Villain: Who said I came here to break off the engagement?

Chapter 954: Dispersed Spiritual Essence

Strange thing, this cave is obviously the source of those strange red and green fogs, why can't I see any fog at the bottom of this pit?

Li Guanhai looked far away, looking a hundred miles away, there was nothing else worth paying attention to except stones and stones, except for a few unknown weeds growing in the cracks between the stones.

At this moment, he felt like he was drawing his sword and looking around, feeling lost. This underground world is too big, there are no road signs, and there is no end in sight in all four directions. Where should he go?

Li Guanhai weighed the pros and cons and immediately recalled the evil mind clone, driving him to the north, while he went south.

This is a stupid way, but it has to be this way now.

One person and one clone did not delay and set off immediately.

This place is very much like the Gobi Desert, the ground is not flat, and there are potholes. If you walk, you don't know how much suffering you will suffer.

Fortunately, Li Guanhai flew, flying close to the ground, and the speed is very fast.

Soon, he used the Thunder God Trace to fly thousands of miles away. The reason why he didn't use it with the space rune was that if he used the space rune, he would inevitably miss many scenes along the way. What if he missed some important places?

Half a cup of tea later, a strange-looking ancient tree appeared in Li Guanhai's sight. From a distance, he could see it rising from the ground, and the branches extending out were waving their claws. For some reason, it looked a little creepy.

Looking closely from a closer distance, he found that the tree was bare and dry, and it had obviously been dead for some time.

But the water in the tree didn't seem to have completely disappeared.

In order to verify this guess, Li Guanhai reached out to pull the bark. The bark became very fragile due to severe lack of water. There was no need to break it. It would fall off at the touch.

Breaking off a large piece, the trunk inside was indeed hydrated and it felt a little moist.

Could it be that this tree had just died not long ago?

That was strange. There was still moisture inside the tree, but the outer bark was so fragile that it would fall off at the touch. This was inconsistent.

Li Guanhai became more and more anxious, and he directly hit the tree with his palm.

His palm power was so strong and powerful that it could overturn mountains and seas, and even an iron city could not stop it, let alone such a dying tree as thick as a bowl?


The dead tree broke with a sound, but a ball of white light flew out from the broken trunk, stayed in the air for a moment, turned around, and quickly went away.

Almost at the same time, Li Guanhai felt a throbbing from the inner universe. It was the God Tree of Creation conveying information to him!

He suddenly remembered that the God Tree of Creation had told him that the God Tree was not complete, but incomplete, and there were still many spiritual essences scattered from it in the world.

Could it be...

Li Guanhai immediately had a plan in his mind, and without hesitation, he turned into a lightning and chased the white light that was escaping into the distance.

Many things in this world are really magical. He came here but did not find the hiding old man of the royal family, but found the spiritual essence scattered by the God Tree of Creation by accident.

It was not in vain, and the harvest was not small.

However, the speed of the white light was much faster than he imagined, and it was not much slower than the speed of his cousin Jiang Xiyue's double swords, or even faster.

Moreover, it was flickering. If Li Guanhai did not have the Eye of the Demon Lord, he would probably not be able to see it if he was not careful.

"Here we go again!"

The thing Li Guanhai hated most was chasing people, and the game he hated most was eagle catching chickens.

While chasing closely, he took out the Immortal Cauldron of Creation, pointed the mouth of the cauldron at the fleeing white light in front, and burst out with a strong suction force.

The speed of the white light ball was indeed affected by it, but the effect was limited, and it still couldn't catch up for a while.

Li Guanhai couldn't help thinking, if it was Yin and Yang Qi Bottle by my side at this time, it would be great, with two-pronged approach, and there was no fear of not being able to keep this damn white light.

Just when the stalemate was at a standoff, a ball of white light suddenly lit up on his chest, and flew out of his chest and caught up with the white light in front.

The white light that was fleeing in front seemed to be summoned, and it stopped, turned around and flew back slowly, merging with the white light that flew out of Li Guanhai's chest and flew back into his body.

Li Guanhai was surprised and happy, and immediately opened the space portal to enter the inner universe.

As soon as he arrived here, he saw Xiaolu and the other seven brothers and sisters far away from the Creation Tree, and the Creation Tree was undergoing tremendous changes.

All the green leaves on the tree were shaking, as if they were in a strong wind.

This was nothing, what was more surprising was that the Creation Tree was rising and growing stronger, and even caused a strange phenomenon in the world.

This is the inner universe dominated by Li Guanhai's consciousness, and the changes in the four seasons and climate are all controlled by him. External objects cannot cause a strange phenomenon in the world here.

At first, Li Guanhai thought so, until the moment he inserted the magic soldier brought out from the Mingshan Juemai into the highest mountain in the inner universe, he changed his mind.

Although this is a world dominated by him, external objects beyond common sense can still cause strange phenomena in the world.

Today, he saw the second external object that could make his inner universe appear like heaven and earth, the God of Creation Tree.

The originally clear blue sky was suddenly filled with a spectacular scene of thousands of red rays of light, which was incredibly beautiful.

As the God of Creation Tree grew, the vast life force poured out like a flood, nourishing all things.

Countless birds and beasts rushed here, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

These birds and beasts were not made up by Li Guanhai's consciousness, but were real. They were all bought or caught by him from the outside world and brought to the inner universe.

Chickens lay eggs and eggs lay chickens. Over the years, the number of birds and beasts in the inner universe has become countless.

Now they are all attracted by the life force emitted by the Creation Tree. There are tens of thousands of them, a large black mass.

What is even more rare is that they each form a square formation, a group of rabbits in the east, a group of squirrels in the west, a group of antelopes in the south, and a group of bees in the north.

There are all kinds of birds and beasts.

To use a popular phrase nowadays, it is a food chain.

The birds and beasts are all enjoying the nourishment and gift of the life force of the Creation Tree. They close their eyes one by one, and their faces show human-like expressions of enjoyment.

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