This majestic old man is Xiahou Zhuo, the emperor of Xiahou Xian Dynasty and the grandfather of Xiahou Aoxue.

Although he is an old man, his appearance is just out of the category of middle-aged people. He looks about 60 years old, tall and well-proportioned, and energetic.

Looking at the back of Linghu Chengfeng leaving, Xiahou Zhuo snorted coldly, then looked at Li Guanhai with a soft gaze and smiled: "Guanhai, you are back, let's talk in the tent."

After that, he walked into the tent first.

Li Guanhai was originally smiling, but the moment Xiahou Zhuo turned around, his face became extremely solemn, more solemn than ever before.

What did Xiahou Zhuo mean by that sentence just now?

He didn't say "you are here", but "you are back". Did he know that his previous self was not the real self?

If not, how to explain his inappropriate words just now?

Li Guanhai's mind was racing. In just a few breaths, he had anticipated all the possibilities, then calmed down his slightly fluctuating mood and walked into the tent.

In the tent, Xiahou Zhuo sat behind the table with a big horse and a golden sword, looking at him with a smile, pointing to the chair next to him and said, "Sit down."


Li Guanhai came to sit aside.

Xiahou Zhuo stared at him for a long time, and suddenly asked with a smile: "What's wrong, Guanhai, you seem a little uneasy?"

Li Guanhai looked at him and said, "I'm wondering why Senior Xiahou asked me to come."

Xiahou Zhuo stared into his eyes and asked, "Then what do you think I asked you to come for?"

Li Guanhai remained calm, narrowed his eyes slightly, and shook his head: "Guanhai doesn't know."

The atmosphere in the tent was inexplicably tense, and the atmosphere between the two was also a little depressing and weird. The air seemed to be frozen. If there were others present, they would subconsciously hold their breath and dare not breathe until they suffocated to death.

After a while, Xiahou Zhuo suddenly laughed heartily and said, "Hahaha, I asked you to come here, of course I want to talk to you about the wedding date."

"Wedding date?" Li Guanhai was stunned, obviously he didn't expect him to say that.

Xiahou Zhuo nodded: "Of course, men should get married when they are old enough and women should get married when they are old enough. These things have to be considered for you."

"You two, one is too shy to talk about it, and the other has no idea about it at all. He only knows how to practice all day long. In this case, I will make the arrangements."

Li Guanhai asked tentatively: "Senior Xiahou asked me to come here just for this matter?"

"Huh?" Xiahou Zhuo frowned: "Why, do you think this is an insignificant little thing? I tell you, marriage is a process that a man must go through in life, and for a woman, it is an extremely sacred and noble thing. You should be serious!"

"You also know Aoxue's temperament, she is arrogant and unique. If you don't take the initiative, she will never mention this to you in her life."

Xiahou Zhuo's eyes flashed coldly Flash, magic power overflowed from the pores, the voice was as cold as ice: "Are you tired of the old and love the new, and don't plan to marry her?"

Li Guanhai hurriedly said: "No, no, no, of course not, then when does Senior Xiahou plan to set the wedding date?"

"It's not that Guanhai doesn't want to, but now the human race and the sea race are fighting. If you get married at this time, it may be a bit inappropriate, so I think it's okay to delay it for a while. I believe Aoxue won't mind."

Xiahou Zhuo sneered: "Are you brainwashed by Linghu Chengfeng's nonsense? The ambition of a real man should be like the Yangtze River, running east to the sea, why bother to miss the land of gentleness? Bah, it's human nature for men and women to get married, he doesn't know shit."

The dignified Xiahou Xian Dynasty's emperor said such vulgar words at this moment. If the casual cultivators outside heard it, they would definitely cry out that their faith collapsed.

Xiahou Zhuo said, "But what you said makes sense. Now is not the right time to get married. How about this? I will arrange a wedding date for you after the war is over. What do you think?"

Li Guanhai nodded: "Okay, it's up to you, senior."

Xiahou Zhuo brewed a cup of tea and passed it to Li Guanhai through the air with his magic power. "I heard that you took Yun Zheng's palm strike some time ago. You must have been seriously injured, right?"

Li Guanhai nodded: "Yes, but I have fully recovered now. Thank you, senior Xiahou, for your concern."

