Jiang Xiyue shook her head: "Let's not go back."

Li Guanhai said: "Why? Do you still have grudges and resentment towards Yunweisi's decision and cruelty back then?"

Jiang Xiyue nodded: "Yes, after all, in the civil strife twenty years ago, my clan suffered heavy casualties, five or six out of ten, and the remaining four or five, although they were lucky enough to escape with their lives, are also lingering and exiled in the upper realm. They will definitely feel resentful towards Yunweisi in their hearts. This is also human nature."

"Even if the matter is over and they return to Yunweisi, they will surely feel out of place. After all, the rift has been created. Even if they recover, , the scar is still there. "

Li Guanhai said: "What you said makes sense. It doesn't matter if you don't go back, but you are still members of the Yunwei Division."

He was silent for a while, and continued: "After I go back, I will report to my father and ask my uncle and aunt to build a branch of the Yunwei Division outside, and call back all the people of your lineage who are stranded in the upper world to expand the power. All resources will be provided by us. How about it?"

Jiang Xiyue was surprised and happy: "Really?"

"Of course it's true. How could I, Li Guanhai, deceive my cousin?"

"Okay, thank you very much."

Jiang Xiyue's smile on her face was hard to suppress and could not be concealed.

The reason why she was so happy was that her parents and clansmen finally didn't have to hide like rats crossing the street. They could openly build a Yunwei Division base, summon all the clansmen who were stranded in the upper world, and dominate one side.

Although it was just a base, with the support of the resources of the Yunwei Division, this base would definitely not be inferior to the Taoist Divine Religion.

Moreover, as the base of the Yunwei Division, the upper world sects dare not harbor evil intentions and can develop and grow steadily.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiyue couldn't wait to see her parents and tell them the good news. She believed that they would be ecstatic.

Li Guanhai opened the space channel and left the inner universe with Jiang Xiyue and returned to Xuannv Temple.

Lu Xuanjing was left in the inner universe. Li Guanhai was afraid that she would run into the underground world and ruin his plan, so he couldn't let her go for the time being.

After Li Guanhai left Xuannv Temple, Jiang Xiyue also left. She wanted to go back to her parents and tell them this great news.

Two hours have passed since the strong men of various sects entered the underground world. No news has been heard yet, and no one has come out.

Above the mountain gate of Shengxueqing Palace, Li Guanhai used the body of nothingness and merged with the void.

He looked down from a high place, overlooking the bottomless dark cave below, thinking that the time had come, and turned into a stream of light and swept into the cave.

Many strong men waiting on the ground had no idea at all.

After going deep into the ground for nearly ten thousand miles, a bloody smell came to my nose, which was very strong. The blood was obviously fresh.

After flying down for a distance, I heard a strange sound of "crackling". It turned out to be a group of demon ants, gnawing on the bodies of several monks. The blood and flesh were blurred, and the scene was shocking.

Seeing Li Guanhai coming, the demon ants, who were pressing one after another, all became agitated, leaving the corpses behind, turning to Li Guanhai, and the antennae on their heads swayed, appearing extremely excited, but no one dared to approach.

Li Guanhai subdued the residual soul of the female demon queen in the Black Crystal Palace. She is the master of this underground world, equivalent to the master, and these little demons and monsters are her subjects.

Now that even the master has surrendered to others, these "subjects" will naturally bow their heads and obey the new master.

Li Guanhai did not stop and continued to move deeper underground. Along the way, he saw the remains of many monks from the upper realm. Each of them was unrecognizable and died in a very miserable way.

Especially those monks who were bitten to death by the magic ants. The pain at the moment of death was simply unimaginable. They could only watch their bodies being eaten by a group of magic ants. This feeling was difficult for others to understand.

This was also the most painful way to die, even more bloody and cruel than lingchi.

Imagine that densely packed magic ants crawled on him, got into his hair, mouth, nostrils, and even eyeballs. Just thinking about it made people's scalps numb.

When he went down to the ground, he suddenly heard the sound of fighting and the exchange of weapons in front of him. Li Guanhai raised his body of nothingness, hid his body, and directly penetrated the wall to come to a huge cave.

I saw seven or eight high-level, wounded monks from the upper realm, standing back to back, confronting a group of giant spiders hanging on the cave wall. Looking at their emaciated appearance, they seemed to be almost exhausted and could not hold on for much longer.

These eight people were not old, all under 300 years old, belonging to the younger generation, and their cultivation was not low. The weakest one was at the Xuanwang realm.

A girl in a red outfit with a curvy figure and long legs cried, "Wow, this time... I'm afraid I'm really going to die here. I don't want to die."

Another man in a sky blue gown scolded, "Why are you crying? You're making me upset. How can I fight the enemy?"

The girl stopped crying and stared at the man, blaming him, "It's all because of you. You insisted on showing off and acting alone, which hurt us all!"

The man said coldly, "I'm going my own way. Who told you to follow me? Since you followed me, you have to be responsible for the choices you made. Don't blame others when the time comes."

The girl was furious: "The second elder told you clearly that after you took us to solve the demon, you should go to reconcile with him immediately, but you refused and didn't listen to his advice. You were eager for quick success and took us into the demon cave. Isn't it your fault!"

"Shut up!"

The man yelled angrily, turning his head to stare at the pretty girl in a red outfit, his eyes flashing coldly: "This is the underground world, not the Shui Jing Sect. Your grandfather who protects the law is not here, and no one can support you. "

His voice was cold to the bone, and he said word by word: "If you dare to say even half a word more, believe it or not, I will wring your neck immediately."

The girl was so frightened that she didn't dare to talk anymore.

Her cultivation level is far different from that of the man in the sky blue gown. If she really offends him, the consequences will be disastrous.

In this extremely harsh environment, people's negative emotions will be infinitely amplified, and reason can no longer control emotions. Once impulsive, you can do anything.

At this time, a spider demon lying on the wall of the cave sneered: "Hahaha, cowardly humans, fall apart when encountering danger, shirk responsibilities, and even kill each other. Inferior species, you are not worthy of dominating this world." ”

This is a demon emperor who has opened his spiritual intelligence and can transform into a human form. The eight eyes on the top of his head are looking in different directions, paying attention to the disturbances around him.

After he finished speaking, he spit out a silver spider thread as thin as cow hair, pierced the forehead of a monk who had no time to react on the spot, hoisted him up into the air, and hung him on the ceiling of the cave like bacon.

The big spiders on the surrounding cave walls were spitting out spider silk at the same time, trying to eat the remaining human monks as rations.

The girl in red costume was crying desperately while using her magic power to resist.

Suddenly, through the silver spider threads flying all over the sky, she could not see a figure not far away. Upon closer inspection, she was suddenly surprised and happy, and shouted urgently: "Young Master Guanhai, help!"

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