Walking down the stands, Li Guanhai saw Qin Shu's unusual expression, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

Qin Shu was silent for a while, shook his head, then took out the paper and pen he carried with him and wrote a paragraph, "I can't leave, the work is not finished yet, if I leave now, the manager will deduct my monthly salary."

Li Guanhai thought about it and nodded, "Okay, go and get busy, I'll wait for you here."

Hearing this, Qin Shu looked up at him, but the moment his eyes met his, he quickly dodged, nodded, and trotted away.

Li Guanhai found a random place to stand.

On the stands, a young woman with a pair of charming peach blossom eyes smiled and said, "You are arrogant on weekdays, so what, you hit the iron plate."

Qin Wei was not annoyed, and sat back in his seat and asked, "Sister Qin Qian, do you know who that person is?"

The woman named Qin Qian smiled mysteriously and did not answer.

Of course, she didn't know Li Guanhai's origins. She just happened to meet Li Guanhai on the way to the martial arts arena, but she didn't want to answer Qin Wei's question directly, so she showed a secretive smile and let him think about it.

Qin Qian took her people to other empty seats and sat down.

As she expected, Qin Wei really began to guess Li Guanhai's identity. He didn't doubt whether Li Guanhai was a member of the Qin family. He just wondered which member of the Qin family he would be a descendant of? Is it a collateral branch or a direct branch?

After thinking about it, he felt that the possibility of a collateral branch was higher, because in the Qin family, the direct branch children received a lot of attention, and the elders attached great importance to the training of the next generation. If that guy was a direct branch, he would not recognize him.

Compared with the direct branch, the number of collateral branch children is large. It can be said that the reason why the Qin family is so large and prosperous is that at least half of the credit is from the collateral branch.

There are many people with high cultivation and extraordinary talents in the side branches, and those who do not have the talent for cultivation basically all take over the various businesses and trade routes of the Qin family. The Qin family can operate entirely because of the side branches.

As for the direct lineage, that is the foundation of the Qin family and is also indispensable.

In the stands, Li Guanhai learned about the major events that happened today from the discussions of the Qin family children around him.

The reason why they gathered here was because the prefect Cao Qingsheng of Qingping Prefecture came here. He came here to recruit disciples for the Qi Jue Sect.

Although the name of the Qi Jue Sect does not sound like a famous sect, the names of the real famous sects are all fairy-like, such as Lingxu Mountain and Da Guangming Temple.

But the Qi Jue Sect is not a cult. It is an orthodox sect. Rather than a sect, it is a preaching academy. It is a place established by the dynasty to cultivate talents and pillars of the country, not a sect that puts personal interests first.

As a local official, the prefect of Qingping Prefecture is busy looking for outstanding disciples for the Qijue Sect every three years. This is also a public duty.

The Qijue Sect can be said to be the highest-level sect established by the dynasty. Being able to enter it for cultivation is the dream of countless people, so every time there are countless young talents signing up for enrollment.

These direct and collateral descendants of the Qin family came here not only to watch the excitement, but also signed up to participate in the selection.

This first round of selection is very cruel, that is, the people will fight first, and the fittest will survive.

According to the rules, only one hundred people in each prefecture are eligible to participate in the Qijue Sect test, but there are thousands of people who sign up, and the competition is fierce.

The prefect of Qingping Prefecture is also very concerned about this matter. There is not only a responsibility to fulfill his duties, but also because if there are disciples that the Qijue Sect values ​​among the one hundred people he selects, he will also get rewards from the top, so the prefect is so active.

The Qin family is a big family in Qingping Prefecture. The prefect has some friendship with the head of the Qin family, and they also have business dealings with each other. So this time the prefect came here in person, he would select 20 people from the Qin family to participate in the assessment of the Seven Absolutes.

Each prefecture has 100 places, and the Qin family alone occupies 20. Although it is only one-fifth, it is already a lot.

Although the Qin family is a big family, there are dozens of families in Qingping Prefecture, big and small. If all the places are given to the Qin family, or if 50 or even 60 places are given to the Qin family, it will definitely cause public outrage.

Because for those small families in Qingping Prefecture, the enrollment of the Seven Absolutes is their most important thing and an opportunity to turn over.

If their own descendants are lucky enough to enter the Seven Absolutes to practice, and are valued by their teachers, then they can also rise to prominence.

Blocking someone's future is more hateful than killing their parents. The prefect knew this very well, so he did not go too far and only gave up 20 places to the Qin family.

These 20 places were not given in vain. The Qin family paid a lot of price and shed a lot of blood for this.

Li Guanhai stood outside the crowd to watch the excitement. There were hundreds of people from the Qin family who signed up, including direct descendants and collateral descendants. These people competed in six battle circles on the martial arts field. The winners advanced and the losers were eliminated.

In a blink of an eye, most of the day passed, and the competition was suspended. Qin Hongzhen, the head of the Qin family, personally led Song Qiding to the main hall for a banquet, and a group of elders and their descendants followed.

The rest of the people dispersed, some went to rest, or left the Qin family in groups of two or three to have a drink at the restaurant in Qingping Mansion.

Qin Shu finally finished her work. She trotted over and wrote on the paper with a pen in her right hand: "Go back and cook."


Li Guanhai just nodded, but a familiar female voice came from the front, "What a coincidence, we meet again."

The person who came was Qin Qian, who had a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes. When she walked over, her waist was twisted and swaying, which was very pleasing to the eye.

She was not deliberately showing off, but her figure was curvy, and the soft silk on her body highlighted her proud figure, so it was so pleasing to the eye.

Qin Shu immediately lowered his head and bowed to Qin Qian, not daring to look up at her.

This is the rule. If a servant looks at his master, it is a violation of his superiors.

Li Guanhai looked at her calmly and said, "Thank you for what I just said."

"Thank me for what?" Qin Qian glanced at Qin Shu, who was shrinking beside him, and smiled lightly, "You're welcome. The prefect is here today, and I just don't want to cause trouble and let outsiders laugh at me."

As she spoke, she took a step closer, "I'm more curious about you. Which uncle of the Qin family are you a descendant of?"

Li Guanhai was silent and did not answer.

Qin Qian narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly. Although she didn't say anything, her voice was transmitted to Li Guanhai's head, "You are not from the Qin family, are you?"

After saying that, she smiled and turned away.

The young man next to Qin Qian, who looked a bit like her, looked at Li Guanhai twice more and turned away.

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