Qin Shu on the side was frightened, the hand holding the pen trembled slightly, and he wrote a long paragraph on the paper with difficulty for everyone to see, mainly for the uninvited guests.

But at this moment, the situation is tense and both sides may take action at any time. Who will pay attention to her?

Seeing that Li Guanhai had not made any move, the rough-looking man snorted coldly: "It seems that I have to do it myself, so whatever, let me do it."

As he spoke, he pulled out the knife stuck in the ground, put the soles of his feet on the ground, and rushed in front of Li Guanhai like a swift cheetah. The powerful mana surged out, instantly blocking all his escape routes, and slashed his arm with the knife.

If this knife were hit, half of the shoulder would be cut off.

Qin Shu was so frightened that he covered his eyes and did not dare to look.

Li Guanhai's expression did not change from the beginning to the end. His left hand reached out like lightning, and the two bamboo chopsticks easily caught the knife that had the power to split Huashan Mountain.

The momentum that was almost surging outside the hospital suddenly stopped, collapsing and shrinking like a tide.

The picture went from extreme movement to extreme stillness, and everyone present was dumbfounded at this moment.

The most surprising thing was the rugged man who struck out with this sword. Although he did not use all his strength with this sword, he did not hold back, but the boy in front of him easily caught it with a pair of chopsticks, and he did not even feel a trace of magic power from him. leaked, what’s going on?

He once again mobilized his magic power to inject it into the blade, and forcefully closed the blade to attack again, but he saw Li Guanhai holding a bamboo chopstick with his left hand and flicking it out with his fingers.

With a hiss, the bamboo chopsticks shot out like arrows. The man quickly switched from attack to defense, blocking with his sword.


The fragile bamboo chopsticks penetrated the blade of the knife and penetrated the man's shoulder, bringing up a few drops of blood and stabbing into the fence wall.

The rugged man hurriedly retreated, glanced at the bleeding hole in his shoulder, and then looked at Li Guanhai sitting in front of the simple stone table with disbelief. The shock on his face could not be concealed.

With just one bamboo chopstick, he can pierce a blade made of fine iron that has been repeatedly forged hundreds of thousands of times. There is no hidden weapon technique like this in the world. No matter how strong his fingers are, bamboo chopsticks will always be bamboo chopsticks. The powerful power will only If you break it, it will be impossible to penetrate the blade.

The only explanation is that magic power has been injected into the bamboo chopsticks, making the bamboo chopsticks as hard as iron, so it can penetrate the blade.

But he clearly didn't notice any fluctuations in his aura just now. Could it be that the young man in front of him has mastered the manipulation of magic power to a meticulous level?

At this time, Li Guanhai, who was sitting in front of the stone table, turned the bamboo chopsticks in his hand and said, "I have another bamboo chopstick here. Which of you wants to try it?"

As soon as these words came out, the men who were still aggressive before took half a step back. No one wanted to be the target of attack.

Seeing that the morale on his side was low, the man whose shoulder was pierced by the bamboo chopsticks immediately said in a cold voice: "What is there to be afraid of? Don't forget what we are here to do. Aren't you going to take revenge?"

After saying that, he stared at Li Guanhai and said, "Come with me to capture this kid and hand him over to the head of the family for punishment!"

Saying that, he rushed forward first.

The people behind him looked at each other. They had already taken action. It was hard to just sit back and watch, so they also gathered around Li Guanhai.

No matter how strong this kid is, is it possible that he can still break through?

As a result, as soon as the few people took a few steps forward, they saw a rough-looking man flying backwards. Everyone got out of the way, and the fence collapsed with a bang.

Everyone was dumbfounded again.

What's going on here, you just rushed up and got knocked away?

While they were stunned, Li Guanhai immediately rushed up, rushing into the enemy group like a vigorous cheetah, with his fists and feet opening and closing.

There were several muffled sounds in succession, and everyone was knocked to the ground in an instant. Some had their arms twisted off, some had their chests dented, and some even had their necks misaligned, all of them losing their fighting ability.

Qin Shu saw this scene through her fingers. She opened her mouth slightly in surprise, not knowing what to say.

Li Guanhai clapped his hands and grinned at her, then his face turned cold. He looked at the uninvited guests lying in confusion in the courtyard and said, "Why don't you leave yet? You think your muscles and bones are not loosened enough, right?"

The rugged man and others, all of whom had become defeated soldiers, were about to leave dragging their injured bodies as if they had been granted amnesty.

"Wait a minute." Li Guanhai suddenly stopped them, which made their hearts skip a beat.

The rugged man turned around and forced an ugly smile, but said nothing.

Li Guanhai pointed at the messy courtyard and said, "You have broken so many things, do you want to just walk away? Hurry up and pay for it."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the problem can be solved by money, it is not a problem.

Several people pieced it together, took out a thick stack of banknotes, handed them to Li Guanhai, and then fled the place.

Li Guanhai took the banknotes and patted them on his palm, then called Qin Shu, whose face was still a little pale, to come over. He first took out a few banknotes and stuffed them into his arms, and then gave the rest to her.

Qin Shu waved his hand and shook his head, indicating that he didn't want it.

Li Guanhai forcefully gave it to her and said, "Take it, you won't have to worry about making a living anymore."

Then he asked: "How many kilograms of rice can this banknote buy?"

Qin Shu thought for a while and wrote on the paper: "If you use one tael of silver to buy rice, one person will not be able to finish it in a whole year."

Li Guanhai was shocked: "Really or not, the purchasing power of one tael of silver is actually so strong?"

Purchasing power?

Qin Shu had never heard of this word, but she could probably understand what it meant.

Li Guanhai said: "These banknotes are at least a thousand taels, which is enough for you to be rich and prosperous for a lifetime."

Qin Shu had never seen so much money. She worked hard for thirty days, and the monthly salary she received was only calculated in "wen". How could she have seen so many silver notes?

These silver notes cannot be used directly because the denomination is too large. Unless you are doing business, you need to go to the bank to exchange them for silver for daily expenses.

Silver notes exist only because silver is too cumbersome and inconvenient to carry.

For example, when talking about business, who would push a few boxes of silver on the street? Those who show off their wealth in a high-profile manner are simply deliberately making others jealous and wanting others to rob them.

So generally business people will deposit silver into the bank and get back the silver notes, and the silver notes are the vouchers.

After the two had lunch, Qin Shu saw Li Guanhai going out, so he wrote on the paper: "Are you going to the martial arts field?"

Li Guanhai nodded, "Well, there is a competition in the afternoon. I want to go and see. Do you want to go?"

Qin Shu hesitated and shook his head.

"Okay, I'll be back soon."

After Li Guanhai left, Qin Shu put down the banknotes in his hand, and the joy on his face gradually disappeared.


When Li Guanhai came, the competition in the martial arts arena had already started for a while.

The reason why he came here was because the part of his memory that was awakened was what he remembered from watching the fights in the arena, so he wanted to try again, maybe he could remember more things from the past.

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