Seeing Wang Shi's horrified expression, Wang Xuan smiled and said:

"How does it feel?"

"Your Highness, your word"Wang Shi didn't know how to describe it.

The characters were still the same crooked characters, although they were a little smoother, which was far from good.

But to say it was bad... What characters could come alive, fight in front of you, or even stab you in the face to scare you?

"Isn't it amazing?"Wang Xuan said with a smile.

Yesterday, he found that after his spirit, energy and spirit were united, the words he wrote had a certain charm.

However, he didn't know much about calligraphy, and didn't know if he had improved, so he asked Wang Shi to judge it.

Now looking at Wang Shi's expression, he has indeed made great progress.

Wang Shi nodded, thinking that this is more than amazing, it is simply incredible.

Anyway, he has never seen such magical words.

If it is taken to the calligraphy and painting market, it will definitely sell for a high price.

But this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that just now, when Wang Shi was observing, he seemed to have experienced martial arts training again and again, and his spirit, energy and spirit were condensed a little bit.

If those martial arts masters outside knew about this, they would definitely want to grab it, even if it meant countless deaths and injuries.

""Your Highness, can I borrow this calligraphy from you for a few days?" Wang Shi said a little embarrassedly.

He has been preparing for the promotion to Grandmaster recently, and this calligraphy may be able to help him.

"Do you like it? I'll give it to you."Wang Xuan handed the rice paper to Wang Shi.

He was not reluctant to part with it. It was just a piece of calligraphy. It was not a treasure except for wasting some energy.

"Thank you for the gift, Your Highness!" Wang Shi took the rice paper, folded it solemnly and put it in his arms.

Wang Xuan rarely saw someone appreciate his calligraphy so much, so he picked up a stack of rice paper on the table and said:

"If you like it, there are a lot more here, all for you, take it back and take a look at it slowly!"

"No need, Your Highness, one is enough!"Wang Shi declined. For such a treasure, one is enough.

Your Highness must be testing whether he is greedy, and he must not leave a bad impression on Your Highness.

"All right……"Seeing Wang Shi shirking his responsibilities, Wang Xuan no longer insisted:"Let's continue talking about Lin An!"

Wang Shi nodded:"Lin An is just as Your Highness expected. He probably met with Ajinai. I don't know if the negotiation was successful."

"We will know tomorrow. If the deal is successful, Ajinai should take the initiative to come to me in the next few days."

Wang Shi didn't understand the deep meaning, but he didn't think about it, and just followed His Highness's instructions.

""Now that the fish have come out, have we spread the bait?" Wang Xuan asked.

Wang Shi hesitated for a moment and replied:

"Everything has been arranged, please rest assured, Your Highness!"

Wang Xuan immediately sensed Wang Shi's strange mood and chuckled:

"Someone must be dissatisfied with my decision!"

Wang Shi's face changed slightly, and he quickly explained:"Please forgive me, Your Highness! Because we have to attack our own people, some people can't bear it. After all, we have worked together for so many years."

"Don't worry, I'm not a narrow-minded person who won't tolerate any different opinions."

"And I'm not not giving those people a chance. If they really don't have any problems, nothing will happen."

"But they can't control themselves, so you can't blame me for being cruel and ruthless. You all know the consequences of betrayal."

"Tell Lao Qi and the others exactly what I said. If they are still not satisfied, they can quit the Black Dragon Guard and return to the Northern Territory to serve as soldiers. I will not make things difficult for them."

Wang Shi's expression was stern, and he bowed and said,"I understand!"

"If you have nothing else to do, just leave!"


Wang Shi retreated neatly.

Wang Xuan crumpled up the stack of rice paper he was practicing with and threw it into the wastebasket. He then laid out new rice paper and continued to practice writing.

If Wang Shi saw his"precious" words being treated like this, he would be heartbroken. He might as well come over!

Wang Xuan wrote very seriously, as if the whole world had merged into one.

If there were any strong men in the Supreme Realm, they would definitely see that with Wang Xuan as the center, a not-too-small circular aura was slowly forming.


The next morning.

Wang Xuan was so absorbed in practicing calligraphy last night that he missed his bedtime. He woke up one or two hours later than yesterday.

When he finished washing up and came out, Wang Shi came over with a look of admiration and reported:

"Your Highness, Ajinai came to see you early in the morning. He has been in the front hall for more than an hour. Uncle Fu is with him."

