Yan Bingqiao hammered three times and finally Ao Wuji got the Purple Sky Bracelet, but he was not happy at all.

He couldn't afford 100 million spiritual stones. Thanks to a group of subordinates and guards, he got so many. He had to return them after returning.

Ao Wuji was angry not because he spent so much money in vain, but because he felt that he was fooled.

And the person who fooled him was the black-robed man below.

He stopped bidding at the last moment, and it was so quick and neat, which was clearly premeditated!

Ao Wuji had a gloomy face, waved Ao Mingjian to come closer, and whispered a few words to him.

"Yes, Third Prince."

Ao Mingjian turned and left, and took away several powerful masters with high cultivation.

Ao Wuji's eyes flashed with cold light, and his four pupils rotated in clockwise and counterclockwise directions, which looked extremely strange.

"Wait, when you step out of the auction, your death will come."


The auction will continue next.

The items at the end of the auction were actually very rare and precious, and they all sold for a high price. All the sects gained something, and everyone was in a good mood.

The third divine object soon met everyone. It was an ancient manual of exercises, with unknown origin, unknown efficacy, and unknown grade.

The starting price was 10 million spiritual stones.

However, everyone seemed to have no desire to bid. After symbolically increasing the price twice, the ancient manual fell into the hands of the black-robed man who had just bid for the purple bracelet.

Ao Wuji wanted to trip him up when he saw him bid, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't do it.

The spiritual stones on him would be his sooner or later, and tripping him up at this time would be equivalent to spending his own money.

In a blink of an eye, it was the turn of the last item of this auction - Ziwei Xianshi.

This is a light purple, fist-sized fruit, which looks ordinary and nothing special.

As for the efficacy of this fruit, Yan Bingqiao couldn't explain it, but only knew that it contained extremely strong spirituality.

The starting price was 1 million spiritual stones.

This time He Chuan also made a move, and finally successfully bought the Ziwei Immortal Fruit at a high price of 3.7 million spiritual stones.

All twelve lots have been sold. Just as everyone was about to leave, Liao Cheng hurriedly walked up to the auction platform and said, "Everyone, please go slowly. There is still one lot."

The monks looked at him, and someone asked, "President Liao, didn't you say that there were only twelve lots today? How come there is still one?"

Liao Cheng smiled and replied, "Haha, it was my negligence. There are thirteen lots today. I am really sorry for the misunderstanding caused by my work mistakes."

The monks sat back in their seats, but they were not interested. After all, apart from the three divine objects, there seemed to be no other items that must be fought for.

The person in charge of auctioning this last item was Liao Cheng himself.

He took the tray from a maid, came to the front, uncovered the red cloth, and revealed a clean bottle.

"Today's thirteenth lot, the origin of the nine-clawed golden dragon!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone stood up from their seats, their bloodshot eyes staring at the bottle in Liao Cheng's hand, like hungry wolves, staring at it.

Someone angrily scolded: "President Liao, your work error is too serious. Our spirit stones have been almost consumed before, where can we have spare money to bid for the origin of the nine-clawed golden dragon!"

Liao Cheng apologized: "I'm really sorry, it's my negligence."

"Is an apology useful? How are you going to compensate us for our losses! You must give us a reasonable explanation!"

The man was relentless, as if he had suffered a great injustice.

Hearing this, the smile on Liao Cheng's face slowly withered, and he looked at the cultivator calmly, and said coldly: "If you are not satisfied, you can leave now. I have already explained it. What else do you want to explain?"

"If you are dissatisfied, you are welcome to complain to the Putian Business Alliance headquarters at any time."

The cultivator just wanted to take the lead in making a fuss, but he didn't expect Liao Cheng's attitude to be so tough.

He shrank his neck and dared not talk back.

Liao Cheng snorted coldly and continued: "The origin of the nine-clawed golden dragon, the starting price is one million spirit stones, but the bidding rules this time are a bit special. We only bid in multiples."

Someone was puzzled: "What does that mean?"

Liao Cheng explained: "The first bid is ten times, the second bid is one hundred times the previous auction price, the third bid is one thousand times, and so on."

Just when everyone's brains were still confused, Liao Cheng suddenly shouted: "The auction starts now!"

Everyone was stunned and was about to bid, but a faint voice came from the private room on the second floor first, "Ten million spirit stones."

Liao Cheng followed and shouted: "Young Master Guanhai offers ten million spirit stones, is there a higher price than this!"

At this moment, everyone's brains were a mess, and no one reacted.

After they calmed down and thought, they were so angry that they wanted to curse.

Damn it, the second bid must be one hundred times the previous price, so after ten million spirit stones, wouldn't it be one billion spirit stones?

It was obvious that Liao Cheng was cheating people, but they had nothing to say.

Who should I blame?

The rules were clearly stated by others. If I want to blame someone, I can only blame myself for being slow to react and not as quick as others.

The people present were not fools. They could naturally see that Liao Cheng and Li Guanhai must have reached some kind of agreement. Otherwise, how could a divine object like the nine-clawed golden dragon be overlooked due to a work error?


The only explanation is that the Nine-clawed Golden Dragon Origin was originally prepared by Liao Cheng for Li Guanhai.

The reason for this is to have an explanation at the headquarters, so the surface work must be done fully and not sloppy.

But the original owner of the Nine-clawed Golden Dragon Origin is in big trouble. Originally, the price of such a divine object would definitely be far higher than the Zixiao bracelet worth 100 million spiritual stones. Now that Liao Cheng has done this, the price has plummeted.

At this moment, it is estimated that 10,000 alpacas are galloping through his heart.

Many people saw the trick at a glance, but did not expose it.

Things have come to this point, what else can be said?

Once you open your mouth, it is equivalent to offending Putian Chamber of Commerce and Yunwei Division at the same time.

The former is not bad, the key is that they cannot afford the consequences of offending Yunwei Division. The Naga tribe a few days ago is a lesson learned.

However, the upper realm cultivators turn a blind eye, which does not mean that others will be so sensible, such as the third prince of the ancient dragon tribe.

"Heh, Putian Chamber of Commerce is colluding with Yunwei Division. This deal is really worthwhile."

The person who spoke was Ao Wuji. He pushed open the window of the private room and looked down at Liao Cheng from a high position. "Is Putian Chamber of Commerce doing business like this?"

Before Liao Cheng spoke, Li Guanhai's voice sounded faintly: "How does my Upper Realm Chamber of Commerce do business? Is it your turn to point fingers at the sea clan?"

Everyone's heart was lifted.

One is the young master of Yunwei Division, and the other is the third prince of the ancient dragon clan. Both of them have extremely noble identities. If they confront each other, it will definitely be very exciting.

Ao Wuji's face sank. Just as he was about to fight back, he caught a glimpse of a black shadow walking out of the exit.

"I have important things to do today, so I can't stay for long. I will visit you one day. Please teach me, young master Guanhai."

After that, he left with a group of guards and subordinates, along with the people of the Naga clan.

Li Ningshuang asked: "Master, what should we do next?"

Li Guanhai stood up and said: "Follow."

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