Villain: Who said I came here to break off the engagement?

Chapter 845: Poking the monster's nest

He didn't do his job early in the morning, but sneaked out to work as a licker for the courtesan. He has no future.

Looking at the surging crowd in Baihua Tower, Li Guanhai was also curious about the courtesan. How beautiful could she be to attract so many people?

He wanted to see her. He had no other thoughts, just pure curiosity.

As he expected, the sneaked-out disciple of Qi Jue Sect squeezed to the front of the crowd, staring at the four-story Baihua Tower with fiery eyes, and walked in impatiently.

Because the courtesan would play the piano and perform in the building today, there were a lot of people coming. Although the Baihua Tower was big, it couldn't accommodate so many people. Those who could enter today were either of status or rich. Ordinary guests couldn't even think about it.

Li Guanhai showed up in a place where no one could see him, and followed him to Baihua Tower.

The women standing at the door, who were dressed up in fancy clothes, were all stunned when they saw him coming.

There is such a romantic man in the world, tall and straight, handsome and flawless, as if any woman would be completely obsessed with him with just one look.

Li Guanhai walked to the door, and the old procuress who was responsible for welcoming and seeing off guests was delighted. Without saying anything, she asked the girl next to her to take him into Baihua Tower and treat him well.

The girl was surprised and happy, blushing and softly saying, "Sir, please follow me."

Li Guanhai smiled and nodded, and followed her into Baihua Tower.

The women in the brothel also have some small rules for calling themselves. Those who sell art but not their bodies usually call themselves little women. Most women who sell their bodies call themselves slaves.

Walking into Baihua Tower, the strong smell of wine and rouge and powder hits the face, and even the air seems to be a little warmer.

The laughter of guests and women came from all directions, lingering in my mind like a spell, the lights dazzled my eyes, and I felt a little top-heavy when the lights swayed.

But this discomfort only lasted for a moment and then disappeared. Li Guanhai followed the woman to an empty seat and sat down, looking at the surrounding environment.

The interior of the Baihua Building is a patio-style structure, with one layer stacked on top of another, and the stairs spiraling up along the wall.

There are many scrolls hanging on the wall, all of which are women who are either cold, enchanting, or charming.

If you stare at the paintings for a long time, the women in the paintings seem to come alive, with eyes that are flowing and fascinating.

Looking up, from this position, you can roughly see part of the second floor and a large wooden stage. At this moment, there are many dancers dancing on the wooden stage, with flying skirts and various postures.

It’s a pity that you can only see part of the second floor. Because of the angle, you can’t see the third floor, but I think the performances on the wooden stage on the third floor should be more exciting.

Li Guanhai didn't think about it in a dirty way. He guessed that the third floor should be performing music and flute. After all, although this is a brothel, it is too immoral to indulge in lust in broad daylight.

Although those literati and talented men are lustful, they also have to save face. It is impossible for them to do that in public. They must go back to their rooms.

The girl who led him in walked out of Baihualou reluctantly. Today, her task was to accompany the madam to welcome guests. Although she wanted to get closer to this handsome young man, she had to leave.

Tsk, why hasn't the courtesan come yet?

Thinking of this in his heart, Li Guanhai turned his eyes and soon found the figure of the disciple of Qijuemen.

At this moment, he was standing at the stairs leading to the second floor, talking to a girl, and then walked up the stairs.

Li Guanhai followed him. The girl standing at the stairs had her eyes lit up, and she called out softly, "Young Master..."

"Heh." Li Guanhai patted her shoulders, said nothing more, and went straight to the second floor.

Compared to the noise on the first floor, the second floor was obviously quieter, and there were fewer guests.

Guests who can go to the second floor are not only rich, but also have status.

The disciple of Qi Jue Sect just now also revealed his status and was put on the second floor.

Li Guanhai has no status in Daluotian, but it is still easy to use the Eye of the Demon Lord to influence the consciousness of a little girl.

Unfortunately, the dance was over when he came up, and the singing girls all dispersed to pour wine for the guests.

Li Guanhai saw that the disciple of Qi Jue Sect did not stay on the second floor, and went to the stairs leading to the third floor again. He talked to a girl for a few words, then took out something from his sleeve and stuffed it into the other party, and successfully went to the third floor.

Li Guanhai got it for free again, used the Eye of the Demon Lord to confuse the woman's consciousness, and followed.

Compared with the first and second floors, the third floor seemed much quieter. There were no beautiful women, nor the sounds of love. There were only a few beautiful women standing by, and from time to time, a few beautiful melodies came, which calmed people's restless hearts.

The Qi Jue Sect disciple looked at the stairs leading to the fourth floor, but did not go over. Instead, he found a seat and sat down casually.

Later, the courtesan of Baihua Tower would perform on the fourth floor, sitting on a high platform with no walls on all sides, so people on the main street could see and hear them.

But if you can sit on the third floor, you can appreciate the courtesan up close.

The Qi Jue Sect disciple who had already sat down noticed Li Guanhai and was also shocked by his appearance. He couldn't help but look at him twice more.

Li Guanhai found a seat and sat down casually, waiting for the courtesan to appear.

But this wait lasted for half an hour, and the courtesan had no intention of showing up.

Li Guanhai gradually lost his patience, glanced at the fourth floor, stood up and went downstairs. When he reached the middle of the corridor, he used the body of nothingness to merge into the void and floated towards the fourth floor.

Unlike the lower three floors, the fourth floor was more like a large room, and there was a room in the north, which was very elegant.

Li Guanhai could already sense several breaths coming out of it. He floated over, passed through the door, and his eyes passed over several pretty maids and fell on the woman in the middle who was sitting in front of the bronze mirror with her back to the door.

Well, just from the back, she is indeed graceful and graceful, with a slender waist that can't be grasped. She must be a great beauty.

The other person's appearance could not be seen from this angle, but Li Guanhai did not go over. A red light emerged from the depths of his pupils, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he turned back to the third floor.

He really poked a monster's nest. He met one in the Xiaoyaohou Mansion in the imperial city, and another in the Baihua Building on the main street of the capital. What is the patrol camp in the capital doing?

But this can't be blamed on the patrol camp. After all, monsters are very good at hiding their auras. On weekdays, they are no different from ordinary people. It would be strange if they could see anything unusual.

Thinking of this, Li Guanhai looked at the disciple of the Qi Jue Sect who was always staring at the fourth floor with a strange expression.

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