Mr. Ruan walked down Yaowang Mountain with the disciples and elders of Yaowang Mountain, including Li Guanhai.

Sure enough, as Shen Yan said, a large number of soldiers and horses have gathered at the foot of Yaowang Mountain. A depressing and heavy atmosphere enveloped the entire Yaowang Mountain, making the disciples of Yaowang Mountain who did not understand what happened feel trembling and a little scared. I didn't even dare to take a breath.

At the front of tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, a heroic man with white hair and a white forehead sitting astride his back is particularly eye-catching. Although he is among tens of thousands of people, his uniqueness and fierce aura can be seen at a glance. There was a murderous intent.

This kind of aura can only appear in people who have survived from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. Obviously, this heroic man sitting astride the giant white-haired tiger is such a person, and he has survived a hundred battles.

This person is the prefect of Yongning Prefecture, Mr. Chen Haichen.

It’s no wonder that the disciples of Yaowangshan have trembling legs due to this battle. Yaowangshan is a sect that helps the world and saves people. They rarely fight and kill. They specialize in medical skills on weekdays and seldom improve their cultivation and combat power. Therefore, this Of course I feel a little weak at this moment.

Mr. Ruan led Li Guanhai and a group of Yaowangshan elders to stand opposite the man riding the white tiger. The two sides were several feet away.

Mr. Ruan raised his hand and gave a salute, saying: "Master Chen has come from afar, and I, Yaowang Mountain, have not come far to welcome you, so please..."

Before he finished speaking, Mr. Chen, who was riding a white tiger, interrupted directly. His voice was flat, like gold and iron rubbing against each other, "Someone killed a young child and dozens of innocent people in Cancheng City. Witnesses pointed out that the person was heading towards Yaowang Mountain. I'm here, I don't want to say anything more, just hand him over."

Qin Shu, who was standing next to Li Guanhai, had a pale face and looked at the handsome and flawless man next to him with disbelief.

When she heard about this incident in the pharmacy just now, the little girl was still hoping for luck and excusing Li Guanhai in her mind, guessing that someone might have framed him.

But now that these words have come out of Master Chen's mouth, there is almost no question about the authenticity of this matter.

But yesterday he had obviously left with him. The two of them left Cancheng together and returned to Yaowang Mountain together. They were never separated at all.

Could it be that after they separated, he secretly ran back to Cancheng to kill people?

Qin Shu's white and tender little hands held the skirt tightly, and her teeth bit her plump lips.

Mr. Ruan didn't expect Chen Hai's attitude to be so strong. It's not like the two of them had never dealt with each other before. Although Mr. Ruan also felt that this person was a bit too rigid and unreasonable at the time, it wasn't like this.

He was about to speak when he felt a hand on his shoulder. When he turned his head, he saw that it was Li Guanhai. He was walking forward with a smile on his face.

Mr. Ruan hurriedly transmitted the message, "You go to the back and I will handle it."

"No." Li Guanhai shook his head and said loudly as he walked forward: "One person does the work and one person is responsible. I killed the person. If you want to arrest me..." He stretched out his hands and exposed himself to tens of thousands of soldiers. He smiled and said, "Come then."

At this moment, countless eyes turned to him, to the handsome young man who showed no fear in the face of thousands of troops, with different expressions.

Qin Shu was extremely anxious. She knew that Li Guanhai was powerful, but there were too many people on the opposite side. It was so dark that they couldn't see the end at a glance. How could he defeat them with his own strength?

Shen Yan was also very anxious. He gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice: "I'm afraid this guy is crazy!"

Mr. Ruan said nothing.

Chen Hai was also a little surprised by Li Guanhai's fearlessness. His eyes flickered and he waved.

Immediately, dozens of soldiers surrounded Li Guanhai with their legs tucked into the horse's belly, holding iron locks and hooks in their hands, and slowly circled around him.

The iron lock is used to restrict movement, and the iron hook is used to penetrate the pipa bone.

Suddenly, a sergeant threw the iron hook in his hand and hit Li Guanhai's pipa bone.

Li Guanhai felt something in his heart. He looked back and at the same time raised his right hand and flicked his fingers. His fingertips flicked on the iron hook weighing several dozen kilograms. It was like a cricket shaking a tree, but the result was an explosion of terrifying power.

The iron hook flew back like a cannonball, straightened the iron chain, and directly pulled the ungrateful soldier off the horse, smashing him to pieces.

The other sergeants around him reacted quickly. Seeing that Li Guanhai was difficult to deal with, they did not dare to make any more mistakes and threw iron locks and hooks to take him down.

Li Guanhai casually grabbed an iron lock, suddenly used force to grab it in his hand, and started swinging it like a long whip. The wind roared and rolled up the sand on the ground, as if there was a sandstorm.

All the iron chains and hooks that were attacking him were shot down. Their horses were frightened, raised their front hooves high and neighed.

Several sergeants failed to hold on to the reins and fell off their horses.

Li Guanhai jumped up high and threw the dark chain in his hand like a sharp arrow at Magistrate Chen who was riding a giant white tiger not far away.

Magistrate Chen narrowed his eyes but did not move.

A red-robed general rode out, swung his saber down, and sparks shot out with a clang, cutting off the incoming dark iron chains.

Li Guanhai did not fall. He stood in the sky, his robe and black hair flying in the wind, making him look like an immortal.

"He is quite capable. No wonder he dared to kill so many people in Silkworm City." Chen Hai said calmly.

Li Guanhai said loudly: "Don't you want to know who is coming?"

Magistrate Chen said "hmm", nodded and said, "Say."

"You asked me instead." Li Guanhai rolled his eyes.

He was thinking in his mind: Just ask, please hurry up and ask the general to leave his name.

But Magistrate Chen was very disrespectful and had no intention of asking. He just said lightly: "Get him."


The red-robed general rode over on a black horse with no other colors. He was taller than an ordinary horse and had a longer body. He looked extremely fast and beautiful, like a black lightning.

This was indeed the case. The black horse was extremely fast, like a black whirlwind blowing through the field, stirring up a cloud of dust.

The black horse rushed to Li Guanhai and suddenly stopped. The front hooves were raised, and the red-robed general's saber drew a semicircle and chopped down fiercely on his head!

The black light condensed on the saber, and the power of this knife was enough to break mountains and sink rivers!

Shen Yan, who was standing next to Mr. Ruan, couldn't help shouting, "Get out of the way!"

Li Guanhai didn't dodge. He opened his left hand, and the suction burst out, sucking the sword on the waist of a soldier in the distance into his hand, and his luck entered the sword, meeting the red-robed general's knife.

The imagined scene of the terrifying power explosion did not appear. Everyone saw a flash of white light from the long sword in Li Guanhai's hand, which missed the saber and broke the saber into two pieces.

The red-robed general was shocked. He pulled the reins with his left hand and drew the sword at his waist to be on guard. He was relieved that Li Guanhai did not take the opportunity to attack, but at the same time he was a little confused. Why did he let go of such a good opportunity?

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