Qin Tiancheng, who was behind, saw that his brother seemed to have suffered a loss. He jumped up and rushed to Li Guanhai like a nimble cheetah across the crowd, and crushed him with his palms with powerful magic power.

The first move was a killing move. After seeing that his brother seemed to have suffered a loss, Qin Tiancheng realized that the young man in front of him was really very strong, so he gave up the idea of ​​testing and directly used all his strength to control him with a crushing force.

"Tiancheng, be careful!" Qin Yannian shouted, but it was too late to stop him.

Li Guanhai raised his left palm to meet the opponent's palms. With a bang, the magic power exploded. Qin Tiancheng flew backwards at a faster speed than the rushing one, like a bowling ball, knocking away the Qin family members behind him, and knocking down several houses, and then was buried under the collapsed house, and his life or death was unknown.

Everyone in the Qin family was dumbfounded, including Qin Tao, Qin Yue, and the head of the family Qin Yannian.

When everyone was stunned, they saw Li Guanhai's figure flashing like a ghost and appearing in front of Qin Yue and Qin Tao. As soon as they showed horror on their faces, they were entangled by the tentacles condensed by the magic power behind Li Guanhai, lifted up and smashed on the ground, lifted up again and smashed on the ground again, over and over again.

Eighty, eighty!

Li Guanhai didn't know why this number popped up in his mind inexplicably.




The tentacles condensed by the magic power fell again and again, with faster and faster frequency and greater force. Two big pits were smashed on the ground, and gravel flew.

People with good eyesight found that the father and son tied by the tentacles had long lost their human form, and their flesh and blood were blurred. Even the Nine Revolutions Resurrection Pills could not save them.

Li Guanhai stopped after hitting them dozens of times. He took a long breath, wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand, and grinned: "Huh, so tired."



This is the evaluation of Li Guanhai given by the Qin family members present.

Qin Shu's face turned pale with fear. She didn't dare to look at the two bloody bodies on the ground, let alone the headless bodies of the Qin family members around her.

At this moment, her little head was still in a daze. She knew that Li Guanhai was very powerful, but she didn't know that he was so powerful.

Li Guanhai glanced at Qin Yannian, the head of the Qin family, whose right hand was bleeding, and asked with a smile: "Head of the Qin family, what else do you want to explain?"

At this moment, Qin Yannian's regret was greater than anger. He regretted that he shouldn't have provoked this evil star, and resented that the damn Qin Wei had not died and provoked the disaster. If time could go back, he would definitely cut Qin Wei into pieces to vent his hatred.

Seeing that Qin Yannian had a gloomy face and didn't say a word, Li Guanhai swept his eyes over the Qin family members who were silent, and turned around and left with Qin Shu. No one dared to stop him.

Under the collapsed ruins at the end of the street, Qin Tiancheng, who was blown away by a palm, struggled to get up. He looked particularly miserable, with disheveled hair, ragged clothes, and blood all over his body. Where was the nobleness of the past?

Just after climbing out of the ruins, a sharp sound of breaking wind suddenly came from far away. The seriously injured Qin Tiancheng was in a trance and sensed the danger, but his reaction was half a beat slower. Just as he wanted to dodge, a small branch pierced his temples on both sides, and blood splashed.


Qin Yannian, who saw this scene from a distance, was so angry that he could only watch his brother's eyes gradually become blurred, lose his spirit, and then fall into the ruins.


Qin Shu, who was following Li Guanhai, still had a pale face. She had not recovered from the shocking scenes just now. Her little head was buzzing and a little dazed.

After a long silence, she pulled Li Guanhai's sleeve and handed him a small notebook.

Li Guanhai took it and looked at it. It said on the notebook: "Where are we going next?"

Li Guanhai thought about it carefully and said: "I have awakened some of my memories, but there are still many memories that I can't remember. I think I have something very important to do. It's not a good idea to drag it on like this, so I plan to find someone who may help me recover my memory and remember the past as soon as possible."

Qin Shu wrote on the paper, "Then do you know who to find?"

"I don't know." Li Guanhai shook his head and raised his eyebrows and asked back: "Could it be that you know?"

Qin Shu also shook his head.

Li Guanhai fell into deep thought, "Tsk, who knows?"


The Qin family returned to the Qin Mansion with dusty faces. A group of Qin family executives gathered in the main hall. The atmosphere was silent and depressing. No one spoke for a long time.

There were three white cloths in the middle of the main hall, and under the white cloth were the bodies of Qin Tiancheng, Qin Yue, and Qin Tao.

Except for Qin Tiancheng, the bodies of Qin Yue and Qin Tao were completely inhuman. Most people would probably be scared to death after taking a look at them.

Qin Qian, who had a pair of peach blossom eyes, was also in the crowd. Just now, she did not follow the Qin family to search for Li Guanhai's traces, but stayed at the Qin family. So she didn't know what happened until the Qin family returned.

Qin Qian was shocked. The Qin family sent so many people to capture Li Guanhai, but not only did they fail to catch him, but they also suffered heavy casualties.

The head of the family's younger brother died, and the third clan elder Qin Yue and his son Qin Tao also died. These three people were all high-ranking members of the Qin family. They could shake the entire Qingping Mansion with just a stomp of their feet, but they died just like that, at the hands of a young man of unknown origin.

Until this moment, she felt a little unreal, as if she was dreaming.

This time, the Qin family really lost both the wife and the soldiers. Not only did they lose the high-level combat power, but they also lost face. The loss was extremely heavy, so the atmosphere in the hall was so depressing at this moment.

At this time, a gentle-looking elder smiled bitterly and said, "Everyone, don't look so bitter. Things have already happened. There is no use regretting. You should think about how to stop the loss in time."

In the first seat, the head of the family, Qin Yannian, knew that it was time for him to say something. Just as he was about to speak, a man suddenly ran into the main hall in a panic.

Qin Yannian was already angry. Seeing this man so unbearable, his anger suddenly surged in his heart, and he scolded: "What are you doing in a panic? Is it worth making such a fuss? Speak!"

The man knelt on the ground, trembling with his lips, pointed outside and trembling: "He...he...he..."

"Explain it to me clearly!" Qin Yannian became even more annoyed, and directly grabbed the teacup next to the low table and threw it over. The already cold tea spilled all over the other person, and a few leaves stuck to his face-.

The man swallowed his saliva and finally finished his words, "That Li Guanhai is back again."

After these words came out, all the Qin family members who participated in the pursuit and killing in the hall trembled, and their legs became a little weak.

Qin Yannian's face also became extremely ugly. He sighed and said to himself: "Is this a disaster destined for my Qin family?"

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