The hand on Qin Wei's neck gradually gained strength, and Qin Wei almost suffocated. His face turned purple due to lack of oxygen.

The Qin family members who came with Qin Wei were very anxious when they saw this. Someone shouted, "Are you crazy? Young Master Qin Wei is the grandson of the three clan elders. As a member of the Qin family, how dare you commit a crime against your superiors!"

Obviously, they did not doubt Li Guanhai's identity as a member of the Qin family, and were even more shocked by his audacity.

A member of the Qin family shouted, "Let go of Young Master Qin Wei. Do you know what you are doing?"

Li Guanhai ignored their threats and scoldings, and lifted Qin Wei in the air, and his palms became more and more powerful.

At this moment, Qin Wei regretted it very much. He did not regret provoking Li Guanhai, but regretted not being fully prepared before provoking him.

He is not a fool, nor an idiot. After seeing how powerful Li Guanhai is, he knows that he cannot handle him with his own ability, so he did not deliberately provoke him in the next few encounters, because if he does not have enough strength to support, doing so is simply seeking death.

Until tonight, he went out for a tryst with the daughter of the prefect, and happened to meet Li Guanhai, so he took the initiative to provoke him.

The reason why he did this was entirely because the commander of the Qingping Prefecture Guard was present, which gave him confidence.

Qin Wei thought that with his relationship with Cao Xian, if Li Guanhai wanted to attack him, Cao Xian would not sit idly by.

As long as the commander of the guard attacked Li Guanhai, the kid would definitely be in trouble.

But he still miscalculated and seriously underestimated the strength of Li Guanhai. Even the commander of the guard of a prefecture was not his opponent. What kind of monster is this kid?

But it was useless to think about it now. Qin Wei clearly felt the coming of death. He was extremely frightened and prayed that Li Guanhai would not dare to kill him, hoping that someone would come to his rescue.

Qin Shu, who was standing next to the female clerk Xiao Luo, walked up quickly and took out a pen and paper as he walked. But before the pen fell on the paper, Li Guanhai exerted force with five fingers, and with a snap, he twisted Qin Wei's neck in public and threw it on the ground like a broken sack.

Instantly, there was silence in the field. The guests in the silk shop and the pedestrians who stopped to watch the excitement on the street were all shocked and opened their mouths slightly, looking at this scene in disbelief, and the stunned look seemed like a dementia.

Qin Shu also stood there in a daze, and the pen and paper in his hand fell to the ground.

Li Guanhai looked around, wondering why these people looked at him with such eyes.

He ignored the crowd and looked at Qin Shu. He lowered his eyes, walked forward to help her pick up the paper and pen, and asked with a smile: "Do you like any fabric?"

Qin Shu subconsciously took the paper and pen. At this time, there was a commotion on the street outside the silk shop, and a team of patrol guards pushed the crowd of onlookers in.

"Don't block it, go away, go away."

Amidst the shoving and pushing, a group of patrol guards walked into the silk shop, shouting, "Who is making trouble?"

Obviously, these people didn't know what happened here. They just happened to patrol here and saw so many people around here, so they came to see to avoid any trouble.

When they walked into the silk shop, they saw Qin Wei lying on the ground with his eyes wide open, obviously he had confessed, and a girl lying on the ground on the other side. Because she was lying on the ground with her back to them, they could only confirm that she was a woman, and they didn't know her identity.

Although they didn't know the identity of the girl, they knew Qin Wei's identity. After all, the grandson of the third elder of the Qin family was a celebrity in Qingping Prefecture. Most of the patrol guards who often walked on the street knew him and had been rewarded with a lot of wine money.

Now seeing Qin Wei dead in the silk shop, they were also very surprised. Who was so bold as to kill someone from the Qin family in Qingping Prefecture?

At this time, a Qin family member pointed at Li Guanhai and yelled, "Sir, it was him who committed the crime, and he also injured the daughter of the prefect!"

The patrol guards were shocked when they heard this. Two of them ran over and gently twisted the girl's shoulders, and their faces changed immediately.

It was Miss Cao Xian!

The face of the middle-aged captain who was in the lead was completely black, his face was as dark as water, and he stared at Li Guanhai coldly, waving his big hand like a palm fan, "Catch him for me!"

Li Guanhai, who had just handed the paper and pen to Qin Shu and had a gentle smile on his face, looked back fiercely.

Several patrol guards who were ready to come up and arrest people were frightened by his fierce appearance and stopped and dared not move forward.

The middle-aged team leader cursed: "A bunch of useless things, let him go, the prefect will not forgive me, and you can't get away with it!"

Hearing this, several patrol guards gritted their teeth and came up to arrest people.

It's hard to persuade the damned ghost with good words. Since these people are looking for death, Li Guanhai will naturally not stop them. He was about to take action, but a chill came from his hand.

Looking down, it was Qin Shu holding his hand. Looking back, I saw that the girl with ugly bruises on one side of her cheek was looking at me with a begging look and shaking her head gently.

The pair of pure eyes like ice were filled with tears, crystal clear, and heartbreaking.

Li Guanhai sighed. This girl is good in everything, but her heart is too soft and too kind. She doesn't want him to kill so many people for her.

If it were her, there would be no hesitation.

Thinking of this, Li Guanhai was suddenly stunned. The thought just now suddenly emerged in his mind, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't remember who this "she" was.

Several patrol guards surrounded them cautiously, and a few copper coins slipped from Li Guanhai's sleeves and were shot out with the technique of gold coin darts.

With a few puffs, the copper coins shot through the shoulders of several patrol guards, and blood spurted out. They all fell to the ground and roared in pain.

Li Guanhai pulled Qin Shu out of the silk shop and glanced at the middle-aged team leader. The latter felt a chill running down his spine and piercing his head. He shuddered and dared not stop him again.

The people who were watching the excitement outside the silk shop retreated to all sides and made a road for the two to leave. During this process, everyone held their breath and no one dared to speak until the two disappeared at the end of the street. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This guy is simply a madman. He beats people whenever the commander of the guards says to, teaches the daughter of the prefect a lesson whenever he says to, and kills the young master of the local snake Qin family whenever he says to. He draws blood without blinking an eye. I don’t know if his eyes are sore.

Such a thing has not happened in Qingping Prefecture for many years, and the parties involved are both the Qin family and the prefect, the two most powerful families and local officials in Qingping Prefecture. This is going to be exciting.

Tonight, everyone who gathered outside the silk shop to watch the excitement was very glad that they didn’t stay at home. This excitement was so exciting that it was a little unreal.

I just don’t know what the young man will do next. Most people guess that he should flee Qingping Prefecture immediately. After all, he has offended the Qin family and the prefect at the same time. There is no place for him in such a big Qingping Prefecture.

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