In fact, he was not injured at all. He just consumed too much energy. He didn't even suffer any superficial injuries.

But that was the most. Xuanshen was Xuanshen after all. Without using the Hongmeng treasures such as the Creation Cauldron, Li Guanhai was definitely not his opponent.

Xiahou Zhuo said: "After Aoxue found out, she immediately mobilized the army of the Immortal Dynasty to destroy the Yuanshi Zuting, but was stopped by your father. Do you know what happened?"

Li Guanhai shrugged: "After all, the Yuanshi Zuting is a sect. The human race and the sea race are fighting now. The front line of the South China Sea needs the support of the Yuanshi Zuting. My father should be thinking about the overall situation."

Xiahou Zhuo shook his head: "For the sake of the overall situation, you can't wrong your own children. If it were me, I would directly mobilize the army, attack Jiulian City first, and then break the Yuanshi Zuting's protective formation, so that those guys would have a taste of power."

"But fortunately, not everyone in your Yunwei Division will think about the overall situation. For example, your ancestor, I heard that she went straight to the door and beat the old man Yun Zheng ninety-nine times, losing face and running away."

"You should be grateful to have such a protective ancestor, kid."

Li Guanhai nodded along with his words and said: "Senior is right."

But he secretly pouted in his heart. If he hadn't insisted on doing it himself, I'm afraid that his father, the general flag master, would have brought all the masters to flatten the Yuanshi Zuting.

But revenge is meaningless if you ask others to do it. It's more fun to do it yourself.

After chatting with Xiahou Zhuo for a long time, Li Guanhai left the central army tent.

He didn't return to the flying Shenzhou immediately, but wandered aimlessly, thinking about one thing in his mind.

Did Xiahou Zhuo find out that his previous self was not his real body?

Li Guanhai is not the kind of person who deceives himself. He knows that Xiahou Zhuo has probably seen it. As for how he saw it, it is unknown.

Since he didn't say it, at least there will be no problem for now.

But when the news of the destruction of the Yuanshi Zuting comes in the future, the truth of many things will surface and be exposed to Xiahou Zhuo.

In fact, when he was outside the tent just now, Li Guanhai really wanted to kill, because he didn't allow someone who knew his secret to live in the world.

Li Ningshuang also knew most of his secrets, but Li Guanhai trusted her 100%, one reason was that she was loyal, and the other reason was that she could be controlled.

But Xiahou Zhuo was different. This old monster's cultivation was all-powerful and had reached the peak that this world could accommodate.

In addition, he was of noble status, the emperor of the Xiahou Immortal Dynasty, and it was not easy to control him, not to mention his loyalty.

Li Guanhai was extremely afraid of such an uncontrollable person who knew his secrets. He even began to plan how to deal with the emperor of the Xiahou Immortal Dynasty.

But a conversation in the tent completely dispelled this idea.

Xiahou Zhuo was uncontrollable and had no loyalty, but he would never tell anyone about it.

The reason was the close relationship between Yunwei Division and Xiahou Immortal Dynasty.

Everyone in the upper world knew that Yunwei Division and Xiahou Immortal Dynasty had been friends for generations, and the most outstanding geniuses of the two families in this generation had even made a marriage contract, which made others envious.

This marriage contract made the already close relationship between the two families even closer.

At the same time, Xiahou Zhuo could also see how devoted Xiahou Aoxue was to Li Guanhai and how she would never change until her death.

Once he leaked the secret, not only would he not get any benefit, but it would completely deteriorate the relationship between the two families, and even make Xiahou Aoxue hate him, which would be a double loss.

Unless he was an idiot, he would not do this.

And obviously, Xiahou Zhuo was not an idiot.

In fact, Xiahou Zhuo had just told Li Guanhai with his actions that he would not talk too much.

When he was outside the camp just now, he deliberately revealed a corner of Li Guanhai's secret, but when he got to the camp, he didn't say a word.

What he meant was, I know your secret, but I won't tell it.

Thinking of this, Li Guanhai's gloomy mood suddenly became clear.

After all, Xiahou Zhuo was Xiahou Aoxue's grandfather. Li Guanhai could kill him to protect his secret, but when facing Xiahou Aoxue, he couldn't be so calm.

Now it’s better, no one has to be killed and everyone is happy.

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