“God really treats us well.”

“Two people with such a pitiful fate can survive.”

“That’s good.”

The little fox broke away from Gu Changqing’s embrace, and tears flashed at the corners of his eyes.

She clasped her hands together, closed her eyes, had a very satisfied smile on her face, and bowed reverently to the heavenly firmament.

Gu Changqing stared at the woman in front of him with gentle eyes.

Her contentment is distressing.

It was as if she had never expected anything else, nor had she ever asked for anything, just wanted to live.

“In the future, I will guard you, and you will not have any more accidents.”

Gu Changqing muttered softly.

His heart is also endlessly happy at this moment.

During the trip to the forbidden area, his strength increased greatly, and he was expected to avenge the blood feud of the year, and the little fox finally survived without risk.

The road ahead of him seems to be bright.

He actually began to have some anticipation, a feeling he had never felt before.

“Let’s go, I know a very beautiful place, now that I am free from the bloodline curse, I really want to go there to see it.”

Gu Changqing nodded, he put away the funeral clock, and the two flew up into the sky together.


Gu Changqing left the forbidden area with the little fox.

Since leaving the forbidden place, for several days, he has not used his strength to rush away, but like a mortal, he has traveled through mountains and rivers, walking towards the place that the little fox said.

“I feel like life is going to be a good future.”

“I want to eat a lot of things, I want to go to many, many places.”

“In the past, I was looking everywhere for ways to undo the bloodline curse, and I never had a good look at the world.”

The little fox stretches and enjoys the rising sunshine.

She looked serene and had a satisfied smile on her face.

“That’s right.”

She looked towards Gu Changqing and smiled playfully, “Don’t you have anything you want to do?” ”

Gu Changqing pondered for a moment: “When I was a child, my family was broken, if I want to do it, I really want to find the enemy who killed my parents and avenge the blood vengeance of the year.” ”

“Other than this?” The little fox didn’t seem to hear the answer she was looking for.

“Wait for my sister to come back.”

“And?” She continued to ask.

Gu Changqing thought for a while: “If there is any more, it is to drink wine with Jiang Minghuang, speaking of which, I haven’t had a good drink with that guy.” ”

“And what?” The little fox does not die.

Gu Changqing thought about it well, but he really couldn’t think of it, so he shook his head.

Loss flashed in the little fox’s eyes, and he frowned his brows, his cheeks a little hot.

She asked timidly.

“Haven’t you ever thought about finding someone you like, go to see the sunrise and sunset together, and go to see the red dust together?” The little fox’s eyes actually shone with a hint of expectation.

Gu Changqing thought about it seriously, and then shook his head with certainty: “No.” ”

The little fox’s face was already darkening with a speed visible to the naked eye.

She hummed angrily and turned into a nine-tailed spirit fox, running forward at an incomparably fast speed.

Gu Changqing looked inexplicable: “Hey, wait for me…”


Outside the mirror.

The monks looked disdainful.

“Heavenly Emperor, how is he like a log in this regard? People are hinting at it so obviously. ”

The crowd hates that iron is not steel.

The main fox is too charming.

Although it is different from Bai Su, the demon emperor’s temperament, his appearance is exactly the same.

They really didn’t understand how such a big beauty next to him, who was the Heavenly Emperor in his youth, could not move his mind.

“I don’t know if you have found that these days, the look of the Heavenly Emperor is always so relaxed.”

Suddenly a monk spoke.

Not to mention it, I don’t think it, so everyone immediately noticed.

It seemed that in their impression, the Heavenly Emperor had never had such a moment.

With this little fox, the Heavenly Emperor’s face will always show a happy smile, and even sometimes, he will accompany the little fox to make trouble.

This is completely different from their impression and the past of the previous Heavenly Emperor.

“Maybe it’s really simple and happy for the Heavenly Emperor to stay with the little fox at this moment.”


However, Ye Chen’s face was a little gloomy.

The Heavenly Emperor has an ordinary appearance, which is like him, with a peerless appearance.

But such a beautiful woman, but the hint of throwing her arms to the Heavenly Emperor is so obvious, on the other hand, although there are many top beauties around him, one by one, they are extremely distant from him.

Ye Chen looked at Bai Su with his eyes, and he was a little relieved in his heart.

“You have your little fox, Bendi has Bendi’s white pigment, one day, Bendi will take her down.”


The place the little fox is talking about is a waterfall, a waterfall that is not very large, but very beautiful.

Here the birds are singing, the waterfall is surrounded by greenery, the water is clear, and you can see fish and shrimp swimming.

“Look at that tree.”

The little fox stretched out its white fingers and pointed above the waterfall.

Gu Changqing followed the little fox’s gaze.

There is a tree above the waterfall, and it is spring, everything is revived, and the tree is also green and full of life.

The little fox pulled Gu Changqing and sat on the tree.

Her legs swing, barefoot jade feet that can be called gods, teasing fish and shrimp in the water, and the wonderful scenery in the distance can be seen in her eyes.

“This is where your heart is on your mind?” Gu Changqing looked at the little fox who had no heart or lungs and smirked.

The little fox chuckled, “Yes.” ”

“When I first passed here, it was when the bloodline curse attacked, and I felt unbearable pain and death, but at that time, I saw this tree.”

“Look at this tree, it doesn’t know how it will fall, even the roots are off the ground, but it is still not dead, it can still produce leaves and flower.”

“I thought at that time, even the big tree is so tenacious, how can I seek death? That’s why I stick to it. If I really want to say it, this tree is still my lifesaver. ”

The little fox said.

While twitching his tail that fell in the water, the waves burst into a splash, and countless waves turned into crystal clear small fish, jumping below the waterfall.

“Hey, hey.”

Like a happy child, she let out a silver bell-like laugh and showed a pair of small tiger teeth.

“Childish.” Looking at this scene, Bai Su glanced at the corner of his mouth with disdain.

Although this little fox is not her, her exact appearance still gives her a great sense of substitution.

Obviously, she felt that the little fox’s actions were very embarrassing of her image at the moment.

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