Wang Xuan raised his eyebrows:"Oh? Then let him continue to wait! I will go after breakfast!"

Another half an hour passed, and it was almost noon.

Wang Xuan finally finished breakfast and"hurriedly" came to the front hall

"Hey! Isn't this Brother Ajinai?"

""I'm sorry! I studied all night yesterday and missed my bedtime, so I got up a little late today. You won't be angry, will you?""

Not angry?"

Ajinai was so angry!

From childhood to adulthood, who dared to treat himself like this?

And studying all night?

Who are you kidding?

Who would study in the middle of the night

? And get up late?

Half an hour ago, he smelled the fragrance of rice coming from behind, and now Wang Xuan was still burping in front of him, and he could still smell the fragrance of his favorite roujiamo from it.

I've been waiting for you here with an empty stomach for two hours, and you secretly ate roujiamo in the back?

Is this something a human would do?

Obviously not, this person is a devil!

Ajinai wanted to curse at Wang Xuan and leave on the spot.

But he couldn't, he came here to carry out the"plan" he and Lin An had conspired

""Just wait! Son of a butcher, your death is not far away!" Ajinai sneered in his heart.

But he smiled and waved his hand:"No, no! I just like waiting for people, and I have to thank Brother Wang Xuan for giving me the opportunity to wait for people!" He didn't even say"Your Excellency", it seems that he is no longer afraid of him.

Uncle Fu couldn't help rolling his eyes.

It turns out that the environment can really change a person.

The Rongdi people, who are known for their honesty, came to Luodu and learned to tell lies.

"Oh? So brother Ajinai likes to wait for people! It just so happens that this prince has not finished reading a book, how about you continue to wait here, and this prince will go back to finish reading and then go out with you, how about it?"Wang Xuan said with a smile.

Ajinai's face changed, and his subordinates looked even more ferocious, and it was obvious that they were furious.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xuan changed the subject and patted Ajinai on the shoulder with a smile:"Hahaha, this prince is joking, look at your expression, brother, you are not angry, are you!"

Being teased like this, Ajinai was so angry that he wanted to spit out blood.

But he still suppressed his unhappy mood and forced a smile:

"How could it be! I was joking too, hahaha!"

The two patted each other on the shoulders and laughed at each other.

People who don't know the situation would think that they are very good friends!

Wang Shi sighed, this kind of twists and turns is really hard to understand!

In the next few days, Wang Xuan accompanied Ajinai and his party around Luodu as usual.

The difference is that Ajinai no longer has a black face throughout the whole process. Instead, he took the initiative to talk to Wang Xuan, and from time to time he put his arm around his shoulder, as if they were brothers.

In the end, he even gave Wang Xuan a few boxes of jewelry and a few Ferghana horses from Rongdi, which were worth at least hundreds of thousands of taels.

Fu Bo was worried for a while and asked Wang Xuan not to accept it, which would have a bad impact.

But Wang Xuan said it was okay, he would accept whatever came, and he would accept as much as he was given, and he would not refuse it for nothing.

Seeing this, Fu Bo didn't say anything more.

After all, the child is grown up and has his own ideas, so he chose to trust him.

He just covered for him.


In the evening, at Jiqingfang,

Liu Bajin left the gambling house cursing.

He was still unlucky today. He lost all the money he had and even owed a small sum of money.

Thinking of being nagged by his wife again when he got home, he felt annoyed.

He couldn't make ends meet recently.

He loved gambling and had gambled away all the cash he had. He usually ate and used money on credit. With his identity as a Xuanlong Guard, others gave him some face and never asked him for money.

But recently, for some reason, those shops that owed money on credit came to him for debts, and he naturally couldn't pay them back. His wife at home kept complaining about him, and his two children looked down on him, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

So he secretly took out the little dowry hidden by his wife, intending to go to the gambling house for a comeback, but he didn't expect his luck to be still so bad.

Not only did he lose all the principal, he also owed a large amount of usury.

"What should I do?"

He did not dare to tell his family about this matter, otherwise it would cause chaos.

"Why am I always so unlucky! Can't good things happen to me?" Liu Bajin cursed the heavens.

Just as he was complaining, a figure blocked his way.


Liu Bajin couldn't see who was coming, but he was still alert, one hand had already touched the hilt of the knife at his waist.

"I have a fortune, I wonder if you want it or not!"

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