Li Guanhai subconsciously looked up and saw a courtesan in a green gauze skirt holding a guqin on the wooden platform extending from the fourth floor of Baihua Tower.

She played the guqin lightly with her bare hands, and the clear and bright sound of the guqin flowed, sometimes soothing like a spring, sometimes low and whispering, touching the heartstrings.

Everyone on the main street stopped to look, half-closed their eyes, and showed an expression of enjoyment on their faces.

Even the vendors stopped their work and looked at the woman playing the guqin on the high platform with fanatical eyes.

Li Guanhai also listened for a while, and then planned to leave, but saw the driver who had just driven for Zhao Zi squeezed out of the crowd and ran to the door of Baihua Tower to check on Zhao Zi's condition.

He shook a few times but didn't wake up, so he had to carry him on his back and squeezed out of the crowd again.

Back in the Xiaoyaohou Mansion in the imperial city, Qin Shu was carrying a bucket to water the flowers and plants in the yard, very seriously and attentively.

Li Guanhai said with a smile: "It's someone else's yard, someone else's flowers, why are you watering them?"

The sudden sound startled the little girl who was watering the flowers seriously. The water scoop and bucket fell to the ground, and the splashed water splashed her dress.

Perhaps because she was too flustered, she tripped and fell to the ground.

Li Guanhai hurried over to help her up, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "You are too timid."

Qin Shu stared at him with tears in her eyes, with a look of grievance on her face, and turned her face away from him.

Li Guanhai put his arms through her armpits to help her up, and it took a lot of comfort to resolve the grievance and dissatisfaction in the little girl's heart.

At this time, a woman's voice sounded outside the courtyard: "Mr. Li, the wine and food are ready."

Qin Shu trotted up and opened the wooden bolt of the courtyard door. Two maids from the marquis' mansion came in dragging wooden trays, and gently placed the dishes on the stone table in the courtyard, and there was also a pot of good wine.

"Please enjoy your meal."

The two bowed and left the courtyard.

During the meal, Qin Shu wrote in the notebook: "Have you finished what you want to do?"

"Well, I think it's done." Li Guanhai nodded: "The target has been selected. Now we just have to wait for the Seven Absolute Sect Competition to start, but..."

The little girl tilted her head and looked at him with doubtful eyes.

Li Guanhai lowered his voice: "I plan to go into the palace tonight to investigate."

Qin Shu was shocked when she heard this. Her black and white watery eyes were full of worry. She picked up the pen and was about to write, but her white wrist was held by the man. He smiled and said: "Don't worry, since I dare to go, I will naturally find a way to get out. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

The little girl put down the pen and frowned.

After nightfall, Li Guanhai went to say hello to Qin Shu, and then left Xiaoyaohou Mansion and went to the palace city.

Before leaving, Qin Shu took out a small notebook with a long essay written on it, all reminding him to pay attention to safety.

Li Guanhai smiled and comforted the other party, assured that he would come back safely, and then left.

The guards of the palace were several times or even dozens of times stricter than those of the imperial city. There were imperial guards and imperial guards patrolling every road and every attic. There were many masters and countless killing arrays. It was a real dragon's den and tiger's lair, and it could be called the most dangerous place in Daluotian.

However, Li Guanhai was not too worried. He had a body of nothingness, which could hide his figure, and he also had a secret technique to shield his own breath, so he should not be discovered.

Entering the palace, Li Guanhai, who was in mid-air, looked down and saw many teams of patrolling imperial guards holding lanterns and patrolling back and forth. Those soldiers were steady and restrained, and they were all masters.

It was worthy of being the palace of the Dawu Dynasty, where masters were everywhere.

He hid his breath and quietly sneaked into the depths of the palace. Not long after he went forward, he suddenly stopped, and the red light flowing in his eyes surged into his pupils, looking towards the Shenwu Palace.

The Shenwu Palace is where the emperor lives and where the emperor governs. The guards there are ten times stricter than here.

Under the eyes of the Demon Lord, the golden light above the Shenwu Palace is rolling red neon, and the auspicious air is spraying purple mist. It is really magnificent.

Li Guanhai couldn't help but sigh that at this moment, the Dawu Dynasty is at its peak in terms of national strength and national fortune.

Unless a major event that overturns the world happens, this dynasty will definitely not be overthrown in thousands of years.

Now think about it, the mysterious forces hiding in the dark and trying to weaken the Dawu Dynasty by seizing the dragon energy are probably thinking too much. The current Dawu Dynasty has truly controlled Daluotian, and it is basically impossible to overthrow it.

Unless there is a coup within the royal family, there is a slight possibility.

Throwing away the messy thoughts, Li Guanhai saw a carriage driving into the palace city and heading straight to the harem. The golden dragon-coiled carriage canopy was particularly eye-catching, and it was pulled by four horses, and the speed was not slow.

Li Guanhai thought about it, and the rune on his palm lit up. He flashed a few times and caught up with the carriage. He flashed again and entered the carriage.

The scene inside made him stunned.

He saw a lovely woman leaning against the carriage. Her pretty face was sickly pale and her lips were bloodless. She looked like an old man who was about to die. She was breathing weakly and seemed to die at any time.

The woman was accompanied by a maid and a little girl. At this moment, the maid was anxious, her big eyes were tearful, and she looked like she was about to cry.

She choked and said, "Your Highness, you must hold on, wuwu."

The little girl next to her stretched out her two small hands to press the back of the woman's hand, and she also choked and sobbed, "Mother, mother..."

The princess leaning against the carriage barely squeezed out a smile, her eyes full of love and reluctance.

She raised her cold and pale hand, stroked her daughter's little head, and smiled without saying a word.

She knew that she might not survive tonight, so she went to the palace overnight, just to see her mother and father for the last time.

Li Guanhai watched coldly, and he opened the body of nothingness again, and his pupils shrank slightly.

The princess's spirit and energy were almost completely drained. How to describe it, it's like a rotten tooth, it seems nothing on the surface, but it has been rotten inside.

His sight suddenly turned to the little girl who threw herself into the woman's arms, and faintly saw a faint black gas from her, which was very, very thin, and could not be found without opening the Demon Lord's Eye.

Even if the Demon Lord's Eye was opened, if you don't observe carefully, you will accidentally overlook it.

Thinking of the scene on the fourth floor of Baihua Tower during the day when he saw the skeleton banshee taking the dragon energy of the prince, Li Guanhai's heart trembled, and he had a new understanding of the force hidden in the dark.

The means of that force are not simple, they can actually do this, and Li Guanhai estimates that there must be other members of the royal family who have been tricked.

Anyone whose dragon energy and spirit are taken away will show signs of being listless. One or two people may not be noticed, but once there are more people, it will definitely arouse vigilance.

In short, the mysterious force that planned all this is very powerful, and it also has the ability to shake the foundation of the royal family of the Dawu Dynasty.

Could it be the Tiandihui?

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