The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for each other.

"Are you still not leaving? Are you waiting for me to treat you to a meal?"

Su Chen looked at Huang Shiren and asked.

Huang Shiren's eyes were filled with coldness and murderous intent. This was the rhythm of issuing an order to expel him. This was fucking, he hadn't thought about talking to him at all. Very good, this was the attitude of this guy.

Huang Shiren came out of Su Chen's company, and he started to make phone calls right after he came out.

Since the peace talks had already failed, there was no other way, so he had to resort to means.

Really, Huang Shiren was not willing to develop things to the point of resorting to means. What he hoped for and what was presented at the moment were simply not the same thing. This guy was forcing him to resort to means.

Well, since this guy is forcing him to resort to some means, he will resort to it.

This time, the person who called was not an ordinary gangster.

The person who hit him this time was a big boss who specialized in handling various difficult cases, Xiashanhu.

There was nothing Xiashanhu would not dare to do.

This guy had trained a group of desperate criminals. As long as these desperate criminals received money, they would tell him how they wanted the person to die. Death was a gift. They would help you torture him in any way you wanted. These people were simply full-time killers.

Now, with Huang Shiren's promise that he was not short of money, it was settled. Wasn't it handled according to the principle of not being short of money?

Xiashanhu had already made a thorough promise. This matter must be handled to the satisfaction of the other party.

Then things became simple.

Xiashanhu started to operate.

First, send out people to follow, then send out people to take action, and then before the action is launched, you can plan it well and improve the action plan to make it more complete.

Time flies!

Look, an hour has passed.

Su Chen came out.

It was almost noon at this moment, and there was no problem coming out for a meal.

Su Chen just came out, and he felt the prying eyes in the dark. This look reminded him that there was something going on in the dark. It was obvious that someone was watching him. Obviously, once the person was ready, he would take action.

In this case, shouldn't he help the other party and help the other party take action?

Okay, then help the other party take action.

Su Chen deliberately drove the car to a place with few people. Look, he deliberately parked in a small alley. Now, he just waited for the other party to appear, and then he directly dealt with the other party.

The other party also gave face and did appear.

The other party was following behind Su Chen. When they found that Su Chen was waiting for them, they immediately realized that Su Chen had planned for them. In fact, they had known that they were coming.

Very likely!

No, this is the fact.

As a last resort, the little tiger had to take the lead in testing Su Chen's strength.

In two or three steps, the little tiger walked in front of Su Chen.


The little tiger shouted at Su Chen.

"What's the good thing? Are you familiar with me or what? I know you?"

Su Chen asked curiously.

"Do you think you can do it?"

The little tiger pulled out a knife from his waist, and he just held the handle tightly and stared at Su Chen.

In such a situation where they didn't agree, he was going to stab Su Chen. He didn't mean to take Su Chen seriously at all.

"Oh, oh! You are going to fight! Then go ahead, there is nothing to talk about! Come on, attack like a rainbow, I will wait and see how powerful you are!"

Su Chen said to the little tiger.

As for the little tiger, his eyes were a little cold. He felt that he really had no way to deal with Su Chen for a while. This bastard was much harder to deal with than he thought. It would be a big deal if he continued like this.

After Su Chen finished inviting him, he ignored the other party. Well, the other party could fight or not, so he just sat and waited. Is there anything wrong with that?


The little tiger made a move.

Did you really think he was Hello Keti? He was not.

He was the ace killer beside Xiashanhu.

At this moment, he wanted to let Su Chen know how powerful he was as an ace killer. If he got ruthless, hum, it felt like he would not give face to anyone who came.

Come, that was definitely coming.

The knife that attacked like a rainbow must have been aimed at Su Chen's heart.

Once the attack was launched, the speed, force, and accuracy were all there! It felt like it would pierce through the chest 100%.


It looked scary, but the ultimate lethality was zero.

It wasn't that Su Chen avoided it.

Su Chen was standing in place and being attacked by the opponent. The tip of the knife had already touched Su Chen's skin and flesh, and it was difficult to go any further. It was such a powerless and distressing feeling.

Su Chen smiled at the little tiger and shook his head. The feeling of disdain was not a little bit, it was simply to drive the opponent crazy.

The little tiger thought that since he couldn't poke it in, he could pull it out by himself, right?

Well, he was going to pull out the knife right away!

Did he pull it out?

Not at all!

No matter how hard Little Tiger tried, there was no way the knife could be pulled out.

Little Tiger was really going crazy. The other party liked this knife so much, right? Well, then I'll give it to the other party. What's the matter with that!

Just like that, Little Tiger let go of the handle and was about to distance himself from Su Chen.

At that moment, Su Chen's counterattack had already begun. He raised his right leg, and at that moment, he kicked out the feeling of Foshan Shadowless Kick, and kicked Little Tiger's waist with a whip kick again and again.

The sound of bangs continued to ring, and the attack continued to hit!

Little Tiger was beaten so hard that he couldn't find his way around.

He never expected that the situation would eventually develop to this point. What's going on? What's going on? He looked a little unhappy about being tricked?

Little Tiger told himself to calm down, he must calm down!

Be calm and composed, don't let the other party lead you by the nose, this is not appropriate.


Attack again!

Originally, the little tiger wanted to dodge sideways and avoid it completely, but the other party grabbed his wrist and didn't allow him to move at all. He was chased and attacked like this, which really made him uncomfortable.

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