"What a courage!"

The loud shout shocked everyone.

Before anyone else spoke, Li Guanhai was the first to raise his thumb and shouted, with admiration on his face: "Your Highness is young, but he knows the great cause. This time, with the help of the famous Bai Wangfu to develop a large teleportation array, I believe it will be successful in the end. The goddess of victory will definitely favor us fools who are wholeheartedly devoted to research!"

As he said, he looked around the hall, his firm eyes swept across the faces of every cultivator who was proficient in the array, and his fingers pointed at everyone one by one.

"And you will become a great figure who will be remembered for generations, because it is you who have created a precedent that has never been seen in Daluotian. It is you who have achieved a major breakthrough from nothing to something, from zero to one. It is you who have subverted traditional concepts and given new faith and hope to all mankind."

Li Guanhai stood up, "This supreme honor does not belong to me, but to you, to you who are worthy of admiration!"

Everyone was stunned and shocked.

The monks who were about to participate in the construction of the large-scale teleportation array were so excited that their blood was boiling. They felt that the blood in their bodies was about to be ignited by Li Guanhai's words. The benefits and great honor that would be obtained after the successful construction of the large-scale teleportation array emerged in their minds uncontrollably.

The more they thought about it, the more excited they became. The more excited they thought about it, the more excited they became. The hands holding the structural diagram began to tremble.

Xiahou Aoxue's red lips moved, and the corners of her lips raised a very subtle arc, slightly rising.

Qiumei and Fan Tong looked at each other with strange expressions.

Ouyang Shuqin looked sideways frequently.

The disciples of the Qijue Sect who were watching the excitement outside the meeting hall were also full of doubts, as if they had encountered something beyond their cognition.

Li Guanhai saw that the atmosphere was almost set and the encouragement was almost enough, so he sat back in his original position and smiled calmly: "It seems that everyone is determined to win, so there is no time to lose, let's start now."


The monks agreed in unison.

Next, everyone was busy with their work. Some people were responsible for collecting the materials needed to build a large teleportation array, and some people were responsible for selecting the location to build the teleportation array.

The remaining part of the people was responsible for studying the structural diagram thoroughly, that is, to understand the theoretical aspects first, so as not to be in a hurry when collecting all the materials and starting the construction, and to make mistakes.

Li Guanhai was the supervisor, but he was not competent as a supervisor, and he did not pay a penny. It was all the work of the Baiwang Mansion. It was basically a free-for-all.

But then again, he took out the structural diagram. If there were no such drawings, based on the level of the array in this world, it is estimated that no one would be able to build a large teleportation array even after thousands or even thousands of years of development.

So although he seemed to have not contributed money or effort, he was actually the one who contributed the most. If it were someone else, it would be strange if they were willing to share the drawings.

Everyone was very excited, and everyone was full of energy and spirit.

With the help of the wealthy and well-connected Bai Wangfu, the materials needed to build a large teleportation array were prepared in a few days and the construction was ready.

The location for building a large teleportation array has also been selected, and everyone is eager to try.

The masters of the Qi Jue Sect also actively mobilized all disciples to participate in the construction of a large teleportation array. Of course, they are only responsible for doing some trivial chores and cannot participate in the core project.

But the disciples of the Qi Jue Sect did not complain, but were excited and full of energy.

Because it is a great honor to be able to participate in such a major project that will definitely go down in history, they are afraid that they will not be asked to help, so how can they complain?

On the day of the start of construction, Li Guanhai and Xiahou Aoxue appeared at the construction site leisurely, and that posture was very much like a real estate boss who came to the construction site to check the progress.

More than ten days passed in a flash, and the estimated construction period was half a month longer than the original one. This didn't matter. Fifteen days more or less made no difference to Li Guanhai.

On the seventeenth day, Li Guanhai, who was comprehending the mental method of "Leiyin Fumo Canon" in his room, suddenly opened his eyes. Although he looked forward, the picture that appeared in his sight was not a dim room, but a valley filled with morning mist.

This was the sight of the evil mind clone. He and the evil mind clone were in touch with each other. What the other saw, he would also see.

The evil mind clone was left in the valley to monitor the mysterious old man of the royal family. There was no movement for a long time, until today.

The valley that had not been foggy for dozens of days was filled with thick fog today, and it was green fog. There must be something strange!

Li Guanhai's mind moved, and his body moved to the evil mind clone thousands of miles away.

This is the greatest function of the evil mind clone. No matter where the evil mind clone goes, as long as it keeps in touch with the original body, as long as the mind moves, it can appear in its place instantly, which is unsolvable.

Li Guanhai looked at the valley below filled with thick green fog and frowned slightly: "Why is it green?"

In fact, the color green is quite beautiful, but it is a pity that it has been instilled with a bad synonym, so now this color is very unpopular and unlucky.

But the green fog covering the valley below is a different kind of green. This green is not that green. This green is poisonous at first glance. It is estimated that it is the same as the Yin Qi of Mingshan Juemai. If you touch it, you will die.

But the flowers, plants and trees that came into contact with the green fog showed no signs of withering.

Is this green fog not poisonous?

"Forget it, let's go in and take a look first."

Li Guanhai was too lazy to think, he directly held up the body protection Qi, dived down, and plunged into the green fog.

Sometimes he was just a reckless man. Although he was very reckless, it felt really good not to have to think.

Moreover, he thought that with his cultivation, he could escape unscathed even if he encountered any danger, so it was no big deal to be a reckless man.

The reason why he didn't let the evil thoughts clone rashly enter the valley to investigate was because he was afraid of alerting the enemy.

Another reason was that Li Guanhai was busy with other things at the time and was not in a hurry to deal with the old man of the royal family, so he had been delaying until now.

After entering the valley, he found that the fog around him was not green but red.

Li Guanhai frowned. Could it be that he was red and green color blind?

After opening the eyes of the devil, it was indeed red, and he was not mistaken.


Li Guanhai muttered and continued to break through the fog.

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