After a while, the police officer was very busy.

Zhang's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Haha, Dr. Su, you finally got through to me."

"I'll go to your bureau to find you now, you wait there."

"Okay, I'll send a few people to take you to the bureau now."

"Thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Su Chen left the cafe and went to the police station.

After he arrived at the police station, he waited on the first floor.

Not long after, there was a brake sound outside the police station, and then a black Mercedes-Benz car slowly drove in.

Then, the car door was opened, and a middle-aged man in a neat military uniform jumped out from the passenger seat.

The man had thick eyebrows, big eyes, a square face, a high nose bridge, and a strong heroic aura on his face, giving people an extremely strong feeling.

"Hey, Dr. Su, you are finally here!" The middle-aged man stepped forward and shook hands with Su Chen warmly: "Is this your second time to our police station?"

Su Chen nodded and said: "Yes, it's my first time here, and my first time meeting you."

"Hahaha!" The middle-aged man laughed heartily: "Come on, get in the car quickly, let's go upstairs and talk."

As he said that, the middle-aged man stretched out his hand to open the passenger door and motioned Su Chen to get in.

Su Chen got in the car without any politeness.

"Dr. Su, the last time I saw you, you were just a freshman in the third year of high school, and now you are already a doctor!"

The middle-aged man exclaimed.

"Yes." Su Chen smiled and said, "It's just luck."

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Doctor Su, I'm inviting you to dinner this time to thank you for saving my life."

"It's just a small favor, you're welcome."

"Doctor Su, please do me the honor of having this meal." The middle-aged man said sincerely.

"Okay, I'll give you this face."

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome. By the way, Director Zhang, you just said that our company's capital chain is broken, right?" Su Chen asked.

"Yes, we are now developing new software and preparing to launch it, so there will be a temporary problem with the capital chain. If you, Doctor Su, have a way to help us, everything will be easy." The middle-aged man said hurriedly.

Su Chen pondered for a moment and said, "Wait a minute, I'll check online to see if I can help."

The middle-aged man thanked him repeatedly.

Afterwards, Su Chen searched for information about the software online.

This enterprise, called Lin Group, is mainly engaged in real estate, and has various companies under its umbrella, including game production, game agency, and other products.

Real estate projects under Lin Group have been distributed worldwide. In China, Lin Group also occupies a place, and the same is true in China.

But after searching for a long time, Su Chen did not see any information about Lin Group.

"There is no record of Lin Group." Su Chen looked at the text on the screen and muttered to himself.

"Brother Su Chen, have you found any valuable clues?" Lin Ruohan asked.

"Yeah." Su Chen nodded and said: "Some clues, but I'm not sure yet."

"Oh, then please tell me quickly!" Lin Ruohan said urgently.

"I think Lin Group should be related to your company's stocks, otherwise, why can't I find any information about Lin Group."

"I think so too, but I have checked all the information about Lin Group, but I can't find any records about it at all." Lin Ruohan frowned.

"It seems that the information of Lin Group was deliberately destroyed." Su Chen analyzed.

"But the background of this Lin Group is very clean, and it is impossible to find out who did it?" Lin Ruohan said.

"This may be the trick of Lin Group itself." Su Chen guessed.

"The trick of itself? How is this possible? Their capital chain has been completely paralyzed, where can they get any money!" Lin Ruohan said in surprise.

"This, I can't be sure, after all, no one knows Lin Group better than me."

"Brother Su Chen, I don't think this matter is that simple."

Lin Ruohan said: "If the capital chain of Lin Group is broken, I believe our Ministry of Finance will definitely investigate. However, we have not found any information about Lin Group, there must be a problem."

"Yeah." Su Chen nodded in agreement and said: "It seems that this matter needs to be carefully investigated."

"Then what should we do?"

"I now know

After knowing the background of Lin's Group, we need to dig from the root. "Su Chen said.


While the two chatted, the middle-aged man parked the car in the parking lot of the police station.

The two got out of the car one after another and then walked towards the lobby of the police station.

"Doctor Su, I won't accompany you for dinner tonight. I will definitely make it up to you another day." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Don't be so polite, you go about your business." Su Chen waved his hand and said.

"By the way, Doctor Su, do you have time recently? I want to invite you to dinner. I don't know if it's convenient for you." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"I'm very busy now, I'm afraid I can't spare the time." Su Chen declined tactfully.

"Oh, then I won't force you. "

"Then I'll go first, bye."

"Bye." "


Then, the middle-aged man got into the car, started the car, and drove away.

"Su Chen, do you know this Director Zhang?" Lin Ruohan asked as they walked on the road.

Su Chen nodded and said, "We were classmates in college."

Lin Ruohan suddenly realized, "So that's it! No wonder you are so familiar with his affairs!"

"Hehe." Su Chen smiled bitterly and was too lazy to explain.

"Brother Su Chen, my father told me today that he will come to Beijing tomorrow morning. Then, we will be able to meet again." Lin Ruohan said.

"Your father is here, so you don't have to work?"

"Of course not, my father's body has recovered, but he has been bored in Beijing, so he wants to go out to relax." Lin Ruohan shook his head and said, "Our Lin Group is still quite influential in China. After my father comes back this time, he will definitely let me continue to serve as the vice president of the Lin Group. "

After hearing what she said, Su Chen knew her intention.

However, Su Chen did not intend to help her, because the Lin Group's affairs had nothing to do with him.

"Ruohan, I won't take you in, you go in by yourself." Su Chen said.

"Okay, okay."

"Then I'll go first."


After watching Su Chen's figure gradually disappear in the crowd, Lin Ruohan turned around and walked into the police station.

After entering the police station, Lin Ruohan walked straight to the elevator.

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