When it comes to the younger generation of Yunwei Si, the first person that people think of must be Li Guanhai.

These capable and talented young geniuses were very unconvinced at first, and even had the idea of ​​competing with Li Guanhai for the position of Young Master of Yunwei Division.

Later, Li Guanhai completed one feat after another and became famous in the upper world, and was even called the number one among the younger generation by the world.

Since then, all the young prodigies with hidden ambitions have felt frustrated and decided not to compete for the illusory position of young master, but to concentrate on pursuing their own martial arts.

Facing the warm greetings from the Qibing Building disciples, Li Guanhai smiled and nodded, and whispered to the girl in front of him who raised her delicate chin and didn't know what she was doing: "Take me to see Senior Yang."

The girl recovered from the inexplicable excitement and excitement and took Li Guanhai upstairs.

Qibing Tower, third floor.

The girl stood outside the secret room, making trumpet shapes with her hands: "Uncle Yang, Young Master Guanhai is here."

There was silence in the secret room.

The girl tilted her head, raised her horn and shouted, "Yang..."

"Girl, stop shouting and let Young Master Guanhai come in."

A slightly tired old voice came from the secret room, and then there was a "click", and the secret room door became loose.

The girl turned back with twinkling eyes and said with some reluctance: "Young Master, please go in."

"Sorry to trouble you."

Li Guanhai patted the girl's shoulder, pushed open the secret room door, and walked in.

Li Ningshuang didn't go in. She stood at the door, glanced sideways at the pretty pink-faced girl, and "hummed" in her heart.

It's really useless to be so happy just by patting on the shoulder.

Of course the girl didn't know that Li Ningshuang, who had been silent since entering the Qibing Tower, would have such thoughts in her mind. She left with her hands behind her back and jumped in three steps.

In a secret room filled with various unnamed instruments, an old man with shaggy hair and unkempt appearance stood behind the desk, without raising his head, and quickly flipped through the books on the desk with both hands, as if he was looking for something.

Li Guanhai said: "Yang..."

As soon as he said a word, the old man raised his left hand and pointed to an instrument on the side, then lowered his head and continued to read the book.

Li Guanhai didn't care. He walked to the instrument and reached out to open the top cover.


A loud trembling sound resounded in the secret room, penetrated the stone wall, and spread out, alarming the people in the Yunwei Sect on many nearby peaks.

They all turned their heads and looked in the direction of the Qibing Building. There, a sword energy stood high in the sky and pierced the dome, like a beam of light hanging down from the sky.

Circles of ripples visible to the naked eye surrounded the sword energy light pillar, pushing away the high-altitude clouds.

After an unknown amount of time, the light pillar formed by the sword energy dissipated and everything returned to calm.

"The sword energy just now was so pure."

"It came from the Qibing Building. Could it be that the masters forged another magic weapon?"

"Well, it's possible."

In the secret room of Qibing Tower, Li Guanhai tied up the Qiankun bag and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Senior Yang, why is this sword energy even more powerful than before?"

The old man surnamed Yang had stopped flipping through the books. With a little pride on his brows, he stroked his beard and said, "I got a piece of divine jade by chance. I wanted to use it, but the weapons in my hands were too fragile and could not withstand the majestic power of the divine jade. ”

"This Three Talents Sword is an innate spiritual treasure, naturally conceived by heaven and earth. It can contain even the power of heaven and earth, and it can naturally also contain the power in the divine jade."

"I was feeling itchy for a moment, so when I reforged this sword, I incorporated the divine jade into it. The effect was much better than I imagined."

"This Sancai Sword was originally a rare divine weapon in the world. Now it has been enlightened by divine jade and is extremely spiritual. There are only a handful of swords in the world that can compare with it."

"And the potential of this Three Talents Sword is far more than that. The stronger the sword wielder, the stronger the sword. The potential is endless, hahaha."

Senior Yang laughed heartily and was very happy.

After so many years of refining weapons, this Three Talents Sword is his most proud work, bar none.

Suddenly he remembered something and said solemnly: "This sword was reforged by me. It came from my hands, so it can no longer bear its original name."

Li Guanhai was astute and immediately understood what he meant, so he answered: "Then please give me your name, senior."

The old man stroked his beard with his left hand and put his right hand behind his back. He walked to the window and slowly said: "This sword is as green as frost and snow, so let's call it the Jingxue Sword."

"By the way, this sword does not have a sword spirit yet. The young master must remind the sword owner not to choose a sword spirit at will. The power of this sword is enough now. Don't be in a hurry to choose it, so you must be careful."

Li Guanhai nodded: "I understand, there is Senior Laoyang."

The old man left the window and came to the desk to continue reading the books. He said casually: "If nothing happens, young master, please leave."

Li Guanhai didn't care much about his attitude. This senior was a crazy fan of alchemy. Apart from refining weapons, he didn't care about anything else, including the sophistication of people.

After leaving the Qibing Tower, Li Ningshuang asked curiously: "Young Master, was that tyrannical sword energy just now coming from the Sancai Sword?"

Li Guanhai did not hide anything: "Yes, Senior Yang injected a piece of sacred jade into the Sancai Sword. It is far more powerful than before. This time it is easier for her."

Li Ningshuang naturally knew who the "she" in her master's mouth was referring to, and she was inevitably a little envious. She pouted her ruddy and attractive little mouth and muttered: "I don't have one."

Li Guanhai smiled: "I will also find you a useful weapon in the future."

Pilot the Flying Shenzhou to leave Yunwei Division and fly all the way to the southwest.

That was not the direction of the Earth Emperor Palace, but the place where the descendants of the Green Emperor lived. Like the Earth Emperor Palace, it was also in the Outer Land.

But the two sides were far apart, and the descendants of the Green Emperor were closer to the Yunwei Division, so Li Guanhai chose to go there first to take the Golden Wing Yinglong Origin.

A few days later, he arrived at the southwest front.

Li Guanhai did not interfere in the war here, and flew directly to the depths of the sea, encountering many sea clan warriors on the way.

As soon as these sea clan creatures saw the flying Shenzhou, they immediately launched an attack.

Li Guanhai did not want to waste time with them, so he killed them all without mercy.

In this way, he killed from one end of the sea to the other end of the sea, and finally landed in the Outer Land.

The Outer Land is actually a paradise. Except for the hidden sects, there are few cities or villages for ordinary people, because it is not suitable for ordinary people to survive.

Li Guanhai took out the enchantment key given by Hao Yuan that day, and asked Li Ningshuang to drive the flying Shenzhou slowly over the continuous mountains to find the place where the descendants of the Green Emperor lived.

Half an hour later, they arrived above a valley that seemed to be created by a meteorite. The round key in their hands trembled slightly, and a faint light flashed in the round hole in the center of the key.

"This is it."

Li Guanhai looked down at the valley below.

Li Ningshuang cooperated very well and stopped the flying Shenzhou and slowly descended.

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