Nathalie strutted her way out from the Imperial Garden to one of the great hallways that led to the west wing of the Imperial Palace. 

'I hate him… Ugh, I really need to unwind; things have been too much.'

For a while now, the soles of her feet went numb, albeit not to the point of discomfort, as she took a detour on what seemed the least people took whenever it was a special event or whatnot.

She had taken her time for a detour, and yet, several yards away from her, there found a couple of guards, lining up like a barricade from several people who peeked through the gaps.

'What in the world?'

Then, as she got closer, their voices were heard after the inaudible commotion erupted among them.

"I've heard Lady Mystique will be on her way here. We must not miss our chances!"

"I better hold your word to that!"

"Of course, I've received the news she's not in the other wings of the palace!" 

She hid by leaning against the wall where it was hard for either one of them to see her. A crease on her forehead from as she thought what could they be at it in broad daylight.

But then, it came down to her when their voices toppled one another, wanting to learn about the dress she wore.

"That's the most beautiful gown I've ever seen!"

"A perfect opportunity I must ask about it—that dress shall be mine—!"

"Fool! Not even you would be able to pull it through with your bloated silhouette."

"Look who's talking, even lacing your corset would rather snap halfway!"

"How dare you!"

After that, chaos incurred like cats scowling and hissing one another.

Nathalie bit her lip, as she wasn't in a good situation, to begin with; and the only thing she thought of was Jonathan. But then, he and her father, Arnold, took her place and went on with the rest of the event as she needed to unwind herself earlier.

Though with this so many nobles clamping like no different from civilians gathering round in a public square, she had no choice but to seek help, lest they would turn aggressive enough to even grasp on her.

Although, a sudden flash in her mind came when she thought about Ashtra, who was also with Keith.

Withal, she opened the link. 'Ashtra, I need you to pick me up and escort me in here—'

"So, you're ordering me now?"

Nathalie kneaded her temples; whenever she sought his help, there was always some sort of remuneration—which happened to be a performance she ought to play.

Despite even knowing her circumstances, he couldn't care less. 

It was his nature, and she wrote that herself, at least its foundation, and she could never edit it like how she could press backspace in her keyboard in a heartbeat.

'Alright, I think of something that I'd perform. Now come here!'

A hearty guffaw came from him, which she cut off the connection halfway as she rolled her eyes.

'I'm not that greasy but… I have to look good.'

After which, she pulled out her rhinestone clutch inside her pouch. 

From there, she grabbed the lip gloss on top of her red matte lips. Then, a brush on her hand from the small highlight powder kit, and went over her cheekbone for a little sheen above the contour.

'I hope I don't look like a tired ass showgirl in front of Athan though, at least. Can't let him say anything bad to me.' After a little touch from here and there, she huffed, and then pondered, 'I'm going to make him regret even more.'

She pouted her lips, blinking a few times in the mirror.

'Now, I'm THAT woman. With this, you can't tell me nothing—'

Indulged with the fantasy when about a few feet away from them happened to be Keith and Ashtra, staring at her in awe.

'Oh shit, they haven't actually seen me doing all the rituals,' she thought; in spite of that, she cleared her throat, and jammed them into her clutch, and then walked past them.

"What was that?" Ashtra asked.

[None of your business—]

"Oh, another artifact that enhances one's beauty—" He then gawked, turning into a deep frown as he scowled at her. "Your life ends rather quickly on that! Don't you dare die on me!"

[First of all, who said I'll die?]

Keith got petrified, even without Ashtra pointing, she knew what was up.

[This is different.] Then, she gestured her hands to help her get past them.

Fortunately enough, Mystique's features were beyond gifted, and she didn't suffer as much as the rest of the noble ladies when it came down to acne and even greasy skin; so she didn't end up consuming so much of her products.

While the make-up that existed was still not on par with hers, on so many levels, she thought that it might be a good opportunity to create such a cosmetic line in this world and age—the one to pioneer such without the need to compromise youth in the name of beauty.

Moreover, it was also right in her alley.

Coming close to the scene, their rowdy noises and rumbles slowly died out as their eyes were on her—of both fear and in awe.

For now, she remained untouchable. With two of them escorting her way out of the alley. They could only back out, giving her the way, and only for their eyes to stare on the awe-striking dress she wore for the day.

Her dress almost slithered, glimmering, on the floor if not for the high slit that revealed her leg having such a fierce strut.

The clacks of her glass high heels emerged sharply amidst the murmurs from everyone in the hallway. Their eyes were all on her, and she didn't even take a glance to the side.

She was living for the moment, with in front of her the runway. 

'Their curiosity shall remain unquenched as I sell this garment.' 

Somehow, she caused a traffic jam inside the hallway, but that didn't affect where she had to go. After getting out of that situation, the new era of fashion lurked right about the corner.

[Thank you too. We shall return and wait for His Grace and father to finish wrapping things up.]

"You promise." Ashtra glared at her.


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