As the headmaster of Shengxueqing Palace, Master Shen was well-informed and had a keen eye. He could tell the difference of this gourd at a glance, and his heart sank immediately.

This gourd might be an innate spiritual treasure.

All man-made spiritual treasures, regardless of their grade, are called acquired spiritual treasures.

And innate spiritual treasures refer to spiritual treasures that are naturally formed by heaven and earth and bred by heaven and earth.

This kind of spiritual treasure is extremely spiritual, contains the power of heaven and earth, and is extremely rare.

For example, the Hongmeng Mongolian jade that Li Guanhai obtained in the Xuantian Treasure Cave in the Unreturning Realm, or the Immortal Slaying Flying Sword and the Divine Whip, all belong to the category of innate spiritual treasures.

But it does not mean that the power of innate spiritual treasures must be better than that of acquired spiritual treasures. Although innate spiritual treasures are rare, they also have different levels of strength. Not every innate spiritual treasure is as powerful as the Immortal Slaying Flying Sword.

Although acquired spiritual treasures are man-made, if the materials used to make the spiritual treasures are extremely rare and the craftsmanship of the craftsman is superb, the spiritual treasures made may not be inferior to innate spiritual treasures of the same grade.

The yellow gourd in front of him was obviously not an ordinary item, otherwise it would not be able to swallow the divine fire fanned out by the fire flag.

Master Shen did not believe in evil, and waved the fire flag again, leading to a thousand-foot fire dragon, roaring and blasting towards the sea clan strongman who had already carried the tortoise shell on his back.

The sea clan strongman who carried the tortoise shell grinned, did not dodge, raised the gourd high, pointed the bottle mouth forward, and spit out a suction force.

The thousand-foot fire dragon quickly shrank from the dragon head and was sucked into the gourd.

"Hahaha, let your disciples taste this divine fire!"

The sea clan strongman turned the gourd upside down, and the red flames poured down like clouds hanging from the sky.

Just when the cultivators were desperate and thought they were going to be burned to ashes, Master Shen shouted angrily: "Stop it!"

She waved the fire flag, and the divine fire that was about to engulf the cultivators suddenly froze in mid-air, as if receiving an order, and turned to blast towards another sea clan strongman with fish fins on his cheeks.

The sea clan warrior with a turtle shell on his back had a livid face.

He was careless. The fire flag in the woman's hand could control the divine fire. He released the divine fire himself, which was simply giving her a chance to fight back.

He wanted to rescue her, but the distance was too far and he was too late.

The gourd in his hand could only absorb the attack that had already attacked in front of him, and could not be used from a long distance.

The sea clan warrior with fins reacted quickly. Seeing that the situation was not good, he turned around and fled.

His body movements were very strange and weird. When he fled, he was like a fish in the water, extremely agile and cunning.

Master Shen controlled the thousand-foot fire dragon to chase him closely. Seeing that she could not catch up for a while, she turned the fire flag in her hand, and the thousand-foot fire dragon split into ten hundred-foot fire dragons, chasing after him.

The sea clan warrior with fins was quick-witted and swooped down, breaking through the ice with a "bang", and the waves splashed.

Bang bang bang bang!

Ten hundred-foot-long fire dragons followed closely behind, breaking through the ice one after another.

At this moment, the human race has been completely suppressed by the sea creatures. People are dying every second. Everyone's mana is almost exhausted. They are almost unable to fight again and can only barely resist.

Seeing this, Master Shen thought, and the ten fire dragons that fell into the sea rushed out, roaring and sweeping across the ice field.

Countless sea creatures were melted in an instant, and they didn't even have time to show their original forms.

In this way, the pressure on the human cultivators was suddenly reduced, and a wave of counterattacks actually beat the sea creatures back step by step.

In fact, those sea creatures were afraid of the ten fire dragons and dared not fight, so they gave people an illusion of retreat.

If it weren't for Master Shen holding a fairy weapon to assist, I'm afraid the human army would have been defeated long ago.

The sea clan warrior with a turtle shell on his back flew over the ice field, holding a gourd and constantly swallowing the fire dragons that were raging back and forth on the battlefield. Soon, he swallowed all ten fire dragons.

He stared at Master Shen coldly, with murderous intent overflowing from his eyes.

This woman is really difficult to deal with, and she is holding a fairy weapon. She killed so many sea creatures. It's really hateful!

At this moment, waves exploded from the broken ice cave, and two terrifying figures stood in the air.

One was a sea clan warrior with fins on his cheeks who had just escaped into the water.

The other was a sea clan warrior with a reddish complexion and two tentacles on his head. His momentum was not inferior to his companions, and he was also in the Xuanxian realm.

Master Shen complained bitterly. The two Xuanxian realms had already made her suffer so much that she had to take out the fire flag to barely deal with it.

Now there is another Xuanxian realm. Is it that God wants to destroy the Taoist tradition in the extreme north?

I'm afraid that before the great powers in the second battlefield can decide the winner, the northern defense line has been torn apart.

Master Shen cursed in his heart.

Ling Shuo, where have you been? I asked you to investigate why the rear supply has not arrived yet. You have been gone for three days and have not sent back any news. Did you die on the way?

Ling Shuo is the headmaster of the Snow Mountain Holy Land. Master Shen has long experienced the unreliability of this guy.

She also knows that this guy can't be relied on at the critical moment.

But when it comes to the critical moment, she still hopes that he can play a role.

As the headmaster of the Snow Mountain Holy Land, Ling Shuo's own cultivation is beyond words. He must be extraordinary.

And he also holds a powerful spiritual treasure in his hand. If he is here at this time, the situation will definitely be different.

It's useless to think about these things now. Now I am alone, but the opponent has three Xuanxian realms, and the fire flag in my hand is restrained by the opponent's gourd.

At this point, it is not difficult to escape, but once I leave, what will happen to these monks who trust me so much and entrust their lives to me?

They will surely die, or become captives, and live a life worse than death.

Thinking that his beloved disciple is probably on his way to the underworld, Master Shen felt sad and even had some death intentions.

The monks also saw three tall figures standing in the air, and they were extremely desperate. The flames of war that had just ignited were instantly extinguished by a basin of cold water.

A female monk fell directly on the icy and slippery ice, and her tears mixed with blood made her pretty face tear.

The tears blurred the world in front of her eyes. She blinked and broke the tears. Suddenly, her eyes widened and she pointed at the sky and shouted.

"Look, what is that?"

The monks turned their heads and saw several warships approaching quickly in the sky.

When they got closer, they could see that the warships were full of people.

Some monks welcomed them with tears of excitement, shouting hoarsely: "Reinforcements, reinforcements are here, reinforcements are here!"

"We are saved, we are saved!"

The monks cried and laughed, as if they were crazy.

Master Shen looked far away, and there was a flag fluttering in the wind on the mast of each warship.

"The silver dragon on the black background is the Yunwei Division."

Master Shen's eyes lit up, and the heart hanging in his throat was completely relieved.

The Yunwei Division arrived, and the crisis was resolved.

When the warships got closer, Master Shen found that his beloved disciple was also standing on the leading warship, and there was a familiar figure beside him.

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