The next day.

Su Chen woke up in the ward and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

Yes...I heard it right.

He was also carried into the ward and taken special care of.

After all, the Bai family's influence is all over Jiangcheng, and there must be private hospitals.

And Bai Zihang is next door, there is nothing between the two of them, Bai Zihang's face has been bandaged, swollen like a pig's head.

"Hello, good morning, Master!"

Su Chen was about to raise his hand to say hello, but found that even his hand was entangled in the bandage.

What's going on? He is obviously not injured.

"Good morning, Brother Chen!"

Bai Zihang also greeted him cheerfully, with a bright smile, as if he was in a good mood.

And Brother Chen?

Su Chen was stunned. What was going on? How come he changed his name after waking up?

Later, when he learned the "truth" from Bai Zihang, he almost sprayed the water he was drinking on his face!

According to Qin Yuwei's review, this is what happened.

After Bai Zihang was beaten half to death by Ye Xuan, it was Su Chen who rushed up and had a fierce fight with Ye Xuan. In the end, he was seriously injured and saved his life.

This is also why Su Chen was also tied up with bandages, and he was acting like a complete show...

[Fog 0.0! This woman really has a crush on me! ]

[It's a hammer, it's a hammer! ]

Otherwise, Su Chen really couldn't understand why the other party would help him make up such a lie that was perfect for him.

"Thank you! Brother Chen! If it weren't for you..."

Bai Zihang recalled those scenes and was heartbroken: "If it weren't for you..."

[If it weren't for me... maybe you wouldn't have been beaten...]

Of course, this was Su Chen's inner voice, and he couldn't say it, even if he was beaten to death...

"If it weren't for you, my life!"

Bai Zihang was so moved that he started to cry on the spot.

He even proposed to buy incense and yellow paper from Su Chen, and to become sworn brothers in front of Guan Yu. The more he talked, the more outrageous he was, and he wished that Su Chen would become sworn brothers with him immediately.

At this moment, Bai Zihang thought of a wonderful idea...

That is...

At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open.

A beautiful woman appeared in front of the two of them.

Her waist was so thin that she could be held in one hand, so flawless and beautiful, as if a fairy from heaven had descended to the earth.

That pair of charming eyes that can speak, flickering, ripples flowing, emitting a soul-stirring light, as if to absorb people's minds.

This person is the heroine Bai Gucheng, and also Bai Zihang's biological sister.

The idea he just thought of is to turn Su Chen into his brother-in-law!

In this way, wouldn't it be possible to keep this talent by his side forever?

Bai Zihang had to praise his smart head.

"How are you, are you okay?"

Bai Gucheng is famous for her tall face, big body, good figure, soft voice, and extremely cold, an absolute beauty on earth.

Even to her own brother, her tone is high and mighty, very queen-like.

Maybe those queen-control freaks would come over and want to lie on the ground and lick her feet.

"Sister, I'm fine, let me introduce you, this is..."

Bai Zihang began to introduce Su Chen next to him.

The story Qin Yuwei had described was outrageous enough...

Something like a fierce fight.

And now?

According to Bai Zihang's narration, it had become a life-and-death struggle, with you punching me and I punching you, and the fight lasted for five hundred rounds without a clear winner.

"Finally, you saved me, your brother!"

Bai Zihang bowed respectfully and said to Su Chen: "I have nothing to repay you, so I can only offer you my sister! I hope you like me!"


Bai Zihang's pig head suffered another powerful blow, and he passed out again.

Bai Gucheng's attack was really reckless...

Su Chen was watching from the side, and his scalp was numb for him.

【Bai Gucheng, this woman, is a ruthless person. 】

【It's a pity that such a beautiful woman eventually changed from the villain's sister to Ye Xuan's harem. 】

【And when the Bai family finally fell in front of Ye Xuan, Bai Gucheng still recognized the thief as her husband and became his woman. 】

【I have to say that the plots of the wireless Xiaobaiwen are really brainless

And it's illogical. ]

[But it's okay, as long as the readers enjoy it, who cares about these things. ]


"Will I also become one of Ye Xuan's concubines?"

Bai Gucheng was not surprised by this.

From the moment she could hear Su Chen's inner voice, she had sent people to investigate information about Ye Xuan.

Moreover, this was actually a world of novels or something.

As one of the living characters in it, it was impossible for Bai Gucheng to say that he was not frightened.

But since it has come, we should make the best of it.

The calm woman quickly thought of a countermeasure, and this.

As soon as she came, she came to Su Chen's ward.

Yes, she was not here to see her own brother, but to see Su Chen.

"Sit on the wheelchair, I have something to tell you."

Bai Gucheng ordered directly with a high and cold voice.

"Uh... Miss, I..."

Su Chen pointed to the bandages on her body, which seemed a bit difficult to get on.

The most important thing is that he has to act like a half-dead person.

It feels weird to get on the wheelchair by himself.

Bai Gucheng looked around outside, but didn't see any nurses.

They should be nurses from the private hospital. They thought she came to talk, so they all stayed away.

After all, the conversations between the rich are not something that the nurses are qualified to listen to.

As a last resort, Bai Gucheng, the charming beauty, could only approach Su Chen and prepare to help him get on the wheelchair.

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