As the young master of the Yunwei Division and a well-known figure in the world, Li Guanhai considered himself to be well-informed, so of course he didn't know where the Gao family was located.

Passing by a small town, he visited a small family, had a meal, and asked the patriarch of the family who was trying to curry favor with him about the location of the Gao family.

As a result, this inquiry was not in vain.

It turned out that the Gao family was afraid that they would not have time to withdraw when the Hai clan attacked because their original location was too close to the periphery, so they migrated with their entire family.

As for where they migrated to, the patriarch of the small family didn't know.

Li Guanhai refused the patriarch's kindness to marry his five-year-old granddaughter to him, and left some natural materials and treasures as a reward for free meals and providing intelligence.

The Gao family is also a well-known big family in the world. It is impossible that there is no news about such a big thing as the migration of the entire family.

Li Guanhai was not in a hurry, anyway, he was there and couldn't run away.

To be honest, he rarely wandered around alone.

Even when he went out, he would be accompanied by Li Ningshuang and the flag guards of the Cloud Guards who were hiding in the dark to protect him. Although everyone had someone to take care of everything, it was never as easy as being alone.

When he was alone, he could do whatever he wanted and go wherever he wanted.

In recent years, Li Guanhai had been running around for various things and purposes, and rarely had the opportunity to enjoy the mountains and rivers and wander around.

It happened that he had some free time recently, so he could fish, paddle and relax.

He wandered around major cities and asked the people in the rivers and lakes who came and went from south to north about where the Gao family had moved to.

Some people knew, and some didn't.

Li Guanhai pieced together all the scattered pieces of information and finally had a direction.

He didn't take out the flying Shenzhou to hurry on his way, nor did he use the teleportation array, but bought a horse and staggered towards the southeast.

He restrained his breath and changed his dress to make himself look like a wanderer in the rivers and lakes.

Carrying a knife, riding a horse, holding a wine gourd in hand, and helping the injustice on the road, this is the dream of many young men.

Along the way, Li Guanhai also encountered many interesting things, such as bandits who robbed on the road, refugees who fled, and girls who were forced to marry and fled.

These things were never encountered by Li Guanhai, who used to fly in the sky to travel, and they were quite interesting.

Early in the morning of this day, outside the city gate, a yellow-brown horse carrying a young man slowly walked out of the morning mist.

The young man wore a tight-fitting coat with narrow sleeves, a long knife on his waist, and a wine gourd in his hand.

He raised his head high and poured the last drop of fruit wine in the gourd into his mouth.

Li Guanhai sighed and looked up at the three big characters on the city gate-Jinlizhuang.

It happened that the wine was finished, so he found an old restaurant to replenish it, and had a full meal by the way, and continued on his way.

After entering the city, vendors had already started to set up stalls, and the shops on both sides also started business.

The most popular stalls in the morning must be the vegetable stalls and the steamed bun stalls. As we all know, you have to buy vegetables early, otherwise the fresh ones will be snatched away by others.

This is undoubtedly a blessing for the elderly. They are old and have shallow sleep, unlike young people who can sleep until the afternoon.

They get up early and have nothing to do. After brushing their teeth and washing their faces, they can go to the morning market to buy vegetables.

The steamed bun stalls are the most popular among the 996s. They are blessed and often do not get enough sleep. They would rather sleep a little longer in the morning than waste time making breakfast.

So steamed buns have become the best choice for the 996s.

What's wrong with the steamed bun sellers?

How many 996s are supported by the steamed bun sellers!

Of course, it's not just steamed buns. Jinlizhuang is so big that there are countless kinds of delicious food, and they are also good quality and cheap. You can eat whatever you want.

Riding horses is prohibited in Jinlizhuang, so Li Guanhai walked on the street with his horse.

Walking, I saw a very interesting stall.

Dalang Shaobing.

Why does this name sound so familiar?

Li Guanhai raised his eyebrows and led his horse forward. The neighing of the horse startled the short and strong stall owner who was making pancakes.

He shuddered, and the pancake dough in his hand fell to the ground. He bent down to pick it up and patted off the mud and dust on it, but he couldn't pat it clean.

Li Guanhai asked with a smile: "Boss, will you sell this pancake?"

The short and strong man smiled and shook his head: "No, no, business can't be done this way. If this pancake makes people sick, it will be my fault."

As he said, he put the pancake dough with mud and dust aside and said with a smile: "Sir, your horse scared me a lot, haha."

He didn't throw the pancake away, obviously he didn't want to, and planned to bake it for himself later.

It can be seen from this that the short and strong man's life is still quite tight, which can be seen from the patched coarse linen clothes on his body.

Li Guanhai said: "Boss, give me two pancakes, bake them crispy."


The short and strong man agreed and started to work.

As the saying goes, there are 360 ​​professions and every profession has its own top talent. This guy is really good at making pancakes and he is also fast.

The pancakes in his hands seemed to dance. After a few turns, they were covered with sauce and a layer of egg liquid.

It would be a pity if these flexible hands were not used to be a thief and pick locks.

Li Guanhai glanced at the sign that read "Da Lang Shaobing" and asked casually: "Shopkeeper, your name is Da Lang?"

The short and strong man nodded: "Yes, my parents are uneducated rough people, they don't know how to name people, so they always call me Da Lang, so I just call me this name."

Li Guanhai asked again: "Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

Dalang nodded again: "I have a younger brother."

"Is your name Erlang?"

Dalang's eyes widened in surprise, "Hey, young master, how did you know?"

Li Guanhai ignored him and continued to ask: "Are you married?"

Dalang didn't think this handsome young man had any malicious intent, so he nodded: "Marry."

"But your surname is Pan?"

Dalang was completely shocked at this time. I don't know what he was thinking. He actually ran out of the stall and knelt down directly in front of Li Guanhai, kowtowing like garlic.

"Fairy, you must be a deity with great scheming and calculation. Please bless the deity. Please bless the deity."

Li Guanhai waved his left hand, and a gentle force lifted Dalang up.

He really didn't know what to say.

Da Lang, Er Lang, and a sister-in-law named Pan. These three people who are passed down to future generations, and the familiar family ethics plot are actually going to happen in this world?

Now that these three people are here, where are the officials from Ximen?

Just as I was thinking this, I suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves hitting the ground from the street.

Looking around, I saw two magnificent white horses pulling a luxurious carriage slowly approaching.

Li Guanhai lay silently in his heart.

He's coming, he's coming!

Didn't the soldiers guarding the city say that riding horses is prohibited in the city?

Is a horse-drawn carriage sufficient?

Li Guanhai was unhappy.

How unreasonable is it that only state officials are allowed to set fires, but the people are not allowed to light lamps!

Sure enough, this is true everywhere. The so-called rules are nothing but bullshit to those who fall outside the rules.

If Li Guanhai revealed his identity on the spot, who would dare not let him ride a horse in the city?

Even the rule that no horses are allowed in Jinli Village will be changed because of his words.

This is the charm of power.

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