long as Sister Chen is here, I think it's all worth it."

"That's right! Sister Chen is my idol!"

Chen Linna smiled and said, "Okay, stop praising me. Let's go. Brother Chen has to go home to bring dinner to his mother."

"Well, let's go!"

"Sister Chen, you are so filial!"


Seeing Chen Linna's appearance as a good wife and mother, Chen Linhao couldn't help but curse her in his heart as a vixen.

However, Chen Linhao didn't show it, because he didn't know if these vixens would join forces to beat him up if he showed it.

"By the way, Brother Chen, where do you live?"

After walking out of the KTV, Chen Linna suddenly asked.

"Haha, Brother Chen is an orphan and has grown up alone since childhood."

Chen Linhao said with a smile.

"Brother Chen, how did you become so powerful?"

Hearing Chen Linhao's words, Chen Linna couldn't help asking, her eyes full of curiosity.

Chen Linhao smiled deeply and said, "I was raised by an old man when I was a child."

"That old man is really a great man!"

Chen Linna said admiringly.

Chen Linna's words caused a burst of laughter, and Chen Linhao also laughed.

"Let's go, Brother Chen, I'll treat you to dinner!"


So, a group of people left the nightclub and went to a high-end French restaurant for lunch.

In the French restaurant.

"Brother Chen, can you tell me how you were adopted when you were a child?" Chen Linna asked curiously.


Chen Linhao looked embarrassed and didn't know how to answer for a while.

How can you tell others about this kind of thing?

"Brother Chen, don't worry, just say whatever you want!"

Chen Linna persuaded, and at the same time felt a little unhappy.

"Actually, I wasn't abused when I was little, because my parents are a wealthy couple, and I've never had to worry about food and clothing since I was little, and I get a lot of pocket money every year."

Chen Linhao said with a smile: "Later, my parents met a rich woman at a business gathering, and that rich woman is my fiancée."


Hearing this, Chen

Lina's face flashed with disappointment.

"Later, they got married." Chen Linhao said with a smile.

"Do you have a girlfriend now?" Chen Linna asked.


"If you don't have a girlfriend, why do you have such an excellent girlfriend like me?" Chen Linna muttered, her tone full of sour taste.

"Ahem... Lina, you misunderstood. You are so beautiful, it is normal for so many boys to like you. Besides, those boys are all for your beauty and family. I don't want to be regarded as a competitor by those people. If I do, I will not be able to live!"

Hearing Chen Linna's words, Chen Linhao couldn't help but say bitterly.

He knew that he was making things worse.

"Oh, that's right, then I will reluctantly forgive you!"

"If you dare to find another girlfriend, I will break your legs!" Chen Linna said viciously, as if threatening Chen Linhao.

"Yes, yes, yes! I won't dare to do it again."

Chen Linhao said with a smile.

"Hmph, you have to remember this sentence, otherwise..."

Chen Linna said coldly.

"Don't worry, I will definitely remember it."

Chen Linhao said with a smile.

"If you dare to lie to me, be careful that I will beat your ass!"

After that, Chen Linna waved her fists a few times.

Seeing this scene, Chen Linhao couldn't help but be stunned, and then burst into laughter. This girl is so cute, even more naughty than a child.

This scene fell into the eyes of those teenagers, but they were envious and jealous.

At this moment, they all felt that there was no more beautiful woman in the world than Chen Linna.

"You'd better leave quickly. If you are recognized by others, it will be a big trouble." Chen Linna reminded.

"Yeah!" Chen Linhao nodded and turned away.

"Hey, Brother Chen, wait for me!" Chen Linna shouted hurriedly.

"Why haven't you left yet? Are you reluctant to leave me?"

Seeing this, Chen Linhao couldn't help but laugh.

Hearing this, Chen Linna's pretty face immediately turned red with shame.

This brother Chen is really shameless, but she actually felt a sweet feeling in her heart, and even her breathing became a little faster.

"You are reluctant to leave!"

After saying this, Chen Linna immediately ran out, leaving Chen Linhao with a surprised face.

Seeing this, Chen Linhao was also at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

He didn't know that this was the power of love.

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