Villain: Who said I came here to break off the engagement?

Chapter 856: Mustard Bitter Melon with Instant Noodles

Li Guanhai is in the Qijue Sect in Jiangzhou, which is the closest to the capital and the secular world.

Perhaps it is because of greed for the world or the fascination of wealth. Although the disciples of Jiangzhou Qijue Sect do not slack off in their practice on weekdays, they always think about when they can go out and relax.

Talent is important, but the saying that diligence can make up for one's shortcomings is also reasonable. Over time, many disciples have been nurtured by the world and have become impetuous, and the speed of their practice has also slowed down.

But this is inevitable. After all, they are all young people. It is normal that they can't resist temptation. Moreover, not everyone is like this. Some people are really intoxicated with practice and enjoy it all day long.

For these disciples, the Qijue Sect naturally cultivates them with all their strength. Li Guanhai's disguised Zhao Zi is one of them.

Don't look at him being easily knocked down by several guards of the mysterious fifth son in Baihua Tower. In fact, he is not weak, but the other guards are too strong. In addition, he underestimated the enemy and was angry, so he lost so badly.

If he rolls up his sleeves and fights again, Zhao Zi will lose, but not so badly.

In the team of dozens of Yuzhou Qijuemen, Li Guanhai saw several familiar figures.

It was the handsome man he met at the back door of the auction that day, and his women with different characteristics.

Unexpectedly, they were also disciples of Qijuemen.

Li Guanhai looked at the handsome man and felt a little envious. He envied that he was surrounded by women, unlike himself, who was so infatuated.

He also noticed a woman following the handsome man. It’s not that there is anything wrong with this woman, but her behavior is a little strange. She put her hands around the waists of the two sisters beside her, and her hands are not honest.


Li Guanhai guessed this in his heart, and then looked away.

He didn’t have any prejudice, but was a little surprised.

After the arrival of Yuzhou Qijuemen, the people of Yunzhou Qijuemen, who were the focus of everyone’s attention, finally arrived.

As soon as they appeared, thunderous applause from all directions, accompanied by cheers like mountains and seas, resounded through the world.

Li Guanhai was puzzled. They were both members of the Qijue Sect, so why were the ones from Yunzhou so popular?

He approached Yu Yinian and asked in a low voice: "Master, why are the Qijue Sect from Yunzhou so popular?"

Yu Yinian explained: "Because the military and medical strategists of the Qijue Sect in Yunzhou have produced two pillars, one led the army to repel the powerful enemy and quell the rebellion."

"The other prepared the antidote and saved countless lives. The people are grateful for their great kindness, so they are so respected."

Li Guanhai suddenly realized that these things had happened. At the same time, he also knew that there were countless involvements and stories behind what Yu Yinian said in a few words, but he didn't elaborate.

There was still some time before the official start of the competition, and there were still many empty seats for the royal family alone, and many people hadn't come yet.

Li Guanhai looked around and didn't see the figures of Xun Huaixin and Qin Shu. They were probably on the way and would arrive soon.

After a while, Xun Huaixin came, followed by his wife Luo E, Qin Shu, and the pretty maid who followed him wherever he went.

Li Guanhai felt at ease, crossed his legs and began to wait.

The Qi Jue Men Competition was a three-way battle, and there would not be a situation where one's own people met one's own people.

The rewards for this Qi Jue Men Competition were awarded according to the ranking, so for accuracy, everyone had three chances to draw lots.

Those who advanced played against those who advanced, and those who lost played against those who lost. If they lost three times in a row, they would be eliminated, and they would be promoted one level for each win.

In simple terms, those who won all the games were ranked first, those who lost once were ranked first, those who lost twice were ranked first, and those who lost the third time were directly eliminated.


The sound of a bell like a huge bell came.

A man in armor and extraordinary bravery stepped onto the martial arts arena. His voice was like thunder, rolling and ringing in everyone's ears, "I am You Jing, the commander of the imperial guards of the Great Wu Dynasty, appointed by His Majesty to be the referee of this Seven Absolute Sect Competition."

His voice was very low, without a trace of emotion. From his voice alone, one could tell that this commander of the imperial guards was a serious man who was unsmiling and cold as ice.

The names of the three Seven Absolute Sects participating in the competition have been reported, so there is no need to draw lots. You Jing will randomly assign opponents.

This random assignment is of course not in accordance with his personal wishes, but the names of all the contestants are engraved on the jade slips, and then the mechanical disk made by the Mohists is used to randomly match the opponents. The competition list will be projected through the magic array at that time, which is absolutely fair and just.

You Jing, who was standing in the martial arts arena, took out a round disk as big as a water tank and placed it on the ground. After some operation, it began to operate, and a magic array barrier appeared in the air in the north of the martial arts arena.

The array barrier began to fluctuate, and the list of all participating disciples emerged, then began to shuffle, and finally lined up neatly.

As the voice of the commander of the imperial guards sounded, the disciples of the Seven Absolute Sect whose names were called left their seats and walked into the arena.

They took a deep breath, their heartbeats began to accelerate uncontrollably, and their legs became a little weak. After all, this was the most important and most watched competition they had ever participated in.

They secretly warned themselves to be calm and perform well, and never make a fool of themselves or embarrass their master.

The battle was about to start, and the once-in-seven-year Seven Absolute Sect Competition officially kicked off.

In Li Guanhai's opinion, watching the excitement must not be without food and drink, otherwise there would be no soul.

So he held a plate full of snacks and ate non-stop, and from time to time he picked up the tea at hand and drank it all.

He also discovered a new way to eat it. Eating the tea provided by the court with the mung bean cake will give it a different taste. It feels like eating ice cream cake, very delicate.

No matter how many snacks there are, he can't eat them like this. Soon the plate was empty. Fortunately, there was a maid specially arranged by the court next to him. Li Guanhai handed the empty plate to her and asked with a smile: "Do you have any more snacks?"

"Yes." The maid took the plate and nodded.

Li Guanhai said: "More pumpkin pie and milk rolls, as well as mung bean cakes, and it's better to change the tea to cold."

"Okay...Okay." The maid held the plate and left with a puzzled look.

A Confucian disciple came to him, secretly raised a thumb, then wiped the mung bean cake residue from the corner of his mouth, and whispered: "The way of eating invented by senior brother is really delicious!"

The other Confucian disciples also raised their thumbs.

Li Guanhai tactically leaned back, smiling disdainfully: "Oh, that's nothing, I'll take you to try mustard bitter melon with instant noodles in the future, so that you can experience what a paradise on earth is."

"Okay, okay."

Several Confucian disciples looked expectant.

At this time, Yu Yinian on the side said with a dark face: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, Zhao Zi, didn't you see your name?"

Li Guanhai was stunned, looked up, and found that it was his turn.

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