Han Liang's opponent is Zhao Shanyu from Qingtao Immortal Mansion.

He is also a popular contestant in this Immortal Mansion martial arts competition. Although he is not ranked at the top, he is also a leader among the second-rate.

At a young age, his cultivation realm has reached the late stage of Xuanshuai. He is good at using long swords and is handsome and unrestrained. He is quite popular among some female cultivators.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he immediately received a scream and shout, all of which were female cultivators who were fascinated by him.

Zhao Shanyu does have this capital. First of all, his appearance is quite outstanding and his talent is not bad. More importantly, his father is the head of Qingtao Immortal Mansion and has a very high status.

He stood proudly with his sword, his eyes shining, and his demeanor was majestic, like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

Such demeanor attracted applause from the whole hall.

Those female cultivators who were in love with him were even more excited and screamed loudly without restraint.

"Brother Shan Yu, come on!"

"Brother Shan Yu, you are the best!"

Listening to their obsessive praise, Zhao Shan Yu remained calm, as if he didn't care about it at all.

However, his slightly raised corners of his mouth revealed his true thoughts.

Who would refuse to enjoy flowers and applause?

On the other hand, Han Liang was treated completely differently.

When the referee read out his name, countless contemptuous and sarcastic eyes were cast at him, accompanied by undisguised contemptuous sneers, constantly pointing fingers and constantly counting his uselessness.

It would be fine if outsiders said this, but the one who took the lead was the people of Jinding Xianfu, his fellow disciples.

The Xianfu martial arts competition should be of the same spirit and united against the outside world.

But now, his fellow disciples are unscrupulously ridiculing and mocking their own people. How can Han Liang not be angry and sad?

But there is no way around it. His reputation in Jinding Xianfu has long been stinking.

Han Liang endured the scolding, gritted his teeth, bent his bones, endured the humiliation, and stepped onto the martial arts field step by step, standing opposite his opponent.

He hadn't fought with anyone for a long time, so long that he forgot how many years ago he had fought with someone last time.

He missed the feeling at that time, his heartbeat accelerated, his pupils dilated, his hands and feet sweated, and his adrenaline soared.

I thought that feeling would never come again in this life, but today I finally relived it.

Although it has been many years, this feeling of boiling blood still makes his heart beat, his breathing is heavy with excitement, and his hands and feet are slightly trembling.

Not fear, but excitement.

This is his first battle to clear his name, and he must have a perfect start, and no flaws are allowed.

After this battle, he will completely get rid of the stigma of "pus", subvert everyone's stereotype of him, and surprise them.

Zhao Shanyu stood with his sword, slowly opened his half-closed eyes, and glanced at Han Liang opposite him, "I know you, the young master of Jinding Immortal Mansion, the second-generation ancestor who lives under the halo of his brothers and sisters."

"Listen to my advice, give up and admit defeat, go back and continue to be your carefree young master, my sword, but it has no eyes."

As soon as the voice fell, the long sword in his hand trembled and hummed, and a brisk sword whistle sounded, like the roar of a dragon and the cry of a phoenix.

Many cultivators and Tianjiao who were watching the battle were all amazed by the sound of the sword.

This Zhao Shanyu is really good. From the sound of the sword, it can be heard that his swordsmanship attainments are extraordinary. Although his cultivation level is a bit low, his talent is good.

Good at using long swords, why not join Beiwu Sword Domain?

I believe that Beiwu Sword Domain will be happy to accept him.

On the viewing platform in the distance, Han Tai also saw this scene and couldn't help sighing.

I thought Han Liang would have better luck, meeting two opponents with shorter training time and weaker cultivation, and survive two rounds of elimination, so at least he wouldn't lose too badly.

But Han Tai never expected that Han Liang's luck was so bad that he met Zhao Danyu from Qingtao Immortal Mansion in the first round.

Although this person's strength was not first-rate, he was more than enough to deal with Han Liang, and he could beat him up with one hand.

When Han Liang was defeated, he would definitely be ridiculed and scolded by everyone, and the Jinding Immortal Mansion would also be damaged.

The son of the dignified mansion master was eliminated in the first round, which was unacceptable in any way.

Thinking of this, Han Tai couldn't help but sigh again.

Li Guanhai, who was standing by, suddenly smiled and said, "Master Han sighed for a long time. What is bothering you?"

Han Tai smiled bitterly and said, "I won't hide it from Master Guanhai. I have five children. The four older ones have their own strengths and have made great achievements."

"Only the youngest son has mediocre talent, lazy character, and no ambition. He has wasted his time over the years and has been practicing for nearly 70 years, but he is still only in the early stage of Xuanshuai."

Li Guanhai looked at the martial arts arena, looked at Han Liang, and said, "I see that your son is full of heroic spirit, his hands and feet are steady, and his breath is long. He doesn't look like a mediocre person."


Han Tai looked at him in astonishment, not understanding why he gave such a high evaluation of Han Liang.

On the martial arts arena, Han Liang looked at Zhao Danyu calmly and shook his head.

Zhao Danyu frowned: "What do you mean by this!"

Han Liang said lightly, "Are you too confident in yourself? Or have the pursuit and applause of these idiots made you lose yourself and become self-righteous?"

Shocking words.

The monks watching the battle were stunned at first, and then a big commotion broke out.

Especially those fans of Zhao Shanyu, whose faces turned red with anger and they cursed loudly.

"Bah! Who do you think you are? You are not worthy of saying bad things about Master Shanyu!"

"That's right, he's just a useless young master of the Jinding Immortal Mansion. What's so great about him? Do you really think you're that great?"

How can they bear being called a fool by a pus?

Facing the overwhelming scolding, Han Liang seemed to have expected it, so he looked very calm, and didn't get angry or refute excitedly.

Zhao Shanyu didn't get angry and lose his composure because of Han Liang's words. He drew his sword and said, "It seems that you don't plan to give up. In this case, let me see how capable the young master of the Jinding Immortal Mansion is."

Han Liang took a deep breath and operated the mysterious skill "Three Pure Qi". His black hair moved without wind, and his eyes shone with divine light, like an immortal.

The atmosphere in the field was tense and ready to explode.

As the referee loudly announced the start of the competition, the two people moved at the same time, and their figures flashed and disappeared, leaving only a residual image on the spot, which slowly dissipated.

So fast!

This was the first thought in the minds of all the monks watching the game.

Han Liang and Zhao Shanyu turned into two divine lights, sometimes colliding and sometimes separating.

The two dragged long tails of light, running close to the ground, rushing like thunder, crisscrossing.

Every time they collided, a circle of violent spiritual power ripples would burst out, "rumbling" like muffled thunder.

In less than a cup of tea, the two had exchanged dozens of moves, and there was no winner for the time being.

And those cultivators who thought that Han Liang would be defeated in a few moves were all shocked and looked at the two people fighting fiercely in the field with great surprise and astonishment.

What's going on?

Han Liang, this pus, actually fought back and forth with Zhao Shanyu, and it was hard to tell who was better. How could this be?

The strong and the proud people of the Jinding Immortal Mansion were even more surprised, and their eyes were like seeing a ghost.

They looked at each other, staring at each other, and saw the incredible look in each other's eyes.

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