Villain: Who said I came here to break off the engagement?

Chapter 854: Why didn’t anyone call me for dinner?


Walking on the street, Li Guanhai sneezed for no reason. He rubbed his nose and cursed, "Which bastard cursed me behind my back!"

He did not return to the imperial city immediately, but took Qin Shu to stroll around the city.

The girl's dream of regaining her voice was shattered because she did not buy the six-winged spirit bird today. Although she tried her best to hide her inner disappointment, Li Guanhai still saw a trace of loss in her clear eyes.

It was still early, so there was no rush to go back. He simply took her to stroll around the city to relieve her sorrow.

The two strolled for a long time, bought a lot of small things along the street, and ate a lot of special snacks.

At noon, the two had a meal at the tallest restaurant in the city. They were about to return to the imperial city, but they met an acquaintance just after going downstairs.

The prince of Bai Wangfu, Bai Mu.

He was also very surprised to see Li Guanhai in the capital. After greeting him, he smiled and asked, "Mr. Li is here to watch the fight, right?"

"Yes, it happens once every seven years, so don't miss it." Li Guanhai nodded, and then asked, "Mr. Bai is also a disciple of the Seven Absolute Sect. I wonder if he will participate this time?"

Bai Mu smiled and shook his head, "No, I am a disciple of the Medical School, not good at fighting, and I just came back to the capital to watch the fun."

"Oh, right." He suddenly remembered something and asked, "There are so many Jianghu people coming and going in the capital these days, and almost all the restaurants and inns in the city are occupied. Have you found a place to stay? If not, you might as well come to my Bai Wangfu."

Li Guanhai bowed his hands, "Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Bai. We came early and have found a place to live, so we won't bother you."

The two chatted for a few more words and then separated.

Bai Mu looked at the two people's backs that were getting farther and farther away, thinking about something, and turned around and went up to the restaurant after a while.


Upper Realm, Bichen Palace

In the cold and quiet palace, the Immortal Fairy who took off her veil sat on the fairy lotus. Her bare feet were as white as snow, and her wrists and ankles were of moderate thickness and beauty.

Her toes were like tender lotus buds, white as cream.

She had been avoiding the Chen Palace for many days. Since Xiahou Aoxue entered the broken space, there had been no news, and it was useless to wait.

She originally planned to follow Lu Xuanjing to guard the East China Sea front, but because of her own reasons, she was separated from her good sister halfway and returned to the Bichen Palace alone.

She pinched a strange seal with her jade hand and circulated the Zhoutian.

In front of her floated a green and emerald willow branch. It was reasonable that the broken willow branch would wither and die due to lack of water in a few days, but after so many years, the willow branch was still full of vitality, and even became more spiritual under her warm care.

The reason why she turned back to the Bichen Palace halfway was because of this willow branch.

While waiting for news from Xiahou Aoxue and Li Guanhai in the secret realm, she successfully refined the willow branches into her life magic weapon, truly integrating them into one.

At the same time, there was an unexpected gain. She learned from the willow branches a cultivation path she had never heard of before, a path of cutting off emotions and love, which belonged only to her.

She had a hunch that once she embarked on this path, the end of her cultivation would no longer be limited to the upper realm, and her future would be limitless.

If it were another cultivator, he would definitely be so happy that he couldn't sleep for days and nights.

But Fairy Wu Gou was so worried that she couldn't sleep for days and nights. The new cultivation path in the willow branches was undoubtedly a great fortune, enough to change her life.

But the four words "cut off emotions and love" made her hesitate.

If it was before, she would make a choice without hesitation, but now she has concerns in her heart and someone she can't let go of, so she hesitated, not knowing whether she should accept this fortune.

If she accepts it, the fate that was not much between the two parties will be completely severed, and from then on the two will have no involvement and no connection.

Whenever she thought that she might be strangers to him in this life, Fairy Wu Gou felt as if a huge rock was pressing down on her heart, making her feel very anxious.

Her heart was in a mess, like a tangled mess, and she didn't know how to make a choice.


Time flew by, and the Qi Jue Men Competition finally began.

Today, the capital city was in full bloom, and countless people woke up early from their sleep and rushed to the East City Martial Arts Field!

The Qi Jue Men Competition was undoubtedly a grand event for the entire Dawu Dynasty. Today, the entire capital city would revolve around the Qi Jue Men.

It was just dawn, and Qin Shu was sleeping soundly in the quilt, when suddenly a cold hand grabbed her little ear.

The little girl woke up instantly, grabbed the quilt and rolled into the side of the bed, but turned herself into a spring roll.

When she saw the man's face that suddenly appeared beside the bed, she was relieved, and then she felt a little aggrieved and dissatisfied that her good dream was disturbed.

Li Guanhai said, "Don't sleep. Today is the Seven Absolutes Competition. You will follow Madam Xun in a while. She will take you to the martial arts arena."

The girl nodded her head, looked around, and wanted to get a pen and paper.

Li Guanhai said first, "Are you going to ask me where I am going and when I will be back? Don't worry, I will disguise myself as a disciple of the Seven Absolutes to participate in the competition. I will come to find you after it's over. Don't run around. Follow Madam Xun closely."

The girl nodded her head again.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Li Guanhai scratched her upturned nose, and the runes on the palm space flashed and disappeared.

After a period of recuperation, Zhao Zi recovered a lot from his injuries. At least he could get out of bed and walk around. His broken hands and feet were also reconnected, but he was not as flexible as before. He was destined to miss the Seven Absolutes Competition.

Li Guanhai, who was in the state of nothingness, came to Zhao Zi's room and found that this guy was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze. It was estimated that he had not slept all night.

Not being able to participate in the Seven Absolutes Competition will be a regret of his life.

The Seven Absolutes Competition is held every seven years. If you miss this time, you have to wait for another seven years. Seven whole years, so many days and nights.

At this moment, he regretted it very much. He regretted that he should not follow his senior brother into the damn Baihua Tower, regretted that he should not have fallen in love with a brothel girl, and even more regretted that he should not have been impulsive at that time, and ended up with nothing.

Every night he thought about these things, couldn't sleep all night, and regretted it very much.

But it was useless, everything was too late.

At this moment, his eyelids suddenly became extremely heavy, his head was dizzy, and sleepiness swept over like a tide.

Zhao Zi, who hadn't rested for several days, was happy in his heart, thinking that he could finally have a good sleep.

He closed his eyes, and his consciousness gradually blurred.

Li Guanhai appeared, took off his waist badge, threw him directly into the inner universe, and then took out the human skin mask and the Seven Absolutes Confucian disciples' clothing that had been prepared long ago.

After a lot of tossing, he completely disguised himself as Zhao Zi.

After leaving the room, he went straight to the hall.

There were quite a few people sitting in the hall, and everyone was there.

The Confucian Mountain Master was a middle-aged man with a gentle temperament, white hair on his temples, a decent appearance, and a natural affinity that made people feel very comfortable.

He looked around and asked, "Where is Zhao Zi, hasn't he woken up yet?"

A Confucian disciple replied, "Master, Junior Brother Zhao Zi has been in a low mood these days, and he is depressed all day long. I don't think he will go to watch the battle."

"Ah." The Confucian Mountain Master sighed and said nothing more.

At this moment, a familiar voice came from outside the hall.

"Hey, everyone is here, why didn't anyone call me for breakfast."

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