After reciting the last part of the formula, Gao Weilue knelt on one knee towards the container, lowered his head, and shouted in an extremely pious and respectful tone: "Welcome the Lord!"

The military tent was isolated from the breath and sound by the formation, so even if firecrackers were set off in the tent, it would not disturb others.

As his voice fell, the container, which had been silent, suddenly opened his eyes, two golden lights shot out, and golden smoke slowly rose from the corners of his eyes on both sides.

An extremely strong immortal power descended, but it did not cause changes in the Gao family like last time, but this restrained momentum was many times stronger than the last time.

Gao Weilue kept his head down, and he did not dare to raise his head until the Lord spoke.

In the extremely tense atmosphere, he heard the Lord's low and calm voice: "Get up."

Gao Weilue felt relieved and stood up, but still did not dare to look directly at the other party, looking very restrained.

The mysterious man asked, "How is the task assigned to you?"

Gao Weilüe suddenly became nervous, his throat rolled, he swallowed his saliva, and said with a bow: "For the time being... not yet successful, but this time I asked you to come forward, just to ask you to personally kill that guy."

The mysterious man asked, "You can't beat him?"

Gao Weilüe nodded: "I'm ashamed, that person is extremely talented and powerful, far beyond my expectations, and his identity in the upper world is also very unusual, he is the young master of the Yunwei Division."

The mysterious man didn't speak, just stared at him in silence.

Gao Weilüe suddenly felt the pressure doubled, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and hurriedly said: "Master, don't worry, I haven't exposed my identity and hostility. If I don't know the opponent and am not sure to take him down, I won't show any hostility."

The mysterious man nodded slightly, and was quite satisfied with his explanation.

He waved his sleeves and removed the formation covering the military tent.

The summoning of the gods has ended, and the breath from the fairy world can be perfectly restrained by him and will not leak out again.

As soon as he removed the formation, his brows furrowed.

Gao Weilue observed his expression and asked tentatively: "Master, is there anything wrong?"

The mysterious man walked out of the military tent, and Gao Wei hurriedly followed him out. As soon as he stepped out of the military tent, he broke out in a cold sweat.

There were several monks outside, walking in front of the tent with their arms around each other. They smelled of alcohol and staggered when they walked. They were obviously drunk.

They saw Gao Weilue standing still and smiled and greeted him.

"Mr. Gao, do you want to... go have a drink with us?"

"It's a pity to miss the best fruit wine."

Gao Weilue often walked around the military camp these days and met many monks. The camps of these monks were nearby and they often met each other, so they were quite familiar with each other.

Gao Weilue found that their eyes were all focused on him, ignoring the figure in front of him, as if they didn't see him at all.

He suddenly understood that this was the master's trick, and his nervous expression relaxed immediately. He smiled and waved his hand, saying, "No, fellow Taoists, just enjoy your drink. I'm a little tired, so I'll go and rest first."

Several drunken monks complained about spoiling the fun while walking away arm in arm.

The mysterious man suddenly said, "Strange, the last time I came, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was clearly more concentrated, but this time it seems to be a little thinner."

Gao Weilie first showed a surprised expression, and then admiration. He stood behind the mysterious man and bowed his hands and said, "The master is indeed very perceptive. Now the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the upper world is indeed not as concentrated as when you came last time, especially in the area near the East China Sea."

The mysterious man frowned, "What happened?"

Gao Weilie detailed what happened in the East China Sea in recent days. These were all the news he had inquired about in the past few days, and he had also asked someone to verify them. There would not be much difference from the truth.

After speaking, he found that the master's face suddenly became gloomy, his brows were tightly knitted, and he was extremely cautious.

Gao Weilue suddenly became a little nervous. He rarely saw his master showing such an expression. Every time he saw this expression, it meant that the matter was very serious.

At this moment, he thought of many things and became more afraid of the erosion force in the depths of the East China Sea.

The mysterious man pondered for a long time and said, "Let's deal with him first, and then I will go to the underwater volcano myself."

Gao Weilue walked to his side, raised his hand and pointed at the flying Shenzhou floating above the military camp, and whispered, "Master, the kid is in the main hall of the flying Shenzhou. I have already investigated. There should be no Xuanshen Realm protectors around him, and there are no strong guards on the ship."

The mysterious man said nothing, and a golden light flashed in his eyes. His divine thoughts spread out like a tide, covering the flying Shenzhou.

The effect of divine thoughts is mutual. When you use divine thoughts to investigate a person, the other party can also perceive that there is a divine thought spying on him, unless your cultivation realm crushes the other party, then it is another matter.

There are many top-notch warriors hidden in the East China Sea camp, such as the two sword immortals from Lingxu Mountain. When the mysterious man's divine thoughts touch them, they will immediately notice and chase after the source.

The mysterious man obviously knew this, so he used his special magical power to control his divine thoughts from radiating to the surroundings, and only covered the flying Shenzhou.

In this way, no one would notice his existence.

The mysterious man sensed for a moment, retracted his divine thoughts, and said lightly: "After I succeed, I will destroy this container. You can cast a spell tomorrow."

After killing Li Guanhai, the momentum that burst out in an instant will surely alarm most of the people in the military camp. When facing the pursuit of a group of top-notch warriors, he is not sure that he can escape, so it is better to destroy the container by himself and leave no clues.

Gao Weilue asked: "My lord, what should I do with the treasures you took from him after you destroy the container by yourself?"

"I have my own way."

The mysterious man responded indifferently, his figure slowly faded and disappeared.

Gao Weilue looked up at the night sky, only to see the master driving the golden light and quickly approaching the flying Shenzhou.

He raised the corner of his mouth, uncontrollably excited.

If the master takes action personally, Li Guanhai will definitely die.

Just as he was thinking this, a dazzling golden light like the sun shone down, accompanied by a loud bang. Gao Weilue looked at the strong light and saw that the flying Shenzhou hovering over the military camp was shattered in the golden light, without even any wood chips left, and was directly crushed into powder.

It's done!

Gao Weilue was ecstatic, and the next moment, several divine rainbows rushed up from all parts of the military camp, accompanied by sharp sounds of breaking through the air, and rushed towards the mysterious man driving the golden light.

The golden light converged, and the mysterious man suddenly disappeared and appeared dozens of miles away.

He flashed several times in succession and fled thousands of miles away.

Several divine rainbows pierced through the clouds and mist, chasing closely.

The huge noise alarmed the monks and generals in the military camp, and they ran out of the military tents and looked at the sky in confusion.

Many people reacted and exclaimed: "Oh, Master Guanhai's flying divine ship is destroyed. Could he have been attacked?"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately caused a huge commotion. The monks discussed it heatedly and the scene was in chaos.

Gao Weilue's heart was beating wildly. It stands to reason that he is also a person who has seen big scenes, and he should not be so out of control.

Just killing a young man who has not grown up yet, he actually made him feel relieved and relieved of a big worry.

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