Li Guanhai continued to walk forward, and the common people gave way one after another like tigers and wolves, not daring to get close.

First, because he looks difficult to mess with, and his tragically handsome face gives people a sense of distance that is difficult to approach.

Secondly, because he just knocked down a well-trained sergeant without doing anything, the scene of him knocking down a well-trained sergeant shocked the surrounding people. They were afraid that they would be killed if they got too close to him, so they all stayed away.

This was just right, no one would disturb him, and Li Guanhai could devote himself wholeheartedly to his enlightenment.

But he still used a very weak part of his mind to control his physical body and walked into a restaurant that was crowded with people, and squeezed up to the second floor.

Although they were crowded together, no one could touch the hem of his clothes, because there was a weak layer of protective energy surrounding his body, which would block everything approaching and make it difficult to get close.

Many people were dissatisfied with his behavior of forcing his way upstairs, and a few people murmured and cursed him non-stop.

At this moment, Li Guanhai was too lazy to trouble them. He just wanted to find a clean room to sit down and experience a rare epiphany.

As soon as I climbed the stairs, I bumped into a waiter who squeezed out of the crowd and held a tray in his hand.

The waiter in the shop was bounced away by the body-protecting energy, and fell to the ground with an ouch, the tray overturned, and the silver wine flask rolled away with a clanking sound.

The waiter gasped in pain. He rubbed his butt with one hand and grabbed the empty tray with the other. It took him a long time to recover.

He was angry in his heart, staring at Li Guanhai, who was dressed in luxurious clothes and had extraordinary temperament. He dared not say anything in anger, but instead showed a flattering smile, got up all of a sudden, and asked repeatedly: "Oh, sir, are you okay? It's Xiao That's wrong. I'm not smart and I bumped into you. I'm really sorry."

While bowing and apologizing, he picked up the silver pot that had fallen to the ground. From time to time, he looked at Li Guanhai with expressions of flattery and deep and intense jealousy.

Yes, he was jealous of Li Guanhai, jealous of his natural good skin, and jealous of his extraordinary background.

It was precisely because of jealousy that the waiter had inappropriate thoughts in his mind.

He placed the silver pot on the tray, picked it up with one hand, and said with an apologetic smile: "I'm sorry, sir. I'm short-sighted. Are you here to have a drink? I'm sorry. The location is on the first, second, and third floors. It’s all occupied.”

Li Guanhai didn't answer, he just stood at the top of the stairs like a wooden stake.

The waiter didn't know why, and said with a smile: "Sir, this location is no longer designated, and they won't leave for a while, but there is still one room left. Unfortunately, it is back from the street, and you can't see the tourists passing by. God's team..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Guanhai had already nodded in agreement. The room at the back of the street was just what he wanted.

The waiter did not go downstairs after hearing this. He stepped aside and said with a smile: "Sir, please come this way."

Li Guanhai followed him and squeezed up to the third floor. The waiter in the shop had to exert all his strength, and his legs were almost weak from the squeeze.

Li Guanhai was as usual, as if he didn't squeeze in at all, but walked up the stairs step by step.

The waiter took him outside a guest room, opened the door, and said with a smile: "Sir, what do you think of this house? Are you satisfied?"

Li Guanhai nodded and walked in without saying a word.

"Hey, sir, wait a minute."

The waiter stretched out his hand to stop him, but before his palm even touched him, he was bounced away by an invisible force. This made him slightly frightened and his heart skipped a beat.

Although he was shocked and confused, he still forced out a professional smile and said, "Sir, these are extraordinary times and guest rooms are in short supply. If you want to stay in this room, I'm afraid you will have to spend more money."

He had an embarrassed smile on his face and said while scratching his head. He looked honest and honest, but in fact he was harboring evil thoughts in his heart.

Li Guanhai still nodded, sat on the edge of the bed, and nodded to close the door.

The waiter's heart suddenly burst into anger. He felt that he had been ignored, looked down upon, and humiliated.

This kid who appeared out of nowhere was so arrogant. He didn't say a word from beginning to end and didn't even look at me. It was so unreasonable!

He felt unhappy, and the smile on his face naturally faded, and it looked like he was sneering, "I'm sorry, guest, the shopkeeper has given instructions that those who want to live in this room, the rules must be changed. I have to pay the rent first.”

He quoted a price three times higher than usual, which was a big deal for the lion.

However, what made him dumbfounded was that Li Guanhai put the money on the table without even thinking about it or even blinking.

At this moment, Li Guanhai was very impatient. He just wanted to find a place to practice quietly. The waiter in this shop was like a dog-skin plaster that he couldn't get rid of, which was very annoying.

The waiter gritted his teeth and forced a smile: "Sir, you have to pay the room fee for three days at a time."

Without saying a word, Li Guanhai took out some more money and put it on the table. At this time, his patience was almost exhausted.

When the waiter saw that he was so generous, he didn't blink his eyes. He was envious and jealous, but at the same time he doubted whether the other party was stupid. Why did he just say what he said?

So he rolled his eyes, took advantage of the situation, and asked for a deposit, which was doubled tenfold.

The result was still the same as the previous two times. Li Guanhai took out the money and put it on the table without saying a word.

The waiter swallowed, his mouth went dry looking at the money piled on the table.

He could no longer resist the temptation of money. He walked into the room and reached for the money on the table.

However, the next moment, a thin white light flashed, a stream of blood shot out, and the waiter's outstretched hands were cut off.

He reacted a little too slowly, and only reacted when his arms fell on the table. In an instant, his eyes widened, his face showed an extremely terrified look, and his mouth opened to the extreme, about to let out a heart-wrenching scream.


Another stream of blood shot out, and a red thread appeared on the waiter's neck, which quickly spread from the initial millimeter length, and blood gushed out like a spring.

The scream he was about to make was stuck in his throat, and the whole person fell on the thick carpeted floor, twitching all over, his eyes widened, he wanted to say something but couldn't, his heart was completely filled with fear and regret.

On the bed a few feet away, Li Guanhai ignored the miserable state of the waiter, sat cross-legged by himself, no longer doing two things at the same time, and devoted himself to enlightenment.

He was not good at fighting, so he had to stop the fight, and he always convinced people with reason and virtue. He wanted to talk to the waiter nicely, but the unlucky guy just ran into the gun himself, so he couldn't blame him.

The reason why he didn't let him die quickly was actually because of Li Guanhai's compassion. It was not easy to come to the human world, and he had to experience birth, old age, sickness and death, so he wanted the waiter to experience this feeling, so that his trip to the human world was not in vain.

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